hi i am now in seattle .i became a grandmother of a baby girl on 28th december.we are from kerala.we used to pierce the ear for girls for wearing the ear drops on the 28th day. can anyone in seattle tell me whether we can do it in parlours or is there anyone whom i can contact to do this for me .(whether in jewellerys in shopping malls ).please help me
ask you childs doctor. They are the ones who did for my child and it was safe too. They had the 14k earrings too and they ask us to select one and they will pierce onto the ears. I think we gave $50 or so for this. Hope this helps
hi msquare very very thanks for giving me the information of ear piercing. i was in a dilema what to do . my son was saying that in walmart and other shopping centres they used to do . but i was really very much tensed as i dont know how much it was safe.so i will now call the childrens dr and fix it with her . byeee