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Do you believe in the Evil Eyes/ Buri nazar?

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by iamsrihere, Jun 24, 2015.

  1. iamsrihere

    iamsrihere Platinum IL'ite

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    I come from a family which gives a lot of importance to Evil eyes and its ill consequences. So my parents always maintain a low profile and I have learnt the same. Any kind of exhibition makes me feel frightened about the evil eyes.

    To justify my parents' attitude, few instances have happened. There is one of my aunts who is always envious about anyone who looks/does better in life than her family or her daughters. And more specifically our family. So she always ensures that she says hurtful things that makes us feel low.We have been ignoring this time and again.

    Sometime back, she visited our home. My mom had planted a Tulsi plant that had grown so well and looked very holy. She had just enquired about how our plant has grown so well and that she experiences trouble at her place with growing this plant. And here comes the twist. From the very next day, this plant started to get dry and finally stopped growing anymore. Call this coincidence or her evil eyes's consequence, my faith on her ill feelings has only grown more.

    And call it destiny, even my inlaws believe in Evil eyes and its effects so much. Actually much more than my parents do. Married since a year, so when we go out somewhere, like as a couple, MIL says everybody in the temple/ the road were looking at you both:bonk While I find my MIL's belief on this exaggerating sometimes, wondering if even my own beliefs must be exaggerating to a third person.Seeing his mom and me also believing in such things, my DH has now started to believe this more.

    But, I see many people exhibiting their assets or happiness either in person or nowadays in FB. While there are many more instances that happened in my life,I want to know if people in general have the same thought about such things.

    Have you experienced some negative consequences due to this?

  2. VaniVyas

    VaniVyas Platinum IL'ite

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    Ya,,, this is a mystery.

    Whenever, I change my profile pic in FB, the next day me and my DH will have a quarrel.

    This has happened around 4 times. I don't know how. So I have stopped changing DP in FB and has kept the image of my ring and stopped adding our pics.

    Peace in home is important than the likes in get in FB.
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  3. iamsrihere

    iamsrihere Platinum IL'ite

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    This is exactly the kind of incidents I am looking for. I am also generally hesitant to share my pictures in FB. But wonder if all people who share beautiful pictures of themselves or romantic pictures with their better halves experience such ill consequences..
  4. iamsrihere

    iamsrihere Platinum IL'ite

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    Nice to know that you haven'e experienced any negative consequences. The problem is, once you get aware of this and start testing if something goes wrong, the more odd things seem to happen. It increases your faith/ rather fear in such things.:shaking:
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  5. CuteCancer

    CuteCancer Silver IL'ite

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    I have not experienced this all times. Just a few instance that too with just specific people.

    For example - Whenever I leave office early there is one particular colleague who asks me are you leaving early? He would teasingly add you wont get bus. Every time he says that I end up waiting in bus stop for more than an hour by which time he would be leaving and laugh at me when he sees me waiting still.

    He get bus very quickly when I do the same when he is leaving early...:rant

    In other scenarios the same colleagues evil eye does not work ( like waiting in lunch queue, availability of whatever lunch ordered etc) what a relief!!!
  6. Dipsy19

    Dipsy19 Senior IL'ite

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    See, isn't this an evil eye effect.
  7. 1Sandhya

    1Sandhya Platinum IL'ite

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    Whaat??? No! I dont agree. Are you serious?
  8. 1Sandhya

    1Sandhya Platinum IL'ite

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    @CuteCancer Maybe he knows the frequency of that bus better than you? Try writing down the specific instances, days and times over a period of few weeks and look for the pattern.
    sindmani and CuteCancer like this.
  9. jayasala42

    jayasala42 IL Hall of Fame

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    There are certain people who find sadistic pleasure in lowering the esteem of others.In a cycle of events, good and bad, sometimes bad effects follow as a coincidence of the remarks passed by others.
    This belief is so strongly rooted that we tend to be very careful, not exhibiting our positive points.There is a tendency to become proud of one's own merits, God made or man made , and that is where they don't accept failures as part of life and try to attribute it to evil dhrishti.

    A child ,of its own hard work and merit, gets high scores and is openly appreciated in the class. Other children and their parents may get jealous, of course.But if the child continues to win, we are happy.But accidentally if the child gets fever or misses the top rank, we start suspecting the evil eyes.

    My mother born in 1900 never believed in evil eyes.She used to say the nazar or dhrishti is psychological and is an elated feeling about the beauty/achievements of ourselves and our own children.This conscious elated feeling when it gets crumbled due to any force, there is a tendency to shift the blame on evil dhrishti.If we are not very sensitive about our own merits, the feeling of 'evil eyes' may not arise at all.
    A tulsi plant may wither due to so many reasons. A person may fall ill due to so many facts.
    Feeling jealous or envious about other's victory is a common human nature and it is to some extent absolutely essential to kindle competitive spirit.
    If all the diseases or failures happen due to evil eye, those people would become sages whose words/dhrishti cast an evil spell.The fact that all problems have solutions either early or after a period, indicates that 'evil eye' is only a psychological
    impression of the winner about his/her own merits and perpetual thinking about one's own merits knowingly or unknowingly makes one indulge in such beliefs.This sometimes results in lack of efforts and one tends to attribute failures on others' evil dhrishti and not on his lack of sincere efforts.

    It is better to see reason behind our failures and try to rectify the defects on our side first rather than attributing it to evil dhrishti.Even Karmic theory does not seem to justify 'buree nazhar'
    Jayasala 42
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  10. CuteCancer

    CuteCancer Silver IL'ite

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    @1Sandhya - I usually try to leave early on fridays as I get into weekend mode sooner than others. I will check pattern then.

    I would love to get back on this guy by breaking his evil eye once at least
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