Hi, My baby is 6 months old now,last month her Ped made a diet chart for her which included introduction of cerelac / baby biscuits / vegetable soup / fresh fruits and ofcourse b/feeding. But my baby refused to eat fruits and vegetables,so i continued giving her only cerelac and baby biscuits 2 times a day and rest i was b/feeding her. Upon completion of 6 months , whn y'day again i showed her to her ped,he said i must start with veg soup or chicken,since we r pure vegetarians so i dnt wanna give her chicken. At times i give her some dal(pani) , chapati(upper layer), soft rice. At no point of time m making her overeat. Her weight at 6 months is 9.5 kgs,which as per Dr is on a heigher side, my concern is, is my baby overweight ?? She doesn't looks like as she's tall also. Also,i wanna introduce formula milk to her as next month we r planning to go to India. As my daughter is completely on b/milk and doesnt like bottle at all,how shud i cope with it ?? Also is thr anything else tht i shud include in her diet ?? All u experienced moms n grandmoms, pl suggest . golden
Re: pl suggest Dear Golden, Although a grandma, I am not an authority on this. My daughter takes care of all this and I just follow her instructions. Common sense tells me that it is not a Must to feed the baby chicken if you don't want to. Most of us here have been raised as vegetarians and are doing fine. Important is that your baby gets a balanced diet. If the doctor feels that she is overweight, she may be so. But you say she does not 'look' it. So place your questions to the doctor itself and get some clarifications on that point. It will be good to slowly wean your baby from b-milk to the bottle. Try pumping your milk and give it through the bottle. Even if she refuses in the beginning, she will slowly get used to the idea. Do this at her hungriest feed. Same goes to the veg and fruit. Mix a spoonful of it with her cerelac and slowly increase it. I am sure the more experienced young mothers of IL will give you helpful suggestions. Best of luck. L, Kamla
Re: pl suggest hi golden, i too have a 9 month old baby. At first i started giving my son ready-to- use gerber veg n fruit puree but started making at home, he did'nt like the fruit puree ,so i started mixing puree with cereal, now he eats everything. i give him veggie with cereal for the breakfast n fruit for the dinner thatway he gets his balanced diet. hope this helps u too. regards shilpa