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Dog Days Of Summer!

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Srama, Jul 25, 2022.

  1. Srama

    Srama IL Hall of Fame

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    I am watching my dogs pant and flop down on the floor, get up, go out, come back in, repeat only to get up again to go out this time to flop on the shallow layer of the pond, to come back in dripping water only to find me yell….kennel, get into kennel, as they get in with a look of confusion on their faces. How can they understand that the towels in the kennel will soak up the water and my floors will be spared, not to speak of all that mopping I need to do? I am not a yeller, nope not even towards dogs but I am on edge for the last couple of days. The AC is broken and it is the worst time of the year as far as heat is concerned and the need for cooling down is immense. And then the humidity, don’t forget the humidity! The ones suffering the most in the house, yes you guessed it right, the dogs! Oh boy the panting as they lay sprawled on the floor – one would think we are ill treating them even with four fans going on non- stop around their area!

    They come out of the kennel and lay down on the bare floor soon. There are fans running in the house, the constant humming and yet not helping - personally I will blame the humidity unequivocally! It was not easy I tell you the fan story. You should have been there to see the dogs sit in front of the fan and tilt their heads upload_2022-7-24_18-39-49.png like how only dogs can do as the fan rotated, first fearing the fan, and then realizing it is only cooling them – all confused. What do they know about fans especially when their world so far did not include a standalone fan/s on the floor! All they knew so far were my peop….wait, squirrel let me chase to ah, where was I “my people, my food and my bed!”

    Finally, I also decide to settle down for a nap on the couch. Don’t blame me I feel the heat, I am not going to do any work in this awfulness of heat and want to be in the area with most fans and the dogs seem to be happy with that despite their initial confusion as their panting bodies doze off into sleep in abandon. The saying “Dog days of summer” comes to mind. I have never understood the meaning of that and for a brief minute there I think I have a grasp of it - you know doing nothing yet feeling completely knocked out all because of the heat! Hmmm…

    I am done with my catnap and sitting down surfing the web in a muggy sultry room – windows open, fan running yet not making any difference to me as I sweat and struggle, I come across the phrase “dog days of summer” in an article! No way! There is no way! You see, I am not searching, I am only surfing! Can google read my mind? Haven’t we had all those moments when we speak of something and the next thing you know, an article pops on your screen – phone or whatever devise you use. This has happened to me so much in the recent past that I no longer care and have even begun to look forward to some articles that will give me a solution, you know like when I complain of broken AC, perhaps articles popping up on repair services (well that hasn’t happened…….yet) or when I speak of walking trails, an article showing the list – that certainly has and such! When I think of google these days, I am reminded of that story, you know a student being asked to eat a fruit where no one can see him, while everyone eats in a secret spot, there is that one enlightened soul who cannot because he realizes that no matter, god is everywhere?

    But dog days of summer??? I tell you it was a thought, just a thought! I know my mom always said that there are “thathasthu devathas” roaming around especially in the evening and implored us to speak good you know what with wishes being granted through the raised hands of goddesses strolling around, happy while they chit chat with one another seeing the happy world – people going home from work, children playing outside, women sitting around talking while cooking, sun going down, the cool breeze of the evening – you get the picture! Now is that a ‘google thathasthu devatha”? You were thinking of dog days of summer? Here’s an explanation. POP! I know, I know there is nothing to fear, it is totally random. After all, I am firm believer of “What you seek is seeking you”. I truly am and I believe in this instance of all the hundreds of thousands of thoughts making rounds in my head on this hot summer noon after having eaten a hearty meal with some friends, this thought alone was deep and genuine enough that the universe must have felt the intensity and offered me an answer. There is no other explanation! I am convinced!

    So, with eagerness I begin to read sneaking in a look at my pups now near my feet with the thought ‘maybe I will understand you folks better’. And then even as I read the first sentence I go “What!”, followed by “no way”! You will too. Here, this is how it started – "The 'dog days of summer' refers to the time of the year when the dog star, Sirius, is brightest in the sky. Ancient Greeks noticed that Sirius—which they dubbed the “dog star” as it is the brightest star in the constellation Canis Major—appears to rise alongside the sun in late July. They believed the combined power of the stars is what made this the hottest time of year.” upload_2022-7-24_18-41-1.png - (source: National geographic) The dog days of summer last from July 3rd to August 11th in the northern hemisphere.

    You know I realize that is what I would do too - lay down in the open with my trusted companions by my side after a hard day’s labor looking up at the sky, seeing the stars and imagining my trusted companions there too in the patterns, realizing that they appear year after year like my trusted companions and name them “Canis Major”. Why not? Ah! My puppies, I understand them and the feelings they evoke! Now, be honest don’t tell me you knew about ‘dog days of summer’ already! If you didn’t like me, all you need is a sweltry day in a house with indoor temperature at 87F, a couple of dogs, a couple of fans that don't help and before you know it, you will be enlightened. I do see the value of thoughts, the potential they carry! Trust me folks – the feelers that you send out there, they are being heard :hearteyes:
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2022
    Amica, Laks09, Rihana and 1 other person like this.

  2. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dog days of summer - I always thought it is called that because we feel as hot as a dog with thick, long hair. : )

    Can google read my mind? Haven’t we had all those moments when we speak of something and the next thing you know, an article pops on your screen – phone or whatever device you use.
    This happened and initially it did creep me out a bit. I used to talk with my walk-companion about houses on sale or with my younger neighbor about online elementary school in pandemic time. And saw ads or posts related to these even before I closed the garage door. : ) Turned out it was the more benign : ) evil of data aggregation. We are also shown ads based on the search history of those we are around the most.

    The AC is broken and it is the worst time of the year as far as heat is concerned and the need for cooling down is immense.
    Reminds me of the time our AC broke couple of years ago. Saturday. We managed to find a guy to come take a look at it. He told DH a small part needed replacement. Quoted us $225 (parts and labor). The part cost $2.25 : )
    DH to me: "I can order it on Amazon. It'll come by Monday or Tuesday What do you say? It is up to you."
    Me: Up to me?
    DH: Yes, can you manage without AC till then?
    Me: It is up to you. Can you manage me being without AC till then?

    For those who need all stories to have proper conclusions: The AC guy went away with a check for $225. Of course. : )

    Finally, I also decide to settle down for a nap on the couch.
    I settled down for a nap this afternoon, never mind where, and this turns up on my phone as I scroll lazily:
    "When you feel tired on the couch, it doesn’t translate when you end up going to bed. You become wide awake again."

    I was like, seriously, one can't even lie down without the phone knowing that!

    Here's to a cooler remaining dog days of this summer! :beer-toast1:
    Amica, Laks09 and Srama like this.
  3. Srama

    Srama IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Rihana,

    Me too and others too.....kind of think like that I mean we attribute the panting and all to heat and their hair even while knowing in reality that they shed like crazy during summer! As for data aggregation, well I am just grateful that my life is simple including the foot print on the internet and then that I don't care what you promote, I do me attitude helps. But that doesn't mean I am not surprised every now then with the way this iworld (yup I just coined it...internet world) works :)

    Even as I type this to you, the AC is getting fixed and the reason for the break...wild critters in my wild back yard!

    In our case, it is the opposite. Can I manage him without AC and this morning I learnt, I can't :tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy:. It might have been worth spending that 250 service charge + parts + repair etc but here I am getting it done after literally enjoying the hot humid days, thinking about stuff, writing a blog going around like it is the experience of my life time. And honestly, it is! And mother nature has been kind to me with some storms and cool air after that breezing through the window, curtains dancing in delight while my beeded curtains made lovely sounds and I slept like a baby!

    :sweatsmile::tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy: Don't keep 'that' so close to you all the time. And like taking a wrong turn to upset the GPS, keep that phone away to confuse the phone and let's see who wins the game. What say?

    Thank you for your feedback as always my friends and while I do want cooler days, mind wanders to ....winters and I say....stop it already! Let's deal with it when that happens. For now, all I feel is the cool breeze even as the AC guy is still fixing the unit!
    Rihana likes this.
  4. Amica

    Amica IL Hall of Fame

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    Aww! Your fur baby is a cutie! :hearteyes:

    I've always been more intrigued by its cousin: "It's a dog's life." My dog's life seemed pretty good to me. He woke up when he liked, napped at will, got fed on a schedule, was cuddled all the time ... what's not to like?

    I can confirm this. I was thinking of you just this morning. A pair of groundhogs has moved into my neighborhood and they reminded me that we hadn't seen a snippet from you in a while.

    Pretty fawn avatar, btw. Our doe has two little ones following her around these days.

    :lol: I shall borrow this.

    Grrrr! We went through one dreadful summer without AC because birds had decided to nest in ours and we didn't want to disturb the babies. Thankfully, they're gone now.

    I can't wait for winter ... all the shoveling and slush and foggy glasses. And also the hot soups, Christmas lights and my new coat. :)
    Srama and Rihana like this.
  5. Srama

    Srama IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Amica,

    so so nice to hear from you! You have no idea when I hear that you were thinking of me, especially when I am remembered while being in nature. It is such an honor and I feel loved so much! Thank you for sharing that. I do remember your doe and the babies and the baby bird nest and your AC times. You are so sweet to have let the bird stay and suffering through the summer. You will always be loved by nature :) Thanks fully we didn't have to wait for the nest was empty indeed....just at a spot where it could disrupt and all was taken care of. Strangely every year a lot of creepers reach our unit and nothing ever happens and this year it was all clear and this :facepalm:. I don't know what to say other than mysterious are the ways of the world!

    You are a nature lover my friend if you are looking forward to winters, new coat or not!
    I was in fact looking out from the breakfast nook and imagining how the same scene would look in fall and then in winter only to realize that I love looking through that window all year around. Today indeed was interseting between AC getting fixed and all, I had two different friends come at two different times of the day, eat dosas heartily and sleep on my swing on the patio blissfully before they headed back home! I love it when that happens. I sit and read something or watch puppies play and a dear friend relaxing and taking a much needed break. What else would a gal want tell me? Thank you my friend for your lovely response. I loved it all!
    Amica likes this.

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