Daily Menu Updates for Pregnant Women

Discussion in 'Recipe Central' started by helpmeangel, Dec 16, 2012.

  1. ssm014

    ssm014 Platinum IL'ite

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    I keep an apple, 2-3 digestive\ Marie biscuits, small pack of multi grain biscuits close to bed. I have it if I have hunger pangs at odd hrs.

    Chitra, in our side we don't encourage peanut chikki as it causes heat.

    Angel, even I m overweight quite a bit... So even I was tensed.. In fact I started another thread on that topic
  2. helpmeangel

    helpmeangel Platinum IL'ite

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    hi ssm,

    Somehow I am not able to eat biscuits or apples. They seem so tasteless and revolting to me. Currently I am having chocolate covered almonds at my bed side. Am eating 2-3 of them and drinking water and going to sleep before my stomach asks for more food again. I can hear my stomach eagerly assimilating the food so fast.. :( literally getting scared at the speed by which food is getting used up.. :(
  3. prchitra

    prchitra Gold IL'ite

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    Even i didn't like eating apple and biscuits during the hunger time..b'cas its sweet.. but i didnt have much choice.. so i used keep some banana (Hill banana/ malai valai/ then valai)to get instant relief..(b'cas of carbohydrate content in banana... immediate relief will be there.. but hated sweet taste..)

    Its a news to me that Peanut chikki creating heat.. b'cas in tamilnadu.. they say that Vellam(Jaggary) is considered as cold.. (elders used to prefer vellam instead of white sugar for all coffee/tea )

    And ofcourse this chikki should be ate in limited manner..(1 piece).. Groundnut may create Bile (Pitham in tamil.) which will lead to vomitting.
  4. ssm014

    ssm014 Platinum IL'ite

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    ahh here..I had been asked in school days to have Jaggery as home remedy (like sugarcane, papaya) to prepone periods...:confused2:

    My Yde's menu:

    Bfast: Kharaichya dosai with onion chutney (dosa with maida, rice flour, wheat flour, ragi, buttermilk, chillies)
    Lunch: Rice, Kathirikay gotsu, Keerai Masiyal
    Eve Snack: Musk melon, Thattai (my grand mom had made) + Carrot halwa (Chithi had made)
    Dinner: Pav Bhaji, icecream

    2de's menu

    Bf: Idli, coconut chutney, Coffee (since mom and her sis are here, I had filter coffee after ages and Bf was in Plaintain leaf..:):yes:
    Lunch: Small Onion sambhar, Plaintain curry (vazhakai poriyal), rice, curds :drool, Sweet Kozhakuttai i/o Thiruvadirai Kalli
    Dinner: To be decided

    Girls, Britannia has a multigrain biscuits avail in malls, its not sweet, kind of neutral taste, has oats, ragi, honey etc...quite filling
  5. sahityaj

    sahityaj Silver IL'ite

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    hi everyone..
    it is really a nice and useful thread. am 5 weeks pregnant and my morning sickness didn't start yet.... Iam feeling hungry but after eating getting stomach pain... my parents are diabetic so can u suggest what to avoid eating?

    my today's menu:

    got up late ( having cold, cough, mild fever)
    11.00 am - idly sambhar
    1.00 pm- 1/2 cup cooked rice, sambhar, palak moong dal curry
    4 pm- 2 almonds, 1/2 apple
    5.30 pm- cute little dosas made with idli batter
    sindmani likes this.
  6. cutemonster

    cutemonster Platinum IL'ite

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    Hi girls, hope u all r fine n eating healthy:)
    Hey SSM, sorry to hear about the accident , thank god everyone is safe. Don't worry bout financial loss dear just think it was some problem which god solved in less only.

    And yeah about moving to b lore, well I would suggest take full rest in first trimester n travel only when doc allows it, in my case,doc allowed only after 20 weeks.

    About my diet chart:)
    Well I had shown to s new doc at home town, she is very thin n smart n kind of knows us, she told me I have gained lot of weight, I gained about 10 KGS till now. She said don't put too much weight it will be difficult to reduce n this is my first pregnancy so I won't like to look like aunty after the baby!
    Honestly speaking I was bit depressed after hearing that but now talking with other friends n my IL friends I feel its OK, I I'll eat healthy food buteont worry much about weight gain:) as I have lot of time to think about it later;D
    But now I have reduced all Prantha n butter n ghee n sweets:(
    Today's menu
    Reddish roti in corn atta with lot of reddish leaves with curd.
    One cup milk with Horlicks.
    11am mix cut fruits one bowl( apple, guava, chikoo n orange)
    Lunch mutter paneer , jeera rice, boondi raita and salad
    Evening:One small piece of carrot cake, what to do its too tempting, dh has got so many cakes for me from my favorite shop :( trying to restrict my portion size.
    Dinner: channa daal,carrot peas potato subji, roti
    sindmani and ssm014 like this.
  7. helpmeangel

    helpmeangel Platinum IL'ite

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    even I have forgotten that my parents are diabetic and am indulging in sweet stuff.. :( somehow need to reduce sweets/carbs which is highly unlikely..

    my updates from ydy

    bf:chobani yogurt
    10 am: banana chips
    11 am: orange
    lunch: rice with curry leaves powder,pickle
    2 pm:coconut water
    4 pm:walnut plum bread
    6 pm:complan
    dinner: dosa,sambhar,rice,dal,aloo capsicum fry
    sindmani likes this.
  8. ssm014

    ssm014 Platinum IL'ite

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    Mom and her sis are here, so kinda having a feast everyday with each of us cooking 1 dish each...Its good to eat Mom style cooking after so many days..!

    Tdays menu:

    BF: Maggi with vegs with chinese sauces by me, Ami Kozhukattai (mini steamed rice balls) Sweet Kozhukuttai (steamed modaks) by Mom, Kuzhi Paniyaram (by Aunt), Filter Coffee..(yep even Coffee powder was gt by Mom)
    Lunch: Chapathi, rice, Aloo methi dry veg, and all leftovers from last 2 days
    eve: tea, then dosas, Coconut water
    Dinner: Puri, Shrikand, Aloo gravy (korma style), onion sambhar (left over)
    sindmani likes this.
  9. sahityaj

    sahityaj Silver IL'ite

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    hi all..
    went for shopping today. fultoo tired. didnt drink much water :-(

    yest menu---

    6 am- 2 oat biscuits
    9 am- idly, coconut chutney
    11.30- pongal
    4 pm- milk with turmeric and pepper, musk melon pieces
    6 pm- corn vada
    7.30- rice, rasam, cabbage curry
    9.30- milk with turmeric n pepper
    11 pm- pomegranate 1/2


    9 am- pongal( temple prasadam)
    10am- dosa, allam chutney
    12 pm- rice, amaranthus (thotakura) curry
    3.30- badam, musk melon pieces
    5 pm- semiya upma
    7.30- chapathi, tomato dal
    9.30- milk with pepper

    going to my dh's place 2maro... i will have to cook again:-(
    sindmani likes this.
  10. prchitra

    prchitra Gold IL'ite

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    Plantain leaf Feast... Soo many items each time.. Kalakkure po.. Enjoy your mother's food.. I could feel your happiness.

    Day before yday night i got slight fever and nausea... continued full night.. even hungry too.. Woke up yday morning 4am with full headache.. Drank milk..again sleep.. Headache continued till yday afternoon..

    Afternoon my cousin sister family came.. so forcily took bath and got ready.. After seeing them.. all headache got over..

    Morning asked my DH to put dosa and Chutney from fridge to give.. He gave kodarified (Scrambled) dosa.. got soo angry and made myself dosa and had with headache..

    Thanks to my brother for preparing yday lunch..

    Rice, sambar, rasam, peas curry.. It was really nice..
    Dinner : Tomato rice/Coconut chutney/Onion raitha..(Mom has prepared the Tomato masala(thokku) kind before leaving last week.. so used that prepared quick Tomato rice... and served to guests)

    Today's Menu:
    BF: Noodles with Egg burgi.. (Combination suggested by my brother..!!! )
    Lunch: Rice, Rasam,Laides finger fry, Avaraikai kolambu.
    Evening : Valaikai & Onion Bujji, Rava dosa from hotel
    Dinner : Lunch items continued..

    Yesterday it was fully raining in chennai.. due to guests at home.. i have to walk a lot/stand more time in cold.. from night i am having terible leg pain.. Dont know what to do.. Keeping hot water pack on my legs..
    sindmani likes this.

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