Date: August 4, 2021 Time: 4 am to 4:30 am Experience: Tight left hip. It was relieved when i sat a bit straight. Leg fell asleep. In and out of rushing thoughts and quiet mind.
Aug 1 Shanthi meditation - I chose this one because of the excess heat. After the meditation I felt thebody heat was down to a greater extent.15 minutes enough for shanthi, otherwise we may feel shiver in winter times. Aug 2 SKY meditation - I did with the meditation group, focussed on breath and immersed in it Aug 3 Thuriyam meditation - Today I chose this, because I couldn`t join the group for SKY. Only short time around 15 minutes. This thread eliminates my laziness and gives me commitment to do each day without break.
Day 4 : Skipped. I realised skipping mourning routine is not good. I thought I'll do bedtime meditation but it just didn't work out. Day 5 : 5th August 2021 Time: 5 45am to 5:55 am Experience: So tried without music. Put a timer n just sat calmly . Was able to be with my breaths with mind wandering here n there for a bit. But overall improving Contemplating whether I'll do with music or should I go few more sessions like this without music.
Dear V sir and others, Amazing job! Between 75 five hard challenge and a few other things, my plate is full right now Will start posting as soon as I have a method figured out. Love reaidng all your updates.
Day: 5 Date: August 5, 2021 Time: 6:31 a.m. to 6:47 a.m. Duration: 16 minutes Experience: Focus on acceptance as a theme with watching inhalation and exhalation. This results in disturbing worries are dropped at the beginning of the meditation. I am noticing those problems are getting resolved without associated worries in the last 5 days. At least there is a lesson to my mind that worries have no connection to the problem resolution. Fine and rhythemic breath for good 10+ minutes. 4 inhalation, retention and exhalation cycle per minute. Today, I experienced body temperature lowering.
Date: August 5, 2021 Time: 3:45 am to 4:15 am Duration: 30 minutes Experience: Sat on floor with legs crossed. Right leg on left. One hand on each knee. No hip tightness but right leg fell asleep. Shuffled between lot of thoughts and still mind.
Day: 6 Date: August 6, 2021 Time: 6:22 a.m. to 6:38 a.m. Duration: 16 minutes Experience: Sitting on the ground was not an option for me for a long time. But now, I am able to comfortably seated and not experience hip pain or legs falling asleep. However, meditation time is considerably less now when compared to what I was used to earlier. Continued acceptance as a theme with focus on breath cycle. No sustained thoughts lingering in mind. Thoughts did come but left my mind quickly. Towards the end of the session, I felt rhythemic breathing with a lot calmer mind. That calmer mind and freshness I feel after the session itself is worth doing it everyday besides targeted purpose. It didn't feel like I was with closed eyes and focused on breathing for good 16 minutes.
Date: August 6, 2021 Time: 3:45 am to 4:15 am Duration: 30 minutes Experience: Left leg fell asleep. At some point, felt burning sensation in lower left leg. In and out of thoughts and quiet mind.
Aug 4 & 5 SKY meditation with the group. Rhythmic breathing brought me some solace after heated argument with DH.