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Daughter's Day

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Kamalji, Sep 23, 2007.

  1. sudhak90

    sudhak90 Senior IL'ite

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    hi- i have a lovely daughter-am very proud of her- iwas not even aware it was daughter's day!- anyway after she was born i feel every day is her day!

    this opportunity i take to bless and seek blessings and good wishes for her from all of you. and my good wishes toa ll of ur kids too,

    :2thumbsup: sudha
  2. Blondie

    Blondie Bronze IL'ite

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    Yes Kamalji,
    You have rightly said that every day is daughters day for the parents.

    And every day is Parents day for the kids.

    except that we get special breakfast made by the kids on mothers/fathers day :)

    this is the first time i amd hearing of daughters day.
  3. Induslady

    Induslady Administrator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Hello Kamalji,

    Thank you for letting me and many IL'ites know about this Daughter's day. Hearing it for the first time. Good to know that India is celebrating a day for daughters, while still in few places in India parents do not want to have girl babies for the burden of marrying them giving lots of dowry.

    The photo you have posted is very appropriate to signify daughter's day and your write-up about your daughters too are very good.

  4. Kamalji

    Kamalji IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Sindhuja,

    My daughter's picture, i have just posted a new blog here, called pics from, mobile part 2.She is in one of them, with my labrador Tuffy.

    You made the yummiest of dishes, gulab jamun, and cutlets for yr daughters, the best that can be, better than Macdonalds bready stuff.I love cutlets and gulab jamuns, pakoras, whatever home made, made with love of mother or wife.

    Even i did not know, and when i read the papers, i was surprised, but anyway it did provide me wioth a good reason to blog, so i call it the " Blog Day ":|

    Thanks and regards.kamal


    May god bless yr dau, and make every day for u a daughter day, and for her a parent day.god bless you.regards.kamal

    Dear Blondie,

    Yes how true.Thanks and regards.kamal

    Dear Malathy,

    ( I have cut off the JI part, because so many write to me to discontinue, and i cant seem to remember who said.I hope u dont mind )

    My daughter can be seen in the new blog just posted .Well i thought everyoneknew about daughter's day, and i was th elast to know.Even my daughter did not know.HAHA.

    Malathy, can i make a few suggestions for the betterment of Indus.?

    Your sugestions to ilites can make a difference.Say to those who dont mind showing their faces, that is, they can post their wedding snaps, and honeymoon snaps?

    Also everyone can share how they met their husband, and the hilarious situations that cropped up at their or others' wedding.

    It will make Indus lively with all these posts coming in, and everyone sharing and commenting too in details.

    I posted my pre marriage photos, marriage, and honeymoon pics elsewhere and the response was tremendous.

    do u think it is worth a try here ? Thanks for yr kind comments.Regards.kamal

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