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Down the memory lane- tale of a young woman

Discussion in 'Stories (Fiction)' started by malspie, Sep 4, 2007.

  1. malspie

    malspie Platinum IL'ite

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    The dark clouds with roaring thunder, swaying branches of trees, sweet song of cuckoo, pitter patter drops of rain, thin wet tail of the dogs, frightened look on that cat, hurrying of people for shelter, colorful umbrellas, “Oute” appeal of boys playing gully cricket, worried look of the woman on that balcony and romantic number playing on FM Channel did not attract Mausmi through her blurred vision today though its her favorite season. A trip down to Lonavla with her friends, masala corn, green chana with a dash of lime juice, singing and dancing in the rain was her plan.

    Eyes swelled with tears, weak pain in her chest, pulled muscles on her leg, she quivered “I cannot succumb, please be with me, just push me little, please god,” her sobs had become louder.

    “Who is Mausmi?” a hoarse voice turned her attention. She quickly wiped her wet eyes, controlled her sobs and with achy legs murmured, “Me”. “Get them right away, its urgent, rush,” the hoarse voice ordered. Mausmi quickly counted the leaves in her purse, rushed down to the chemist and fished out the prescription. “Madam, Madam”

    “Yes,” she gathered herself. “Your medicines and the bill Rs. 13247/-.” She checked on the expiry dates (it was her habit) and the list of the medicines. “Sorry Madam, this particular IV is not with us. You will not get it anywhere here. You may need to call for it from the other suburbs.” “Can you call for me?” her voice was barely audible. “We can send our man, but you need to pay for to and fro cab fare, as it is a life saving IV.” “I will.” “You can precede Madam, we will reach the medicine to you. I have noted the ward and the patient’s name.”She pressed a hard smile, he was not cruel neither was God at least he saved her from running around searching for that life saving IV. The pull in her muscles was worrying her; she had no time to pamper it. She rushed upstairs and handed over the drugs to the nurse, explaining to her IV would be here in an hour.

    She wanted to go to the patient but changed her mind and quickly went to the wash room, splashed some cold water on her face, clipped her hair. She did not like her image in the mirror, no self pity she told herself and hurried out. She cannot avoid this; she has to do it, “be brave” she constantly encouraged herself. She did not find the patient.

    “Nurse, what happened to Bed No, 306?” she panicked. She had memorized the Bed Number, they recognize patients by their bed number, someone had hinted. “Arrrr, that patient, Bed No. 306,” she paused for a while and continued, “In ICU, transferred 40 minutes ago.”

    Mausmi recollected that it has been a long time that she sat next to that bed, she was crying, then had been down to collect the medicines, then to freshen up, Oh! Yes. She peeped in to the ICU, the patient was lying unconscious and she quickly noted the Bed No.2. Thank God, there is no cry of pain, she said to herself and sat outside the bench.

    “Is there any relative of Bed Number 2?” Mausmi ran towards the ICU door. The doctor was looking out for her to fish out another list of medicines to be given tomorrow morning. She wobbled to the chemist; her calves were not supporting her walk today. Hope he has got all of them, she whispered to herself. God is not unkind. He had all the drugs and the bill was Rs.16340/-. She footed the bill and suddenly realized that she has not checked her mobile for long. There were 8 missed calls. She called back to say there is nothing to worry. The life saving IV had reached the ward. She was happy. Hope everything would be alright. She was a strong believer in God. She was not hungry.

    Veena was not around this time. She visited the hospital once and later disappeared. Viraat had told her that he is paranoid of the word ‘hospital’. He had not been around even during his wife’s delivery. Raja Uncle was never with them, right from childhood, what help can she expect from him. Meena aunty, forget it. Ajay, Amay, Saroj, Sheetal her cousins were always around only for fun. Shyam stayed in the building next to the hospital. Her lips curved with a smile. He was her family friend. Reena, Lalitha, Vijaya her neighbours, she looked at her watch, it was 7 p.m. May be one of them would visit her. A familiar voice from the background raised her spirits. All her neighbours were around. She was very touched.

    Reena was the strongest of them all, she beckoned Mausmi towards her and whispered, “I am there for you, you need not worry, Veena is not here right, forget her, all are like that only, when you are happy, you have the world, when you are in distress, you have yourself, this is how the world is, you are young, now you will learn. Did you get anybody to stay back in the hospital? How are you going to manage? Since morning, you are around here.” Mausmi eyes were filled with tears. She had no words. Reena was her next door neighbour with whom she has had a few cuppas that’s all. Veena was her soul, with whom she had spent beautiful moments of her life. There was a lump in her throat.

    A nurse came running to Mausmi to tell her that there is one lady who can take care of sick patients. She has been doing it for the past ten years. Reena pressed her hands and they quickly ran to her. Sherry Aunty was a middle aged, fat round, bespectacled woman, who looked confident and healthy too. She introduced herself to them and was hired for Rs. 500 per night. Sherry Aunty was very happy. She was ready to take care of the patient day and night. Sherry Aunty looked in to the eyes of Mausmi and told her, “You prayed to God and he sent me here. I have nobody and this hospital is my house. I keep coming here in search of work. This gives me a roof and takes care of my food too.” A shiver ran down Mausmi’s spines. Miracles do happen; hearts earnest desire is always fulfilled. Again God proved he is there with her during the trial and tribulation he accidentally destined for her.

    She wanted to run to her neighbours and ask them to wait for little longer. Their foot steps were getting barely audible. Reena was special. She went to the nurse and asked her if they require Mausmi around at nights as she has already appointed a care taker. Nurse assured it was not required as nobody is required next to the patient and for buying medicines the care taker is around.

    Mausmi was reluctant to move away. “You are the pillar and at such times you need to take extra care of you, did you get that. The patient has got the doctor and nurse, whilst you. Come to my place, eat and stay back. Do not ponder too much. Mata Rani, is there to take care of all of us.” Reena held her hand and took her home. It wasn’t so easy for Mausmi to leave the patient and walk away. She had to be practical; she had to go coz she had to come again.

    She ate a morsel or two, her throat was dry, her tongue could not recognize any taste, her eyes were burning and her head was splitting. She just tossed on the bed for long time. She recollected, Shyam came and went, yes, he had asked her to be brave and strong.

    It was raining torrentially, Mausmi had no time to spare and admire the rains. She rushed to the hospital in the wee hours of the morning. The patient had gained momentum and that brought smile on her face. She had a word with the doctor who had told her that the patient would require at least 15 days stay. Sherry Aunty was a God sent boon. Mausmi learnt a lot from her. She had never visited a hospital until that gloomy day. Today, she is learning to take care of patients, which tray to hold for vomiting, how to brush their teeth, give sponge bath, comb their hair, powder them, help them in their potty, cut their nails, an experience by itself. Today she was not puking at the smell of **** or urine. She was happily sitting amidst the strong aroma. The pain that the patients go through has changed her totally.

    “Aai, Aai,” was the continuous roar from the next bed in ICU. Mausmi asked the doctor, “Why aren’t they giving him some pain killers?” Doctor replied, “What can we do Madam, we have given three lists of medicines for him. Neither of his daughters is getting it. Did you see those three woman, they are his daughters standing with their husbands and kids. None of them are ready to buy any medicines. We are tired of telling them.” Mausmi was shocked. As Mausmi rushed out of ICU, one of the daughters came to her and enquired about Mausmi’s patient. She gave them a positive answer and quickly questioned them about the medicines? That lady rolled her eyes. Mausmi could read that expression, she had meant to be soft so that others do not hear. She hushed in to Mausim’s ears, “We are three sisters and are housewives, we do not earn and our husbands fund the expenses. We have joint accounts. Our husbands are not ready to spend even a paisa on our father as they feel he is in his 80’s and it is useless spending so much money on a ripe old man.” Mausmi spotted an aged woman holding her saree pallu towards her mouth and controlling her sobs. She must be that old mans spouse. Mausmi went to one of the son in laws and explained to them that her patient is also not having good health, but, as a human we need to take care of them to the maximum, only when the doctor gives up hope, we need to think. He seemed to have agreed and then she spotted all the three son-in-laws of that old man in circle. May be they were discussing how much to pool for that medicine. She looked up to the sky and thanked god that she is not in such situation. Suddenly, she saw a young boy running towards her. He stopped her and held her hand, “Sister, I am not earning na, that’s why I cannot save my grand father. He is a very nice man, he never asked his daughters for his living, he lived with pride, now father and uncles are not fishing out money coz they do not have anything to inherit from my grandpa other than that house where they live today. But, that also they will not get na sister, my granny is still alive.” Mausmi was moved with the word of that young 16 year old lad… At least he is not with those wicked souls. Hope they do not corrupt him too… Mausmi prayed. She consoled the young lad, “Your grand pa will get his medicines. Your father and uncle are going down to buy them. They told me, just now.” The young lad had tears in his eyes but that sentence brought a glow on his face. He turned to rush to the ward. “Sister, I will tell my grand ma.” He shouted. People walking on the corridor wondered whom was he telling that sentence.

    She was looking for the patient who had traveled from another city to get proper treatment. She was happy to spot his family. She quickly enquired about that young mans health. His elder brother told her that they have sold a patch of land and a house in the village to take care of his brother. “What is money, mausmiji? Life is more precious.” Uneducated lad from a village had more sense than those civilized crooks. Mausmi patted him and moved away.

    Reena’s visit was regular, sometimes with coffee, Moong Dhal kichdi, Horlicks... Mausmi and her patient were very touched with the gestures of Reena. Reena a fun loving, globe trotting female, a fashion freak, a party animal. Reena this time had more to discuss with Mausmi. She cannot be just a neighbour but had to take the role of an elder sister now. Mausmi spent her nights at her home and days in hospital.

    ‘Everyday you are buying medicines worth Rs. 12 to 15K. Plus you have bed expenses, doctors visits, etc.. You need to run your house expenses too. What has the doctor got to say? You cannot be spending like this. You need to ask him. She is still in ICU. Remember you are a woman and you cannot beg for money. Even a rich man will start thinking when he has to spend such a huge amount every day. Is the patient covered under any medical insurance? What you are saying, no? That means your money will not be reimbursed and we need not talk about your kith and kins. Am I right or wrong?” Mausmi felt little awkward but whatever Reena said was true. She had to face the facts.

    The next morning, she decided to take her family doctor and visit the chief doctor attending to the patient. Both doctors discussed medical terms and finally looked at Mausmi and told her that there is no chance of survival for the patient. As a doctor he cannot let the patient die, so he is just administering medicines and keeping the patient alive. Mausmi felt a slight dizziness in her head and realized that she was in bouts of sweat. She sat on the bench outside the ICU. Now-a-days, she does not cry in the hospital. She has found a place. She comes home, sits in front of the temple in her house and cry. She is not shy with God. She cries loudly, has a chat with God and then move to Reena’s home.

    Mausmi’s family doctor was fumbling for words. She asked him, “Doctor, is it true. If its so, then I would like to spend the last few days with the patient not just visiting and paying bills, but, being close. I want to spend every minute with the patient doctor. I want the patient with me, next to me.” Doctor, “It is not so easy to take care of a bed ridden patient. The patient is not an infant. Do you know how much of pain you may have to take by doing so? Potty, urine, patient may sometimes go in the semi-conscious state, speech may be unclear, bath, food, diet.. the list is endless,” Mausmi had a firmness in her voice, she just held the doctors hand and said, “I will do it, provided you promise me that you visit her twice a day, so that I can be assured she will not have additional pains.” Doctor was moved and he quickly assured her his visits would be there without the request of Mausmi and she need not pay him a paisa for the treatment. She was touched by the doctor’s words. She felt the presence of God once again.

    She murmured, “Why are you repenting for the future that you have carved for me. You are sending so many people to fish me out of your well designed destiny. Thank you God, I never looked at you as a big figure, you were always a friend for me, to whom I come and discuss all my problems, secrets, now you are being my true friend. Wish I had spent more time with you.” The fun, the frolic, her friends, the magic, the party, she can list it.. Oh!! Is it endless? Veena, Viraat, Shyam, how did she forget Rohit who would come to her house on every public holiday to enjoy those delicacies… how wrong she was!! There was no friend in any of them, they were all just acquaintances she consoled herself. Reena massaged pain balm on her back and legs. She felt a bit relieved.

    Reena and Doctor are my new friends, forget the past for a beautiful future. Life will move on. I will build it again. Mausmi will not buckle, she is not so weak, I will prove to them, I can stand tall, I have it in me. She assured herself.
    Doctor, “Mausmi, where are you lost?” “Sorry Doctor,” “Bringing the patient home is a wise decision. Both the kidneys of the patient have failed….” Doctor went on giving reasons for keeping the patient home. Mausmi was happy to have the patient home. When doctors have proclaimed few days for the patient, let those few days be with me.

    Sherry Aunty was taking good care. She was good but cannot get a stranger home as she was not ready to give her address of phone number. She had developed a good rapport with the patient and she was a boon too as she had good experience in nursing a patient. “One day I did smell liquor,” patient told me, “She had been to a party.” What party! Day time!! She is not right for a longer period. It was decided not to continue with Sherry Aunty.

    Mausmi requested discharge of the patient. Her family doctor was with her. The hospital authorities raised a hue and cry. The patient was happy to go home. Patient feels everything is fine now. The chief Urologist was fuming, “Are you crazy, you cannot take the patient away. Do you know the patient is still critical?” Mausmi was adamant and was ready to sign papers of forcible discharge from hospital, that is without the doctor’s consent. “I did my best doctor, now I want to do few more duties which are pending and it is urgent. You have declared few days for the patient on this earth, those few days have to be made memorable and satisfying to my conscious, I do not want the patient to die in ICU amidst the doctors, ward boys and nurses, I do not want the patient to say good bye and me sleeping at home. That’s not fair doctor.”

    She suddenly realizes that she had already made a noise about the discharge, now the papers would be ready and she needs to foot the bill. She quickly rushed to the patient gave a peck and marched towards the bank to check her balances. Mausmi’s patient has been to the hospital many times and her bank balance has been reducing quite swiftly. She had no complains, she was happy that there was money always for such emergencies. Veena was there those days. There was long term saving which on emergencies she could hook on to, she had properties too. But all this would take time. She wanted money now at this moment; liquid cash is what she was looking for. She was happy to see a decent amount in her account. She pondered will that be enough. After footing the bills, she needs more money to take care of the patient; the expenses would not be the same.

    She called up the last straw of the hat. This old father figure is whom she always admired and respected. She had to shed her inhibitions at this moment. She needs liquid cash. “Just give me time, I need to go to the banks, sign documents, only then they will release my investments. They are all on long terms, I.T. purpose, hope you understand uncle,” she requested. Uncle directed her to a social worker; a suave well dressed man, whom she has met many times, during social gatherings. She was a bit apprehensive and just left it that way. She pawned her jewelry and got the cash. She had called for the ambulance and it was ready at the hospital door entrance, she requested him to hang a little more as she has to foot the bill at the counter. She footed all the bills, rushed to the ICU, was happy to say bye to hospital, she had already thanked the ward boys, nurse and the resident doctors for being there with her, she rushed to the chemist, he too had asked her to foot the bills later in case she falls short of money. Patient had changed in to a nice coloured dress. A glint in the eyes of the patient made Mausmi feel worth the run. Her heart missed a beat, “I want to see this face smiling all my life,” and she looked up and put up her petition. Miracles can happen, she convinced herself. Love can expect anything. Love it is.

    Ambulance rolled in to the compound of her building. Her neighbours were waiting to lift the patient up to the 7th floor. Mausmi rushed up to open the door. Patient has returned home, she conveyed her thanks to God. He listened to her prayers, now she is having a chance to take care of the patient. She ran from one room to the other, spoke to the walls. She was happy. The bed was set for the patient. She called in for a potty tray, she was looking out for a wheel chair, she had called few hospitals to find if they could let her hire it for a month or two. They were yet to get back to her. She had stacked up her refrigerator with fruits and veggies. There were three boxes of medicines next to the bed. A rubber sheet was spread. She had also stacked up adult diapers in case she sleeps off at night and the patient wants to … she needs to be careful, she cannot let anything pass out. She was also lucky to get a maid who would come at 10 in the morning and go at 8.00 p.m. She was looking for a full time maid. She did call up a few agencies to hire nurses. But, she had poor feedbacks from visitors in the hospital regarding those agencies and their nurses. She had no time to ponder on such issues. A top maid would be enough she said to herself.

    Patients are always happy to return home, “Reena, home is home you know,” she said with a smile. That smile was caught by Mausmi who took a pause from fixing a cup of hot horlicks for the patient. Reena, was very happy. Patient continued, “I had asked Mausmi to keep away from all of them. They would only come and create drama, nobody would stop also to help her, but, you have helped us more than our own relatives. They were always there but of no use. You do not know Reena, I would like to tell you today”. Mausmi took few quick steps towards the bed and changed the topic, she echoed “Drink Horlicks, hot and tasty. I will feed you, nothing to worry.” She tied a bib around the neck of the patient and fed her with the drink.

    Doctor as promised would visit four times a day, morning, afternoon, evening and night. Maid would come religiously at 10 in the morning and would leave at around 8.30 in the evening. She would help Mausmi in changing the diapers, placing the potty, giving bath, even Reena had joined once to give the patient a nice hair wash. Patient and her room always smelled like rose. There were no signs of a bed ridden patient anywhere.

    Mausmi had the fear inside her with so many in secured nights. She would wake up umpteen times to check if everything is alright. It was not so easy to drape the diaper. Doctor was right. Sometimes when she sat with her food, the patient would call out for the potty (Oh patient did not like the diaper around the whole day, only at nights that too with much cajoling from Mausmi). Mausmi would wash her hands, place the potty plate and rush to gobble her food. It was really not so easy. On feeding the grub maid was not taking much interest; patient does not like this soup and she would bring it back to the kitchen, Mausmi had to go there to feed. Things were getting difficult slowly. As the doctor warned, patient would sometimes go to the unconscious state and mutter words difficult to understand, One night patient had spread the excreta all over the bed in the unconscious stage. Mausmi had to give the patient a sponge wash in the mid of the night. She did it with lots of love. An Urologist from a leading hospital had visited the patient. Days were counted, it was sure, but, cannot leave it in the air. Medicines were given, urine bags were changed. There is nothing to worry, only days to count. It could be any day. Mausmi did not like the thought. She had tried to build a lot of confidence in her to face the day. But, she failed often.

    That day patient called Mausmi and spoke to her, “Mausmi you never showed your emotions on your face unlike Sushmi (her second daughter).You went through the ordeal alone only to keep up the respect of the family as you know Sushmi would have created a havoc here. She was a curse to this family; she always created problems for us, while we always tried to live in dignity. I am ashamed to have a daughter like her and I had told her she should never come to see me. That’s the reason I had warned you that I do not want to see her face. With how much difficulty did we find a groom for her and do you remember the very next day what a show down she created in that house, she fought with her in-laws, I felt so ashamed, she had no respect that her mother is around, her elder sister is around, relatives around. Again on the other day…

    “Mom, you don’t eat so much to talk. Lets forget all that. I am there for you na. Common,”“No my darling daughter, I do not want to stop here, please let me speak, my little doll, you played the roll of a husband, father, sister and today like a mother.. What gift can I give you my child.. I have nothing to give you today, but.” Her weak hands were on the head of Mausmi who had cleverly learnt to hide the tears. Yes, she had forgotten that she was the daughter long time back; she had to hold her mother tight make her feel secured and happy. “But”, she continued, “my baby, you will be blessed with everything in life. This is the gift I am giving you. You have sacrificed your life for that woman called your sister who never understood what life is. I still remember how she came back in 6 days of her first marriage.” “Call, Reena, please call Reena, I need to talk, Call her fast…. “ “Reena, Reena,” “What happened Mausmi, what happened my sister, aunt is fine na..” “I do not know she is talking like … She wants you here.” “Common, take it lightly……..” “Yes Aunty, What happened………”

    “Reena, this girl standing in front me, has been the pillar of this house. She has taken brick bats from all the relatives, friends, and neighbours too.. but has been quite all the time. I need to tell you, I am proud of my daughter. You know she gave me bath, she washed my potty, she wiped my tears, she fed me… I became a child Reena for my daughter and she was my mother. She did it for me, she did it. Sushmi only big talks, big act, my mother, loud cries, her presence would have tortured Mausmi, that’s the reason, she is kept at bay. Sushmi returned back home in 6 days after her first marriage because she did not like her MIL. She accused her MIL sleeping with her son. When I asked her, is it true, she is telling me I said in anger, I wanted to teach her a lesson. I told her, you did it because you did not spend anything from your pocket on your marriage, later, how much of face fall we had in the society. Now she is telling her husband I will stay with my mother and sister for 3 months and come back. What does she think of herself? I told Mausmi you were always there for her and gave her the support which has woven a cocoon for her. Leave her alone, be stone hearted, I am her mother I do not care, then why you my darling doll? I would advise you to start thinking for yourself and stop thinking for this old mother and sister. Reena, if all mothers had a daughter like Mausmi what else they would ask for. I am proud of you my child; my blessings will give you the best in life. All your enemies would be crushed to death. If anybody tries to harm you he will be punished by the Lord.”

    Reena and Mausmi were trying to calm her down. She was relaxed. Mausmi was not listening to her mothers talks but was more worried today, why is she behaving like this. Myself and her mother would never share any secrets with anybody and today she went and told the neighbour!! Mausmi was puzzled. Her mother had good lunch that day.

    Mausmi rushed to the temple of her house, her live conversation with God started, my mother is happy today, doctor had informed me that she could go in coma too, one cannot say anything, its all unpredictable, but today she is very happy and smiling, she did not show any signs of suffering, she recognizes people and had a hearty lunch, can today be her day?? I would request you God, to relieve this beautiful soul from this body and give it a new abode. It deserves a better place to live in. I am sorry God for asking those few extra days for my own selfishness; else, she would have passed away in the hospital itself. Forgive me God, take her away. I want her to have a better life. Promise me, that she will not be my mother again; I cannot see her die….

    The quietness of the night embraced her words with love. That night Mausmi’s mother passed away peacefully, “Thank You, God” she said with moist eyes. Sushmi attended the funeral and left the next day ?!? Again dropped in for the 13th day ceremony and left that night itself. Viraat and Shyam dropped in one day, asked her to build courage and left.

    Mausmi met the daughter of that old man, she quickly enquired, “How is he?” He was no more, died due to lack of medication. Mausmi could still here the echoes of his painful cries.

    “Hey Mausmi, I am sure you must have sat under the fan with that wet hair. Did you bother to cook. You will become anemic. Eat well and sleep well, did you get that.”
    “Apple Pie, you are just like my mother, Has she sent you to me?"

    “Mausu, didn’t she ask you to join that office even if the salary is less. She told you na, your future will start from there. You only told me……..”

    She smiled…………
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2007

  2. Anushiv

    Anushiv Senior IL'ite

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    Wow! well-written!
    To be honest, I Like the way you've narrated it than the story!
    you've immense potentiality to write short stories, articles & poetry!
    Do keep posting!

    Note- try to update ur profile. interested to know more about u!
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2007
  3. malspie

    malspie Platinum IL'ite

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    Thank you Anu, for the encouragement.... Long way to go.......... slowly trotting..........
  4. Tamildownunder

    Tamildownunder Bronze IL'ite

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    Hi, malspie

    Wonderful narration. Being an ex-Mumbaikar you have taken me to Mumbai and made me live there. Good story. keep writing. Yeh Dil mange more.


  5. vmur

    vmur Silver IL'ite

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    Hi Malspie,

    You have literally written the real life story of my parents who took care of my grandparents during their last days. I wanted to write about how my mother took care of my paternal grandfather in Cheeniya's article "Old Age home - Have a heart", but everytime I write I would fight back tears and cancel posting it.

    My paternal grandfather was suffering from Liver cancer. The cancer was in it's terminal stage and the doctors asked my parents to take him home as there was not much hope left. He was bed-ridden, could not go to the bathroom on his own and was just very sick. My mother would take care of him (He was her father in law) as if he were another child. She would bathe him, clean him up, help him put his clothes on, feed him rice with little sambhar and some of his favorite veggies, and clean the bedpan. She would change the bedsheets, wash them in dettol, so he wouldn't get any bedsores. My grandfather would feel so helpless but had no other option and would cry saying even his own daughter would not have done the same. My dad would help out as much as possible but not as much as my mom did as he had to go to work. My brother and I were still in school, and my mother had to fend to us too. All we did was just run to the pharmacy and get some medicines.

    My grandfather had 4 sons, and it was my father who took care of him and the other 3 would not even call on the phone to ask how my grandfather was. It was my dad who used to call often and ask them to speak to my grandfather, thinking my grandpa will feel better if he listens to their voices.

    One day, my mother had a dream that the whole house turned red and she felt that something is not right. She told her parents (my maternal grandparents), and they consulted a priest who said, it might mean that Grandpa's end is near, so please be next to him all the time and have the "Ganga Jal" and a glass of milk near you. My grandpa started getting hiccups and my dad and mom started chanting "Ram Ram" and trickled the Ganga jal and milk inside my grandpa's mouth. Within a few minutes, my grandpa passed away peacefully.

    Well, this is not the end of the story. When the relatives arrived for the funeral, they came with 3-4 big empty suitcases so they could take whatever they could from the ancestral home of my grandfather. Such was their mindset and attitude.

    I wonder if I will be able to serve my parents the way they did for their parents. I hope God gives me the strength and the ability to do so.

  6. slp807

    slp807 Bronze IL'ite

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    Hey Mals,

    Excellent Narration,

    Keep them coming

    All the Best!!!!
  7. malspie

    malspie Platinum IL'ite

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    Hi Raman,

    Cannot miss Mumbai anytime. It has its own magic.

    Thanks for the appreciation.:thankyou2: :thankyou2:
  8. malspie

    malspie Platinum IL'ite

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    People say only the blessed ones get an opportunity to take care of their parents. Your mother was one of them. You have seen her doing it, so you will follow her footsteps. Thats how nature works......... Cheer up..........
  9. malspie

    malspie Platinum IL'ite

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    You had asked me to stay and "Keep my threads coming.". I am trying to live up to your expectations... You still have not solved that Bond story.. slp807... why not 007.......... :p
  10. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Malspie
    That was a beautiful piece of story telling. The first para reminded me of the song, 'Raindrops on Roses'!
    It is easy to describe the beauty of nature but when it comes to touching the very depth of the emotions that the central character goes through, it requires a very special skill. I must give it to you- You have it an ample measure, Malspie!
    Keep it up!

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