Do You Believe In Evil Spirit, Black Magic And Bad Omen?

Discussion in 'Astrology Numerology & More!' started by SGBV, May 1, 2018.

  1. SGBV

    SGBV IL Hall of Fame

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    Do you believe in Evil spirit, Black magic and bad omen?

    In today's world with all the scientific knowledge and updates, I personally do not believe in them.
    However, I have always felt that something or someone has changed, rather controlled my life after marriage.
    It is an in-explainable feeling that you really don't know what it is. Besides, you can prove it or bring evidence to tell others.
    But the feel is true and it is evident if you could compare yourself and the happenings around your life of now and then.

    Being a Christian, my remedy to all this is Prayer. Giving everything to hands of God, and trust his protection is what help me going forward, despite of all the hiccups around me.

    Last week I and my H met a colleague of my husband casually, who shares a close relationship with a famous pandit in a different city.
    This new colleague joined my H's office just recently, and had invited us for tea at his new home casually.
    While discussing on something else, he received a call and after a while he casually started talking about that person who called him.
    He said that this old man meet this Pandit frequently (at least once a month) to make pooja's and other performances to make sure his son's are under his control.
    When we probed further into this matter, he said that the Pandit gives threads, yantra, and idols to this old man to gift it to his married sons, and that would perform the needful magic.
    And this man updates if everything alright or not frequently and pays the pandit accordingly.
    And mostly the "gifts" would disturb his son's marriage life and hence turn these sons towards their parents. This way, the parents are secured and happy about their old age.

    We felt weird about this case, hence inquired who that old man is.
    But for our surprise, that old man is none other than my FIL.

    We were really shocked and worried about the fact that we were made to victimize by some evil power without our knowledge, and we also got reminded of all the problems that we were facing, and wondering why we are in so much trouble despite of our genuine effort to make our marriage better.
    Frequent and unexplainable illness, timely back lucks, and hiccups that affect our progress and growth in other matters, etc.
    We also know that FIL frequently goes to other city citing some or other reasons, and gives us "gifts" from there.
    Besides, our life is much better compared to our BILs. They are battling childlessness for the past 5+ years, health issue, unemployment, fights between spouses, no progress in life, etc
    We even wondered why both BILs are battling fertility issue while their horoscope or health report says everything is fine. But this issue is causing them lots of stress in their marriage.

    So, I wanted to discuss this with a pastor, who could guide me how better I could escape these evil spirits through biblical way, and seeking God's protection from it.
    He blessed my home, and guided some spiritual ways of battling this, by showing how true the existence of evil spirits as per Christian faith.
    After which he suggested to meet another famous pastor who could perform blessing prayer for such issues.
    But meeting that pastor was nearly impossible as so many people were awaiting to get a token to meet him for blessings.
    But, luckily someone known to me had a chance to bring that pastor over to their home, and I was notified about that pastor's visit to my city. Hence I met him and pleaded to him to visit to my home which was closeby.
    Finally, pastor visited us yesterday, and performed some silent prayer in and outside of our home to reveal that 9 evil elements were buried inside our land, and 1 element were inside our cupboard. The last one was given to us as a gift on a celebration happened at our home within past 5 months, and that is causing all the health related harms.
    He said, the person who did this has visited that family event/celebration.

    Within past 5 months, we had one birthday celebration, to which only our relatives came.
    Apart from my siblings +mom, and my H's siblings it was our in laws. no one else.
    We even doubled checked the FB pics of that event to ensure no one else came from outside.
    Everyone gifted, but something like School bags, toys, stationary etc for the birthday girl. But my in laws gifted a set of gold earnings. Which I have kept inside the cupboard, as I have already kept other jewels in the back locker.

    The pastor has asked us to visit him at his Church on the 13th with our land and house plan, and then participate in a full day long prayer on the 19th. Beside, he will guide us how to get rid of these evil elements from our place in the meantime.

    We are awaiting to meet the pastor on the 13th to know further on this. Besides, we have kept our family in the hands of God, looking for his protection.
    According to the pastor, these elements are so nasty that we must have faced a real tough time. But for us, life wasn't that bad. Or else, we were used to these tension and got immune to it.
    Or, as I believe, I was protected by God.
    Whatsoever, life should have been better than this if such evil elements didn't disturb us.

    We are keeping mum on this for now. Will see how to respond to it after 13th.
    It is great that my H was there during both the discussions (with his colleague and the pastor) and understood everything first-handedly.
    It is also making sense that not only us, but my H's siblings too face severe problems in their marriage.

    This is just a vent. Just to let you all know that there are evil in laws, and they do exist and they do wish really bad on their children.
    Don't worry. God is in control and nothing bad happens to you if you believe in God.
    But just be cautious, because I really felt that my PILs have changed for a while.

    Just that, I've stopped them from giving daily chapati to my H (daily 2 small chapati to my H citing they are good for diabetics)
    And daily almonds to the kids. Even if kids are full or busy or went to School, they make sure kids took their almonds by taking extra effort to feed them. I usually get suspicious as to why do they give almonds like family planning pills on a daily basis without a miss.
    Also, time to time they convince my H to leave our house keys with them when we go out of town. Usually we don't leave the keys with anyone, and if needed we leave the front lights on as we leave.
    But occasionally PILs asks the keys pretending to switch the lights on at nights.
    But they don't do this favor all the time. Only occasionally though.

    Nevertheless, I've put everything on hold for now. Let's see how it goes.
    Wish me good luck.
    Bhaskaran, VinuthaS and messedup like this.

  2. soraj

    soraj Senior IL'ite

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    personally i dont believe it in black magic.... but also there is no harm in doing occaisonal grih shanti puja... this time also do as what ur pastor is suggesting.. also in d meantime make sure ur ILs dont know that u have idea about this... and dont discuss in front of ur kids.. what if they told their grand parents??

    i read many of ur threads nd suggestions which u give other ilites... so i know from those posts that u r very strong women and u will come from this problem too...

    my best wishes r with u in this problem.. u will come out of it..
    sindmani likes this.
  3. SGBV

    SGBV IL Hall of Fame

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    Thanks for your response. As of now, I have not seen this as a problem to worry. In fact, if it is true, then it is my success that I have found out the root cause of the issues that is paining us.
    Nevertheless, I believe their is a cure for this, and nothing is impossible with God.

    Having said that, I will never discuss this with kids. As suggested by the pastor, we are not going to tell this with anyone, specially the ones who attended that birthday event - including PILs.
    We will have more details on the 13th when we meet the pastor, and that would enable us to have some clarity.

    As Christians, we have never bothered about any pooja or any performances to safeguard us from the evil spirit in general.
    We just pray on a daily basis and place God before everything that we do, and that's all.
    We don't even look for good time, or bring priests to bless home or do anything for that matter.

    Since this colleague has revealed something particularly on evil spirits, we had to bother about this in detail. That's it.
    Let's see....
    messedup likes this.
  4. paru123

    paru123 Gold IL'ite

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    How is the colleague and the old man (your fil) related. He seems to be knowing a lot of what the old man does.

    Even if someone does black magic, I doubt that person would go and tell it to anyone that doing such n such things one can control their sons n their families.

    Also note that there are so many people in this world who are going through so many problems without anyone doing black magic on them. Life has its ups n downs and no one can escape that or blame it on any evil eye or black magic.
    SunPa, peartree and shravs3 like this.
  5. Moochi

    Moochi Bronze IL'ite

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    @SGBV Hi this is my first post here in IL though I've been an active reader. I signed up about a couple of months ago but couldn't get confirmation and finally figured it out today.... So this is my first post.
    I'm truly inspired by your life and your warrior mindset so thought I'll give my inputs
    Regarding evil eye, spirit : there is a section of the vedas called atharvana Veda that deals with whot is the purpose of such Veda I don't know.
    But I know quite a few whose life has been affected by this called " seivinai" in Tamil now I dunno how it works but what I heard was the affected party goes to a pandit(namboodari in Kerala) to perform the counter Pooja. Now I have heard this from friends and not seen it.
    But the general belief is that those protected by God need not fear these things...
    In this context I remember your post about kuladevta .... I suggest you performing Pooja for kuladevta ... And no, no God will want bad for us so don't worry about that .
    You are one confident lady that I admire and take inspiration from.... I know you'll take care of this with confidence .
  6. SGBV

    SGBV IL Hall of Fame

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    The colleague was the one who books appointment for my FIL to meet that Pandit in the other city.
    My FIL pays for that colleague for this part time job, since he knew the Pandit very well and make bookings comfortable for my FIL for money.
    The Pandit and this colleague were from another city, and he happened to get transfer to our city to a new post. My H too recently joined that company and became his colleague by chance.
    FIL is yet to know (at least we assume) about this person's transfer to our city, hence continue to call him for booking as usual.
    He didn't know it was our FIL, and we didn't show that up before him either.

    How he knew the details I don't know. But possibly they know the basics as to why and how such people go to that Pandit and all. FIL is very talkative and it is easy to guess from what he shares.
    He even shares with me things like how bad his youngest DIL is, and how she tries to control his son, and how is she gonna suffer for that etc.... and also shares what will happen to her as per her astrology, and so much details. If someone probe further, it is not impossible to get the hints from him.
    In fact, we were only shocked when we heard this from that colleague, and wondered why FIL called him and meet that pandit secretly frequently.
    But the Pastors response made us think, and be vigilant on the same.
    This is not something to brush off.
    In fact, our problems are not severe and we are doing good in fact.
    But my instinct keep on telling me that something is controlling me; hence often needed an answer.
    Yet, I didn't tell this to others except my H in the recent past. Let's see!!!
    messedup and paru123 like this.
  7. paru123

    paru123 Gold IL'ite

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    Some people are more blessed/protected than others You might be one and that's why you got to know about your fil and his tantras through that colleague.
  8. SGBV

    SGBV IL Hall of Fame

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    Congratulations on joining. Thanks for your post.

    In fact, none of my FOO got affected or heard of anything like black magic in real life. We knew it all from TV serials alone.
    We all had our shares of problems at each and every stage of life, and never wondered about black magic for that.
    We are educated and we know a life on this earth means walking on the egg shells with loads of difficulties, so we are immune to that. Besides, we are Christians and we believe in the protection of God in everything. Hence never bothered about black magic and stuff.

    However, we too have never received "Gifts" and suspicious "eatables" before.
    The way PILs behave with us often makes us suspect them. Please refer how they give chapatis and almonds.
    We have interacted with Hindu people so closely in life. In fact, my co-sis are all Hindus and they all say it is very suspicious as to how PILs behave.
    Forcing us to eat, that too the same thing on the same time every day. If we fail to eat, then they became angry and give something else to eat.
    We make fun of it earlier by saying, are they giving us medicine or food. what if we didn't eat on a particular day due to our own reasons, why do they panic, and make us eat.
    Likewise, the gifts and how they are forced on us....
    later we brushed them off by believing that they are merely influencing and interfering and controlling and nothing much.

    I still don't know... But one think I keep remind myself is that I am not married to a normal family to lead my life normally like others.
    My PILs are certainly different!!!
    messedup likes this.
  9. SGBV

    SGBV IL Hall of Fame

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    I always believe that I am protected and blessed by God. I have complete trust in God, and hence placed everything about my life in the hands of God.
    That's why I could stay calm and normal after knowing all this. Specially keeping that earring inside my cupboard knowing it can be mysterious ;)
    Let's see what God has planned for me.
    Let's hear from the Pastor on the 13th.
    Possibly the culprit can be someone else too. Who knows!!!
    My eyes are wide open. These are all my assumptions alone.

    But, one thing is for sure. Other than my PILs, no one wants us to separate or suffer ill in this world.
    Since ours was a love marriage, much against to their wish, it is evident since the beginning that they wanted to prove to us, and to the world that we have made a wrong choice.
    Just that my prayers and God's blessings that protect us despite of all such trials.
    messedup likes this.
  10. Moochi

    Moochi Bronze IL'ite

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    @SGBV that your pils are insecure and dislike you is a given .... But what kind of a parent does this to their own kid? The circumstances you describe are similar to my friend's family where this happened so you are right to react this way...

    Grandma always used to say to say: DO NOT leave your hair , nails lying about where people can see.... Previously I thought it was because she wanted me to teach good manners but later came to know that these are what used to seivinai. I don't know how much all this is true. But can be followed easily for the peace of our mind if nothing else

    It might be that ur pils do not understand what they are doing. Your dh having a heart to heart conversation with them without raising all this will it help?? Maybe some quality time and attention from their son is all they need??!!
    paru123 likes this.

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