Hi all, I always love and respect Princess Diana. Let us not go into her personal life. But as a social figure she has done so many great things to the African Children and the Aids patients. I adore her for her beauty.
Rajmi Diana reminds me of her hair.. All the salons in mumbai were busy with the Diana cut on young,old and kids too...........
Hi Rajmi, Good thread you have started today being her 10 death anniversary. I read on MSN.com about her last days and the people she was close to and hwere they are now. Ten years now after her death and the world still remembers her fondly. Truly a 'people's princess' and a royal family member like never before. So humane, she never thought a minute before hugging an HIV patient or being demonstrative when it came to her sons!!!! One of a kind, she really was, stood for what she beleived was right. May her soul rest in peace.
Hi Mals, Not just then but even now the saloons here have a fancy for Diana hairstyle. In wanted my daughter to have her hair cut in that way. But she is :x at me for asking me so. She is fond of and is wanting long hair like both her grandmothers and her athai.
Hi Janani, True people still remember her. But it is not that she is a Princess. That is why I have not named by thread Princess Diana. She is really loved by all for her own self. Yes I pray with you and all who love her. May her soul rest in Peace.
hi rajmi, Nice way of remembering diana. A people's person with a kind heart. Yesterday one of the news channel was quoting, she wanted publicities for her charities, so that there will be more people to come forward.. and her death was a consequence of the very same publicity... tough..nah...
Hi Rajmi, she was truly a people's person, y'day in CNN they were broadcasting a show named Growing Diana. they were showing abt her childhood and her crush for Prince Charles and also their marriage. it was amazing and since childhood itself she was very much attached to the orphan kids and also liked doing social work. really liked watching the show. regds Rajjo.
Hi Shanvy, In my teens I was a crazy fan of Diana, and I used to argue with all my friends that Charles is not a match for Diana as she is a real humanitarian where as he is a Royal Blood who cannot tolerate any thing that could be human. Her death came as a shock news for me. I was engaged on that year on that month just 4 days ago and I was in tears when I heard how she had faced her death. I think even after that incident the Pappirazis have not learnt a lesson.