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Does Hypothyroid Cause Anger Issues?

Discussion in 'Health & Wellness' started by staycool90, Nov 16, 2022.

  1. staycool90

    staycool90 New IL'ite

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    I have been taking thyroid medicine for the past 3 years..I was blessed with a baby girl after 7 years of ttc.. she is 10 months now..post delivery I am getting high anger issues and mood swings. I know it's part of post partum...But for the past 1 month am taking higher dose of the prescribed tablet based on doc advice..After which am experiencing extreme anger issues..I lose my cool very easily and get hyper for simple issues..I know it's not good..I am afraid if it will have an impact on my baby...she is noticing me..Hus trying his best to make me understand the bad effects of anger in family life..I do understand..I do listen to him...but after few days again I am gone out of track... Nowadays he is telling me he is fed up of advising me.. I want a permanent solution to this..I am happy for having a baby after great struggle and procedures but sometimes this unwanted temper pokes up and am gone out of control..I don't want my baby to suffer because of me..
    I tried walking, listening to music etc..but all this makes me calm only for a short period of time.. don't know what to do in the long run..I doubt if it is all because of thyroid..should i consult this issue with my doc?
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  2. Laks09

    Laks09 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    I think you should consult your doctor and mention this. It could be your thyroid imbalance or post partum issues which sometimes won’t go away without treatment. It’s a very good idea to consult a doctor or your Gynec about this. They will know what to do. Since you are a little child to take care of, don’t ignore this. Get yourself checked out.
    staycool90 likes this.
  3. staycool90

    staycool90 New IL'ite

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    Thank you for the reply..soon I will consult my doctor..
    Laks09 likes this.
  4. lavani

    lavani Platinum IL'ite

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    The fact you realize you have severe anger, itself is a great thing.

    consult as mention above and also talk about post partem depression and screening.
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  5. DDream

    DDream Finest Post Winner

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    It can create issues in addition to postpartum changes. Consult doctor. It may take some time to cure your hypo thyroid issue. Also, continue pre-natals. You need it to recover your pre pregnacy levels.
    I never had thyroid issue during pregnancy. But,after two years I got all these issues and even hashimoto. Thats when my endocrinologist, checked my vit D. It was critically low. Thats a triger for auto immune issue due to its link to immununity.
    In addition to that I was anaemic . I took slow release iron, prescription vitamine D, B12, fish oils to get omega3 etc... for quite a long time. In addition that added iron rich foods too. Even though, you mentioned thyroid issues, request your doctor to do a detailed blood work to rule out other factors, especially vit D. Its needed for calcium absorbtion too. A healthy mind needs a healthy body. Also , you need to relax, have 'me time ' every day even if you feel its not doing much.May be you are tired/ stressed out due to all these new responsibilities as mom.

    Watch yourself. Whenever you feel that anger is triggered take deep breaths, and walk away. Avoid the urge to burst out. Get out of the house and walk a bit. You can practice these to manage it.Good that you realized the problem. You only can control your responses. Make sure you are sleeping well. Ask for help if needed.
    Enjoy your new role.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2022
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  6. hrastro

    hrastro Platinum IL'ite

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    You got some good responses! So I will be short and sweet!
    Anger <=> Blood pressure...
    Please do check your BP the next time you go to the doctor..
    Also, with a new baby, the stress levels will be high, so forgive yourself for your sudden spurts of anger...

    My DH used take over the baby and bring me food whenever I got hyper/stressed in the post partum days - so do ensure your support system understands your anger and don't take it personally

    Keep smiling
    staycool90 likes this.
  7. RatnaMalliswari

    RatnaMalliswari Gold IL'ite

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    Hi @staycool90
    I congratulate you for being mom.There will be many issues for women,now a days we have solution for everything.My suggestion to you is:
    1)If you are not feeling good consult doctor, gynecologist suggest you what test you need to get it done.
    2) Before you visit doctor find out trigger points,you said your baby is 10months old, question yourself about your required sleep,food,work everything is in balance, sometimes lack of anything make you feel tired and it results to anger and stress.
    3) Don't feed in your mind that you have something health related issues,it may or may not.If it's then doctor will give you medication and you will be fine.
    4) Be positive,means saying yourself you will be fine,and it make your mind less tired and you step out with hope of feeling betterness.
    5)Apart from medication, self therapy is important,like accept what you can do and what you can't.
    6) Always try to make your self active,relax your mind and body.
    7)Eat and sleep well,play some devotional songs or sleep music before you sleep, it helps you and your baby to have sound sleep. Sometimes situations demand you need to sleep when your baby sleeps right and you may not get sleep,this music play vital role for sleep.
    8)Body needs some recovery time,no worries,it's just 10months completed.Everything will be fine.Just be happy and keep smiling.I strongly believe anything comes us only when we are happy.
    Take care my dear.
    staycool90 likes this.
  8. staycool90

    staycool90 New IL'ite

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    Thank you all for the responses and advises..Trying my best to reduce my anger..fixed an appointment with doctor next week..hope this phase shall pass soon..
    Laks09 likes this.

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