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Discussion in 'Cheeniya's Senile Ramblings' started by Cheeniya, Mar 25, 2007.

  1. Kamla

    Kamla IL Hall of Fame

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    Cheeniya sir, I too am sure it was not the right way to consume.

    L, Kamla

    Aside: Kamla is now full of eager anticipation for a future write up either by Cheeniya or the ever resourceful Chithra about how Sri consumed this rocket dosai without ever crumbling or causing harm to the proud tall dosai....wonder how one does that.........waiting, waiting, waiting.............;))
  2. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Sri,
    No, no, not a paaruppu thengai at all.
    It is thin, crisp, absolutely delicious, "devourable" dosai !

    I have decided to oblige you. I plan to invite Sri home for dinner. I will make this dosai & serve him. I will write to you a photographic account of how he "attacks" it ! I will not send a photo, but !!
    Kamla, between you & me ( not for you, Sri), do we not know or have we not experienced the "attacking power" of a man ? The less said, the better in an open forum.Oh, if I go on & on, Sri or Malathy will put "thada" for me to enter his forum. Already he has expressed his desire in Faded Jeans at 64, how he wishes, I were a Madisar Mami !!
    Sri, the more you interact with me, the more facets you will come to know of me - f....a.....r from a prude, Sri !
  3. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Chithra
    For Heaven's sake, dont do this to me! I have an intense feeling for anything exquisite and if your Madurai Special is going to look very ornamental, I may leave it untouched!
    I had been to Taj recently for a banquet and they served a dessert in the end which was more exquisite than the statue of Venus. While everyone consumed it with gusto, I was just admiring its beauty till the bearer removed the plate!
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  4. parusabari

    parusabari Silver IL'ite

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    Dear Sir,

    With enough time in my hands.....i browsed through the previous posts and started from the last entries in Cheeniya's Senile Ramblings.Read about Ponniya............too humourous. This dosai post is equally good and after reading the comments passed by chitra ji, i was thinking how good it would be if i will be able to meet Sri ji and Chitra ji together when i visit Chennai. The post Me and Cheeniya by Kamal ji is still fresh in my mind. Morever read the poem by Viji ma to elder bro Cheeniya, the new post ........just happned to read about the "Humble" Sri sir a lot this week.

    I never knew my thoughts would gather wings so soon. I got my ticket booked to chennai. Boarded the flight .......landed in Chennai in noon. Made calls and appointments fixed to meet Everyones fav- Chitra Mami and the humble Sri ji. I hired a cab and reached Chitra Mami's home in evening. I request Chitra Mami to guide me to Cheeniya Sir's home and I land there.Talks and Talks and I am laughing so much.....I am hungry and a platter full of lovely smelling dosai arrive and I am going to take my first bite when some one touches my toes. I move my feet aside. Again I can feel small tiny finger pulling my toes. I open my eyes lo and behold standing in front of me 2 poochandis aiiyyoooooo...........i just dosed off sir after reading the last 5 snippets and here my daughters -----have created such a mess.
    The elder one is standing dressed in white from head to toe. Courtesy- Johnsons Baby powder.
    The younger one resembles Bhadrakali dressed in red pottu all over forehead, nose , eyes, hands.

    The posts are very relaxing sir............I would like to to admit it has been months since i had such a lovely short nap.............Most of the posts I read are making me grin so big that my elder one is looking curiously at me.

    Abt my dream - enna ore moham ellame mayam. Looking forward to read all the posts which i have missed since i joined IL very late.

    Never thought dosai would make me dream so much.

    Last edited: Apr 1, 2010
  5. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Parvathi
    If wishes were horses, dreams would be the destination! I see that you have some strong winged horses to take you around your dreams! You are most welcome to visit my Senile Club to understand the process of Senile thinking! I do hope to be able to make you understand that not all senile thinking takes its root in past frustrations and that it can be as joyous as that of the young! While you are here, it will be my pleasure to have you fed on a million varieties of dosas!

    I am so happy to know that my posts are so relaxing! I know that the onset of slumber may not be always due to utter boredom and it can be induced by total relaxation too! I am happy to belong to the second category. What can be more rewarding than realizing that we are a source of relaxation? And what can be a greater mission than imparting peace and tranquility to all our friends?
  6. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    My dear Anna

    I was just waiting for your next rambling and when I went to your list of threads I came across this. Thanks to Paru for reviving this thread.

    I like dosais very much especially the crisp dosas and masala dosas.
    When we were working, myself, one of our boss who is very friendly and close to us, and two more close friends used to go to Siddhi Vinayak Restaurant near Siddhi Vinayak temple and sometimes have hara bara dosa which used to be very tasty. My son likes to have dosa with milagapodi spread on one side. I think mostly everyone love dosa. There are so many varieties.

    with namaskarams
  7. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    My dear Viji
    Everyone loves dosa and more particularly the womenfolk! Dosa has a high utility value. You can grind the Dosa batter and keep it for weeks if you have a decent fridge. You can actually keep it as long as you want until your neighbour lodges a complaint with the Residents' Association Secretary. Dosa batter has the longest shelf life and it can take more Avatars than Sri Mahavishnu! In Chennai, Dosa has replaced Uppuma as a quick fix snack! Long live Dosa!

    Thanks for your FB, my dear sister!
  8. Mindian

    Mindian IL Hall of Fame

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    dear cheeniya sir,

    never thought i would enjoy a post on dosa so much on a full stomach (just logged in post sunday lunch) :thumbsup
    my favourite too is a mysore masala.:cheers and oh yes what is a dollar when compared to mysore pak from srikrishna sweets(which i am lucky to be munching now as a dessert) dosa from dosa corner ,rasa vada from woodys , chaat at gullus chat corner, rajasthani thali at rajdhani, mumbai ...hahaha my list is endless.these are my sure to visit places when i visit india.:)

    but my dh would agree with you he always gets the first dosai in bits and pieces and when i blame it on the love i spread it with will comment "do you have to shatter it into bits and pieces with an overdose of love?"
  9. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    My dear Mindi
    Sariyana "saappaatu Rami!" I thought you were going to say that on your next visit to India, you would want to see crazy old men like me but your list clearly shows your desire to exercise your jaws!

    People say that one sure way to know how much a woman loves her husband is to see how red her tongue becomes after chewing betel leaves. I know another fool proof method. If she is able to take out the first dosa from the hot frying pan without any damage like a perfect full moon, she is more interested about her own ability to accomplish her task to a nicety than feeding her hungry husband. On the other hand, a wife with her heart full of love for her husband will be so exercised about her starving husband that she'll wrestle the dosa out of the stubborn frying pan in bits and pieces! Please inform your DH about this latest yardstick of love!
  10. Mindian

    Mindian IL Hall of Fame

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    Sariyana "saappaatu Rami!

    hahaah cheeniya sir never knew when i became one.and to think that as a kid i was always forced to eat ? today i am trying out new recipes for my parents( they are now here with me for a month) who just cannot believe it either.:)

    Believe me,meeting you is surely on my to do list too.:)

    i did like your yardstick of measuring love .:biglaugh.will use it next time.

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