Do You Feel Fulfilled In Your Life So Far?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by SeekingMind, Jul 10, 2021.

  1. SeekingMind

    SeekingMind Silver IL'ite

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    Hi ladies,
    Irrespective of your current age when you look back do you feel satisfied with however you led your life so far or do you feel you could have done better?
    At times when this thought comes to me I feel absolutely fulfilled totally happy with my performance as though I couldn’t have done better but sometimes when this question arises in my mind I feel down and depressed and totally a failure.
    Share yours too.

  2. wish4miracle

    wish4miracle Gold IL'ite

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    I think if we think about past performance there will always be a room for better improvement but I think our past actions, good or bad, better or best are also blocks of what we are now. If it is bad, we need to correct and if it is good we need to do better than now. Ultimately we should try doing our best to achieve something best.

    It's okay to look back to review ourselves to do better but it shouldn't be a reason for ourselves to dwell in our past. Take it from a dweller who has been wasting time in thinking about past. Chin up.
    Amica and SeekingMind like this.
  3. Metamorphic

    Metamorphic Platinum IL'ite

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    Looking back, somethings in life I feel extremely satisfied and fulfilled. They were just perfect. But, there are these other things, when I look back now, I feel I could have done differently or better.

    But, before I begin to wallow in regret, I remind myself that I am looking back at the past with today's maturity, growth and progress. I mean to say, I am looking at a portion of my life from a different point, distance and a progressed self. So, obviously there would be many things I now feel I could have done differently. But again I remind myself that back then, I handled things with the maturity of that day of my life. Good or bad, that was the best I could perform or do to myself/others. This awareness helps me to accept my past failures, lapses, bad decisions, missed opportunities and broken relationships.

    Today, what I am as a person is because of what I did well and also because of what I didn't!
    Amica likes this.
  4. anika987

    anika987 IL Hall of Fame

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    Inwardly am totally happy with my life except that people around me constantly try to make me feel less.I try to make sure that am living true to myself and I know that I can never live upto societal norms but am okay.

    tats the only thing that bothers me that I still worry about how weird my life looks to others but it’s okay

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