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Death, where is thy sting!

Discussion in 'Cheeniya's Senile Ramblings' started by Cheeniya, Mar 2, 2007.

  1. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Kavinu
    Thanks a lot for hearing my ramblings and offering a FB!
    Palli stamping is an exciting new concept. I am sure that the future almanac writers will take this aspect into account and start a sub-section for 'palli stamping palan'

    But I foresee some limitations there. While a lizard has several options of landing on our body when it loses its grip on the ceiling, we have only our feet to stamp it with. A lizard can land on any part of our body from head to foot and that gives the almanac writers immense scope to let their imagination run riot while interpreting its fall. But when we stamp it , the option may at best be our right or left foot and the almanac writers may find this a very dull and limited proposition to take up.

    It is still a good thought. Worth pursuing if you ask me!
  2. satchitananda

    satchitananda Finest Post Winner

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    hello cheeniyaji,

    i have been taking ginger peeks into this thread. as you must have gathered, i am an absolute palli lover. there is only one form of greeting i practice whenever i come across one and that is :eek. whenever i see a palli, my first instinct is to run away from the room, or to climb onto the nearest chair or table :hide:. however, there was one occasion when i came across a palli in the bathroom. the way it was positioned on the door, i could not bring myself to open it. for the next 5 minutes both palli and i stared transfixed at each other - each one wondering who would make the first move. i have to confess to my utter embarassment :redface:, that the palli turned out to be bolder than me and decided to beat it, before i could beat it (i am surprised it considered me capable of such valour).
  3. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Satchi
    A hearty welcome to my Ramblings! I wrote this thread about four years back and I am amazed and, of course, gratified that it is still drawing attention. I also realise that it is the subject matter of this thread that is drawing attention and not me. Lizards and cockroaches offer the greatest scope for some lively discussions. I remember reading somewhere that cockroaches would survive even a nuclear war that might wipe out all other living beings!

    Coming to the staring competition with lizards, I always believe that they are the greatest hypnotists. Once you catch their eyes, it will be very difficult to come out of their control. During my professional days, I have stayed in some government rest houses which were very famous for lizards. I have gone through whole night staring games with them and invariably got up from my bed dreary eyed in the morning!
  4. malligashivaram

    malligashivaram Gold IL'ite

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    Hi Cheeniya your Palli analysis is the best ever..I remember I used to look first above then pull my chair to where it cannot fall--but the lizard will come directly above my head in no time I used to look at the wall and converse with guests or relation --they will ask me what's wrong and all of us will look above and feel jittery--just because it feel on me me and I being hyper-sensitive to them, will look for a place where they are not.
    I used to move with fright only at first then --I came to know of consequence too--that it --u all can converse with me looking up:hide:
  5. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Malliga
    I do not know if you have ever heard the sound of lizards falling on the floor, particularly mosaic floor. I can assure you that it is the most loathsome sound I have ever heard. Probably they also know that and that's why they keep looking for people to fall on! I can, therefore, understand the games they play with you. Wherever you pull your over chair, they position themselves directly over you! They are quite aware of our attitude towards them and they enjoy scaring us to the end!
  6. Srama

    Srama IL Hall of Fame

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    Oh cheeniya sir, this thread has been staring at me, beckoning me to come read it for months now....I have been drawn to the title and wanted to read it but...the procastinator that I am, it took me forever to enjoy the lovely piece.

    When I read this, I was surprised how much I am like a lizard when it is time to do things from the smallest of things to important decisions except for being happy....I have been often called 'trigger happy' :)

    I will be roaming a lot and taking a peek at your senile ramblings to benefit from it.
  7. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Srama
    Thank you for visiting an ancient thread of mine! Like a typical lizard, this thread too has been sitting here for almost an eternity. It is good to know that you have at least one quality of a lizard in you. It is my personal opinion that we have a lot more to learn from lizards than any other creature of God. I must list them up in one of my future threads. I already feel guilty that I have not put pen on paper (or put my finger on the keyboard if you like) for a long time.

    Please do browse through my threads though I really wonder what anyone can learn anything from them!
  8. Kamla

    Kamla IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Cheeniyasir,

    I have been seeing this post occupying the limelight for the past so many years now. Noting that you have posted something today, I decided to check it out as it is so rare to see you write anything at all in our forums these days.

    Reading your above response further awakened my curiosity to see what my fb was to this post and was appalled to note that I had not even given one! I know I have read this creepy stuff about the lizards and even the many feedbacks and feedbacks to feedbacks! I must have been so overcome with awe for this thread that I have forgotten to react to it, in writing!!

    Anways, though it is a sheer pleasure to read your writings, lizards can still stay away from me as far as possible and if I like one thing in these foreign shores, it is the fact that we do not have lizards in the houses here!!

    Coming from Bangalore, I was under the impression that Madras lizards were the 'hugest' and scariest ones ever. As a youngster, during our yearly vacation visits to Madras, it was a done thing that one of my aunts stood just outside the bathroom door kept ajar to keep me company till I was done with all the daily ablutions because of these permanent residents in those quarters!!!!! Later, when I visited countries like Indonesia, I reaized that the Tamil and Andhra lizards looked harmless in comparison. Brrrrrrrrrrr......!

    L, Kamla
  9. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Deear Sri,
    Finally the "heavens" decided to smile on you!:bowdown
    Truly, you are blessed, as per the statement - better late than never!:biggrin2:
    My special congrats to you, for the VIP visitor dropping in!:)
  10. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Kamla
    What a pleasure indeed to have you grace one of my old threads! I had written two or three threads on lizards and maybe you had replied to one of them.

    If you want to maintain a healthy distance from lizards, the initiative has to come from you and not the lizards. Lizards do keep away from everything that they cannot swallow and that includes humans. We can't malign them merely because of their co-habiting our living space. They do not come there for watching TV or any other such futile pastime of humans. They are there to appease their ever growing appetite and in that process if they happen to be perched right over our head in our bed room, please try to understand that it is a mere coincidence. They do not indulge in canine like pastime of chasing around humans.

    During my professional days, I stayed in Plassey in West Bengal for a week in the Traveller's Bungalow. Believe me, the lizards there were as big as the canon that Robert Clive used against Siraj Ud Daulah in the Battle of Plassey! But I must say this of them. They were motionless for the whole week that I stayed there as if they were sculpted on the walls and ceilings!

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