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Earth doesnot belong to us..

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Ria2006, Sep 4, 2008.

  1. Ria2006

    Ria2006 Silver IL'ite

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    My latest vacation in a national park(Yellowstone national park, Wyoming) made me think about this. I visited one of the famous national parks in US. And it was blissful week I spent with my family. But somewhere deep inside what struck most is how we are just tiny part of overall ecology rather than being the goal of this ecology.

    This national park sits over active volcano which has capacity to change geography of large region. It’s been in existence more than two billion years ago. Some rocks I saw have been as old as earth itself. So just that aspect made me humble towards those rocks. I wished so much that I could understand the language of rocks. So I could unearth so much about what has been before we all came here.

    Another major thing I saw there was, Earth can be forgiving and life giving. As well as it can be aggressive and unforgiving. Earth being melted to the limit of bubbling mud was something which makes you feel, how less we know of the world we live in. Then the beautiful natural wonder of natural Geysers. How can such a splendid show be not for us? It was hidden for thousands of years from mankind. I felt so jealous of creator's destiny. There has to be bigger showman than all of us, for whom this natural wondrous scenic beauty is meant for. And how powerful and omnipresent that showman would be to see the whole world on one stage and we all playing minor role in this play of billion years of length. We just get some screen time of 0.0000001 th part of play's length. Such a miniscule role in overall act. I think those rocks are far bigger substantial in that act than us. Still we spend our life acting as if we are the most important person on this earth. Such a naivety!!

    Roaring steam coming out of earth's chest was an eye opening phenomena. I am so much changed person after this visit. I feel so indebted to nature to at least entitle that small part in the act. It’s better than not having any part at all. It’s so good to run away from material world of money, career and ever changing complex life and just indulge in natural beauty. I felt this was real purpose of our life than be bogged down how to get to next milestone financially, professionally or socially. We humans are so bad at designing things that there are always stronger side effects than main fruit. We designed concept of money, and now look at how it drives so many of us to kill others, burn others or loot others. We also designed concept of relations, and look at how one's parents can take life of other's kids and what not. Somewhere we have gone wrong in learning things from nature. For flawless design, nature is best place to learn. Look at it; it even designs its forests for catastrophes like fire, drought and what not. I came to know about how forest replants itself after the fire has destroyed the whole forest.
    In large pole pinecone trees, there is male, female and neutral variety. Third variety comes in picture only when the fire has destroyed whole forest. It has a pinecone which is safely hidden in cover of wax. Even fire can’t destroy it. When fire is finished. This pinecone bursts due to melted wax and spread more than million seeds to replant whole forest. Amazing flawless design!!

  2. sundarusha

    sundarusha Gold IL'ite

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    Dear Ria

    Amazing information about pinecone, the male, female and the one with wax cover reserved for emergency propagation.
    I could completely identify with your feeling about Yellowstone, the terrain , the systematic bubbling of the natural geysers, the colorful formations on the terraces-
    The eruptions reminded me of Ma Durga whereas the neighoring serene Tetons were the embodiment of Shantha swaroopi.
    There is some magic to that place. We did a whirlwind trip for three days which was a little too much on the legs. If I get a chance, would like to take an eyeful of the scenery for a few days more.I have wriiten about this trip and posted some photos in my thread under
    Trip to Grand tetons and Yellowstone

    Nice blog about the wonders of Nature!
  3. Anandchitra

    Anandchitra IL Hall of Fame

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    Ria that was a very good writeup about a beautiful place.. It is one of my very favorite parks too.. I remember all these details from a tour bus we took and the conductor gave so many info to fill my whole scrap book.. we were fortunate to see many animals and almost all of the geysers.. the mud pots are truly fascinating .. and my so favorite the Old Faithful..
    sorry i rambled and took off.. keep writing dear you rock:)
  4. Anandchitra

    Anandchitra IL Hall of Fame

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    Equally fascinating and very nice to read is the comment by Usha.. the Tetons do have a serene atmosphere. and Jenny lake too!
  5. Malathijagan

    Malathijagan Silver IL'ite

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    Dear Ria,
    I was touched by your love and concern for nature. I liked the following line of yours very much-
    If each individual takes care of himself/herself and his her beloved ones atleast for the basic necessities of life how better a world it would be! Then there would be no need for destitute homes, orphanages and old age homes. The time spent by people for taking care of others needs could be better utilised for taking care of nature. But alas! Would that ever be possible?
    Like you I too am a nature lover. If left to myself I would hurl all the worldly things to the winds and settle down somewhere far away from this maddening crowd!
    Thanks for a nice write up. I enjoyed it thoroughly.
  6. Shanvy

    Shanvy IL Hall of Fame

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    Ria dear,

    I join the gang of nature lovers. nature really knows how to keep balance on things isn't it. even having a alternative, plan for things..great to know.
  7. Ria2006

    Ria2006 Silver IL'ite

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    Usha, AC

    Great to know that you folks have been blessed to see th place in person too. I felt this was god's way of letting us know how earth came into being.


    Nice thought, settle down in rustic , quiet place. Let me share my little secret with my hubby. When we went to our honeymoon in kerala. We were so touched by simplicity and beauty of terrain. We even picked the house we would like to retire in and do farming :)


    Yes its indeed amazing to know that even catastrophe are not seen negatively in nature. Unlike us, nature plans for them and sees them as second step towards cycle of life.

  8. mithila kannan

    mithila kannan Gold IL'ite

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    Dear Ria2006,
    Reading your post was like seeing a beautiful movie.It was mesmerising.
    mithila kannan
  9. Saraswathipv

    Saraswathipv IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Ria...it was interesting to know about the pinecorn...really amazing..One cannot just stop be surprised by the wonders of the nature..thanx for sharing that piece of information...
  10. Sriniketan

    Sriniketan IL Hall of Fame

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    As a nature's admirer, I used to wonder how the Creator had designed it to survive..our body is also His creation., when looking deeply how it works, adjusts, fights and cleans itself..is amazing., so is nature..
    I also had the same feeling when I saw the sky-high trees and the mountains., we are just like an ant to them, isn't it!

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