Do You Believe In Evil Spirit, Black Magic And Bad Omen?

Discussion in 'Astrology Numerology & More!' started by SGBV, May 1, 2018.

  1. madras2018

    madras2018 Platinum IL'ite

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    Here is something to think about. I once read that A R Rahman strongly believes in black magic and that his father died because of it. They apparently found feathers and other voodoo objects under the floor of their chennai home many years ago when their father fell very ill and their family suffered monetarily. I read about this episode in the book A R Rahman The Musical Storm. They were hindus at the time and converted later to the muslim faith.

    So it isnt just a christian thing. People rich and poor, educated and uneducated can attest to such experiences. People believe it only when they have experienced it and black magic, serious enough to wreck damage, isnt really all that easy or common.

    Personally i keep an open mind. I have experienced some unexplained negative energies in some houses i stayed in.

    Those who believe in energy healing and such will tell you that every object carries with it the energy of whoever owned it before and at present.

    If you believe it, dont ask for scientific proof. There is no proof for psychic energy or intuition but which are realities that only people who experience it can attest to.

    So if you believe that your FIL is upto some shady stuff, keep a cool distance.
    Last edited: May 2, 2018
    dc24, shravs3, sindmani and 2 others like this.
  2. madras2018

    madras2018 Platinum IL'ite

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    What your MIL did is very bad. If my heartfelt wish for you can counter her negative statements - so be it.

    I hope that your body heals and that you are successful very soon in your efforts to have a baby. Your mind will heal from such setbacks and ill wishes and you will be transformed into a happy and healthy woman. Your naysayers will soon forget their words when they see your baby.

    Last edited: May 2, 2018
    SGBV and sindmani like this.
  3. SGBV

    SGBV IL Hall of Fame

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    Are you my co-sister? Can't be, because she is married for 5 years only.
    But you two share the same issue.
    The youngest co-sis of mine had PCOD issue for a while, and later it was understood that she was misdiagnosed. Which means, she doesn't have any medical condition that affects her fertility.
    Yet, MIL would curse her and negatively influence her so much that she can never have a baby.
    Initially she is enthusiastic and say, she will have a baby in 2 months or 3 months to shut MILs mouth. But now a days, she has given it up and say she will never have a baby.
    She doesn't even go for examination or medical advice in this regard.
    I urge her to do something medically when she has the age and health factor on her favor. But she is not in that mood.

    Besides, when I was carrying, my MIL used to say it is a fake result and I can't be pregnant.
    When that was confirmed after a scan, she would say I can miscarry anytime so i shouldn't be so happy about it.
    When I had mild pregnancy sickness like vomiting etc, MIL would say it is a sign for abortion and this is how someone miscarried their child and never became pregnant again.
    She would never allow me to reveal my pregnancy news to others citing what I would say if I miscarry.
    The issue kept continued till I was in my 5th month.
    Meanwhile, she restrict me from seeing my Gyno periodically, and i had to do that secretly though.

    On the 5th month Gender scan. it was revealed that I was carrying a boy. Upon hearing that, MIL pretended that it is better not to carry a child if that is boy. Then she said it is a sad news to them. Later she said FIL performs certain pooja meant for dead souls, because they expected a baby girl and now it is a boy, so it means death for them.

    Then I had a problem with low amniotic fluid on the 7th month, and Dr advised me to take bed rest. But MIL forced me to work hard and walk for easy delivery. Finally my bro fought with MIL to take me away from their place for complete bed rest.

    All this while, I felt so negative and hopeless. I always felt like I will lose that child before I can see him.
    But I had very strong faith in God, and trusted only in him.
    They gave me food, and forced me to eat certain stuff and all that. But my faith healed me, and gave a very handsome son - who is my strength now.

    Believe in God. Whichever the God you may have faith in. Believe in him, place your complete trust on him, and wait for his miracle to happen.
    Don't give in to their negative energy so easily. Life is a battle, fight for your life.
    messedup, rupz, dc24 and 2 others like this.
  4. SGBV

    SGBV IL Hall of Fame

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    No, I am not asking for scientific proof. In fact, there is no scientific proof about the existence of God or positive energy either
    It is my belief, it is my emotion, it is my experience and it is my instinct for now.
    It is further validated by people who had similar experience in this forum and outside
    Besides, it is encouraging to see such evil spirits can be ruled out by prayer and faith

    Also, it proves the nastiness of certain people who can stoop to such level even to destroy their own children's life.
    If it is proved, it is a huge relief in my case. Because my H will get to know who his parents were, and how much he should exercise precautions before them.

    If he is clear, then I am sure no one can spell anything to our family. Now that, my H is the bridge, through him our enemies (PILs) access us.
    messedup, sindmani and shravs3 like this.
  5. sokanasanah

    sokanasanah IL Hall of Fame

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    The pandit dispensing hexed objects and that pastor claiming paranormal insight into the juju are both dishonest, telling their customers what they want to hear. Neither one is credible. Hindu/Christian has nothing to do with this. You may have evidence that your in laws wish you ill, but this is not it.
    Last edited: May 2, 2018
    vaidehi71, suasin, SunPa and 5 others like this.
  6. dc24

    dc24 Gold IL'ite

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    I do believe in evil spirits and bad omen. Having been gone through and suffered because of nastiness done to me by otherss (a lady relative).

    May God give you and your family all protection. May peace dwell upon you all.
    Good Luck
  7. shravs3

    shravs3 IL Hall of Fame

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    True no matter how much world is changing and technology being advanced I feel there is some supreme power beyond us who is controlling the world !
    Well said. IMO Wen there is good energy I believe there is bad energy too. Well it’s up to ones belief .
    And yes if something bad is happening in ones life it doesn’t always mean BM is being done it can be Karma too.
    But if you feel there is some negative energy near you it’s better to go for protection against all such things.
    They also tell tat such things affect weak minded people. Since you being a strong woman may be it’s not much affecting you unlike other people in your family .

    And stop receiving anything from your inlaws at any cost . Since they are near it’s bit difficult but no other go. Pretend as if you know nothing ! If at all they give anything to your kids ask your kids to not eat them and wait until you come and without kids knowing you throw them away . You can’t tell kids about such things .
    sindmani likes this.
  8. SGBV

    SGBV IL Hall of Fame

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    Sorry, but this response failed to satisfy me.
    That pandit didn't tell me anything. I have never met him.
    Just that i know that my FIL meets him regularly to get positive energy to the family.

    Just that, his member - happened to be my H's new colleague in his new office. He casually mentioned about an old man who comes back and forth to him in order to get an appointment with that pandit. He knew why this old man is approaching him, since he assists him in this.
    This colleague received my FILs call when we were there at his place. That's how all this discussion started.
    He didn't know we are related to this old man.
    So no way that he told this to please us. And we are not his customers.

    That pastor wasn't informed anything about our fears on this.
    We have asked our relative to request this pastor to bless our home, as my son has just suffered from Dengue.
    Not even that relative know we have such a suspicion in mind.
    So pastor didn't have to tell all this to please us.
    We are not his customers, and he is not working for money.

    Besides, this pastor has just visited my relative and didn't say anything related to evil for them. So why us?
    messedup, VinuthaS, shravs3 and 2 others like this.
  9. poovai

    poovai Platinum IL'ite

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    Mullai Mullal thaan edukka vendum - A thorn can only be removed with another thorn.

    If you bring in church pastor to bless your home, it will send a strong message to whomever intend to harm your family. From their reaction, you can sense their fear, right?

    Hopefully, it will ease your mind.
    Last edited: May 2, 2018
    shravs3 and SGBV like this.
  10. madras2018

    madras2018 Platinum IL'ite

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    "Dont ask for proof"- I didnt mean that statement literally. Generally speaking. You cant stop your FIL from doing what he is doing. Or can u ? You could have a frank conversation with him about it but i dont know if it will have him seek new and sneaky ways to control. It is serendipitous that your husband was witness to the disclosure about your FIL's activities.

    And btw yantra doesnt work. At least on my case. My family used a yantra for a specific purpose which remained unfulfilled. But by all means remove all articles gifted by your inlaws. Because it will be hard to dismiss your suspicions after what you have learnt. Continue with prayer and be vigilant not only with him but also others.
    sindmani likes this.

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