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Either/or? Black Or White?

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by satchitananda, Jan 6, 2019.

  1. satchitananda

    satchitananda Finest Post Winner

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    9734e14f-9760-43eb-bd5b-d2c76456c7d5.jpg So I saw this message today. I loved it and shared it. "So true.. But acknowledge it only when we read such stuff " said one person in the group. Food for thought indeed.

    How often when I have nothing to do, I just look around myself and marvel at the luxury of the freedom I have. Or when it pours outside, how grateful I feel for that roof over my head, the warm clothes I have to wear, the comfortable bed to lie on ..... so the message really resonated with me.

    But I am not a saint. I have my peeves in life. Some of them are transient - aches and pains - each day is a different day. There are some other peeves which are more than peeves - they are the cause of a lot of heartache. Occasionally I share them with friends because I feel the need to let off steam.

    So is it mutually exclusive? Can one be grateful on one hand but complain when some pain (not necessarily physical) grips one? Is someone's pain any less real because xyz percent of people are worse off? Or should somebody else's suffering be the basis of one's own gratitude? Sure, it helps to be reminded of that reality, but it neither takes the edge off that person's pain nor does it make them less grateful for what they have.

    Each one's life is a different mix of ingredients and while they might be grateful for what they have, it would be unrealistic to believe that people should never complain.

  2. Srama

    Srama IL Hall of Fame

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    tch, tch :nono:, never, never! I honestly think while such messages are well intended , they could be from the perception of haves! One has to be grateful, no doubt about it - only because they have whatever they have! True gratefulness is something that needs to be felt and experienced for us to reap the rewards of such existence. Trying to seek that and identify that when others feel will help us more. Till that becomes second nature, it is all about pet peeves

    that and making a difference where we can, not because we have it but because of that innate need. Human spirit in what ever shape, form or size is indomitable and we should always remember that!

    Food for thought early in the morning Satchi. Now off to feed that tummy, with avalakki ;-)
  3. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Satchi,

    The inherent nature of human being's mind is to have desires. When those desires are not fulfilled, the mind complains about it. In fact, when the life is so fulfilling is when the mind complains the most seeking more. If the life is in a situation when nothing is visible not even where the next meal is going to come from, the sense of gratitude is higher when a meal is provided. The contentment can be achieved only through simplicity and the feeling of trusteeship instead of ownership in Grahastha life.
    Giri12, HariLakhera, sindmani and 2 others like this.
  4. jayasala42

    jayasala42 IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear satchitananda madam,
    You have taken an interesting topic for discussion.If we see the reverse of the situation ,even if one fails, he feels happy that the neighbour also has failed.The contentment or happiness or sorrow mostly depend on the success or otherwise of third paries.Haven't you heard that'Even if I lose one eye, the person should lose the vision in both the eyes? "
    Even election results depend not on one's own positive traits ,but on excess of negative traits of the opposition.'Choose the better evil' has been the order of the day.
    The quotes you have given in your snippet refers to the contentment of a person who has lost his shoes compared to the person who has lost the legs.Very often it is said" thalaikku vanthathu thlaip paagaiyodu ponathu"( Luckily we have lost the cap and not the head'.
    Though we have to be satisfied seeing the lesser fortunate ones. contentment can never be treated as a bliss.That may be possible only if one is physically or mentally challenged and his/her achievements should never be compared to persons of normal calibre.
    Longing for more or striving for better is a human trait and we have advanced so far in civilization and Science because of the inner push and that would never have been possible if every one is contended with what one has achieved comparing oneself with low achievers.
    We cannot set a single standard as each one's capabilities and urges are different.
    As long as there are goals to achieve,contentment will never be there and it will be deemed as a pretext to non achievers and one will never be lauded or crowned for non performance.This holds good in every aspect of life-education,health, jobs, status or possession of wealth.

    jayasala 42
    Mistt and satchitananda like this.
  5. shyamala1234

    shyamala1234 Platinum IL'ite

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    Dear Satchi,
    Yes. We should count our blessings. But it does not mean that we are contented in every aspect. Some things are ok but not some. We do complain or talk or discuss about them. Not expressing is suppressing. May not be the same things..... different aspects.
  6. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera Finest Post Winner

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    We always crave for what we don't have and forget to count our blessings, whatsoever small. This is natural. In fact, the opposite of what we have is just a reminder to be thankful. When Vidhur asked Krishna why he does not stop people committing wrongs, His reply was - I am always with him and he knows it that I am watching but forgets all of this when he commits any wrong. In the same way, we forget Him when we have what we want and remember him only for what we don't have.
    satchitananda likes this.
  7. satchitananda

    satchitananda Finest Post Winner

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    Hey Sabitha,

    true, it is from the perception of haves. But nobody has everything. Just because one is grateful for the many things one has, does not automatically mean that one does not feel a twinge of dissatisfaction elsewhere. And on the other hand because I complain about something, does not imply that I don't feel grateful for all I have.

    Avalakki! Sabitha, why do you have to do this to me!!! :grinning:
  8. satchitananda

    satchitananda Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Viswa,

    I am not sure I have succeeded in conveying what I wished to. True, we need to learn how to be contented, we need to live simply ..... one could be happy with the material aspects of life, but unfulfilled when it comes to the emotional side or vice versa. A person who is grateful for whatever he/she has could still complain about the lack of what he/she does not have - parental love, ungrateful children, unsatisfactory emotional connect with those around him/her ..... that is what I meant. One can't expect that they should never complain. Everybody needs to vent somewhere which is probably healthier than bottling it all inside.
    Viswamitra likes this.
  9. satchitananda

    satchitananda Finest Post Winner

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    Dear JS Ma'am,

    I totally agree with you. I find the above quote deals more with the material and physical aspects of life, but completely ignores the emotional needs of people. Why do we have so many posts in the relationship forum? Sure many have everything that one deems as necessary for 'contented living'. A husband who goes to work, does not drink, does not smoke, does not go to other women ..... but he has no time for the wife or children, he only cares for the parents, never goes out with wife ..... a myriad of issues. It is no use pointing out to them that they have everything they could ask for. That lack of emotional connect cannot be made for by all the good health and material contentment that one could have.
  10. satchitananda

    satchitananda Finest Post Winner

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    I totally agree with you Syamala. You summed it up very beautifully. Suppressing never brought anyone good results.

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