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Criterias for Goodness

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by InnerBliss, Dec 2, 2012.

  1. InnerBliss

    InnerBliss Gold IL'ite

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    God is Lightness. If you love lightness, do not walk in darkness. Lightness is truth, forgiveness, love, kindness, honesty and unconditional regard for others. Darkness is the opposite traits to all of those mentioned traits. If we love lightness, why should we walk in darkness? Why should we find the reasons/pretexts/excuses to walk in darkness?

    The meaning of practicing lightness may be subjective individually and may not be as simple as 2+2 = 4. For an example, to what extent one should practice forgiveness? There are pros and cons in practicing everything. It would have been more helpful and clear if the preachers would have mentioned in detail about the traits that one should practice considering various other factors and the consequences. Further, what may be the plan B if the plan A seems to be threatening in some circumstances?

    I reckon the aftermath of practicing a good trait "Obedience" by Nazis and following the inhuman orders from Adolph Hitler. The experiment conducted by Milgram http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milgram_experiment made so many common people from different age group, education, and background, practice unethical orders given by the experimenter. It is true that we are not taught disobedience in any culture. Not only that, there are many decisions that require the strong faith in our beliefs, critical thinking, evaluative skills to save ourselves and others from any temporary or permanent damage. We are not the sheep of course to follow the herd blindly. Many cultures need to be revised. The criterias for goodness need to be described in more detail. Otherwise, instead of inducing the faith, the culture would surely leave confusion among people.

    I am NOT worried about the people who have knowledge and awareness about the consequences of others' thoughts, words and actions. To tolerate the wrong-doers is the choice of these aware-people in such condition. Even if they choose to speak/follow the words like Jesus did: "Father, forgive them for they don't know what they are doing", it is their choice with awareness. I am worried about the ignorant children and other weak people who blindly believe that whatever culture, custom and the authorised people do, think and speak is all correct. They do not have any choice but to follow the criterias for Goodness set by these authorised people in their self-benefit without much explanation that how they could be helpful for every one in every condition!

  2. shyamala1234

    shyamala1234 Platinum IL'ite

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    Dear Anu,

    Very complicated topic!

    According to me there is no absolute definition for goodness.

    One thing is certain..we should not follow like sheep in a herd....to anyone.

    Most of the times....our inner voice guides us whether we are doing the right thing or not. That is a rough guide. Sometimes we listen to it and some times ask it to shut up and develop our own logic. So, we have to think, God has given us enough intelligence to think.
    For children.....

    In our childhood when we do not have much awareness what is good or bad we just listened to our elders or teacher without any questioning. Those come later in life.

    A good one.

  3. InnerBliss

    InnerBliss Gold IL'ite

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    Thank you Syamala for your lovely inspiring feedback as usual. You are right, our senses, instinct and logic help us in our adulthood and our parents and teachers help and guide us in our childhood.

    It seems that I have become addicted to your feedback. Thanky you so very much.

    Have a good week!
  4. sandhyars

    sandhyars Bronze IL'ite

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    Nice writeup. Thank you for posting.
    The rule that I follow is: at the end of the day, when you stand in front of the mirror and think of all the deeds that you did that day, a smile for all good deeds and a frown for bad, you should be able to go to bed with a smile. This means, you have been good that day and the purpose for which GOD has sent you to the earth is slightly fulfilled.
    As Syamala mentioned, Goodness is not absolute, its a relative term. Certain things might appear good for us, but in the long run it might be different.
    But the idea that you are trying to bring about is not to just blindly follow what is being said or taught to you, but try to understand the inner meaning and be judemental in accepting or rejecting it .. very nice and thought provoking .
  5. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Anu,

    I am a believer that what is right comes from within. If we do something wrong, before anyone reprimand it, our conscience will indicate that to us. Mahatma Gandhi said, "Hate the sin, love the sinner." If we follow these words of Mahatma, the weak and children will learn to hate the action that results in sin but not the person who is a sinner. They need to be trained to forgive the person but not their action.

    I totally agree that most cultures teach obedience from a very young age. I am sure Mahatma Gandhi learned obedience also from his young age. But when he was thrown out of a compartment in South Africa, his resolve to fight the racism became stronger. Similarly, when he taught non-violence to people in India to win Independence, he did not teach them obedience but decided to promote civil disobedience and made the rulers feel pressure to enforce the law of the land. He felt occupation is not righteous and hence he though establishing righteousness is much more important than civil obedience. At the same time, when he was arrested and taken to the court for civil disobedience, he told the judge proudly, "I am guilty as charged." He put the country before himself and wanted to tell the truth in the court.

    I have written a blog earlier that many times our values would conflict with each other. Carefully reviewing them to eliminate such conflict should also be part of our values. Sometimes, we may have to make a decision which value is a priority over the other. Since children are in development stage, parents have the duty to educate them about which value will be priority in a given situation.

  6. InnerBliss

    InnerBliss Gold IL'ite

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    Thank you so much Sandhya for your simple and accurate direction to evaluate our deeds and thinking. That really makes sense. I appreciate your encouragment and kind words. Thanks for that too.

    Have the great weekend!
  7. InnerBliss

    InnerBliss Gold IL'ite

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    True. We should listen our conscience and hate the action and not the doer.

    Thank you for sharing this example of disobedience. It had really got erased from my memory. I am the great Gandhian fan. And I think, I need to revise his books once again.

    I may have missed reading some of your blogs during my exam time. I would like to read them now. However, if you get a chance, please do mention the title of that specific blog that is focused on prioritising values. I would love to read that.

    Thank you very much for your precious feedback. Please keep it up with your spreading knowledge. It is invaluable!

  8. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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  9. InnerBliss

    InnerBliss Gold IL'ite

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    Thank you Viswa Sir. That would help.

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