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Diet For When Daughter Gets First Period

Discussion in 'Schoolgoers & Teens' started by mimita, Jan 23, 2024.

  1. mimita

    mimita Senior IL'ite

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    My daughter turned 11 years few months back.
    She complained of slight leg cramps few days back and i noticed some spots on her panties. Nothing more. I suspect she may have had her first period.Not sure if there is anyway to confirm.
    She knows what a period is.
    Few questions since I don't remember how mine progressed
    1. I know that it will be irregular initially..but to be prepared..how common is it for the flow to need a pad next month?
    2. If I buy cotton period panties, since may not come exactly at 28 days or 35 days etc next month, how to manage this? She has refused to keep a pad in the school locker or bag out of embarassment. Agreed to keep a jacket to tie around if required!
    3. Any pad brand recommendations for young kids in India?
    2. Any traditional foods to give? Gond laddu with dry fruits is what I remember faintly.
    3. Any iron or calcium or vit d supplements to be given?
    4. Did any of you consult a gynaecologist for this?
    Thank you.
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2024

  2. nayidulhan

    nayidulhan Silver IL'ite

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    1. I know that it will be irregular initially..but to be prepared..how common is it for the flow to need a pad next month?
    This is case specific. I don't think we can generalize. Some girls have normal cycles within 6 months while some others take even upto a couple of years.

    2. If I buy cotton period panties, since may not come exactly at 28 days or 35 days etc next month, how to manage this? She has refused to keep a pad in the school locker or bag out of embarassment. Agreed to keep a jacket to tie around if required!
    They are new to all this and still adjusting to the idea and so may not listen to us. That's Ok. It will all gradually sink in and she will know exactly what to do. You please don't worry. Just remind her gently and ask sporadically if she needs something else.

    3. Any pad brand recommendations for young kids in India?
    The cottony ones like Carmesi are good.

    2. Any traditional foods to give? Gond laddu with dry fruits is what I remember faintly.
    No idea about gond laddu but iron rich foods like apples and dates are good, I think.

    3. Any iron or calcium or vit d supplements to be given?
    You should consult your family physician for this. Some Drs do recommend taking iron supplements. So you should decide on that one in consultation with your doc.

    4. Did any of you consult a gynaecologist for this?
    If she has a fair knowledge about it all and if her periods are regular and pain fee then I don't think this is required. However, if you do opt for a visit to the gynaec then please double check the meds (if any) prescribed. I have heard of a case where some hormone based meds were prescribed and the girl had a bad side effect of coarse facial hair. Not to scare you in any way- just a word of caution.
    mimita likes this.

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