Cricketer Jadeja's Father Badmouths Bahu In Media

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Rihana, Feb 14, 2024.

  1. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Cricketer Ravindra Jadeja's father stooped so low as to talk like this about his daughter-in-law to the press. Off all the nonsense he spews in the interview, this is the silliest:

    "I currently live alone in Jamnagar, while Ravindra resides in a separate bungalow of his own. He lives in the same city, but I don't get to see him. I don't know what magic his wife has done on him."
    Your son is a cricketer in the Indian cricket team! He is a fully grown adult. He doesn't meet you? Arey-rey. :shakehead: Very sad. :pensive: But, blame your son or his upbringing, not your bahu.

    He also says this:
    "Do you want me to tell you one truth? I have absolutely no relation with Ravindra and his wife, Rivaba. We don't call them, and they don't call us. The issues started after two or three months of their marriage."​

    I honestly don't get this. Why a grown-ass man needs his wife's help to call his parents? Why do men need to be reminded to call their parents or sister on festivals, birthdays and anniversaries? No, seriously. Not just this cricketer. Men in general need reminder to call their folks on special days, and if it means having to pause Netflix, it is a big favor to the wife. And, this is across all cultures.

  2. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Getting back to the Jadeja family saga:

    Ravindra Jadeja's father also said:
    "He is my son, and it burns my heart. I wish I hadn't got him married. It would have been better if he hadn't become a cricketer. We would not have to go through all this in that case,"​

    "I wish I hadn't got this married"??? A child's marriage is not like teertha yatra that one chooses to do or not. It is an event by itself. And how sad for a father to wish that his were not an accomplished cricketer.


    "Within three months of the marriage, she told me that everything should be transferred to her name. She created a rift in our family. She didn't want the family and desired an independent life. I could be wrong, and Naynaba (Ravindra's sister) could be wrong, but you tell me, how can all 50 members of our family be wrong? There's no relation with anyone in the family; there's just hate."
    I don't know much about this family. I just learned Ravindra Jadeja is not Ajay Jadeja's son last October during the world cup. : ) I believe Ravindra Jadeja's wife is a politician. But anyway, I am going to bat for her. How wrong is it to ask for an independent life? How wrong is it to educate the cricketer on how his family has been enjoying his hard-earned monies? As to the family member math, yes, 52 people of a family can easily be wrong.

    Last edited: Feb 14, 2024
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  3. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    But, why am I being so negative!!! Of course the highlight is how Ravindra Jadeja came to his wife's defense and publicly called out his father's nonsense.

    Earlier, Jadeja took to social media, calling the interview that his father gave as 'meaningless and false'.

    "The things mentioned in the dubious interview with Divya Bhaskar are meaningless and false. Those are one-sided comments that I deny them. The attempt to tarnish the image of my wife is improper and condemnable. I too, have a lot to say but it is better that I don't reveal those things in public," Jadeja said in a post on Instagram.
    Thyagarajan and vrikshakadali like this.
  4. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    I saw this picture early in the morning, still rubbing my eyes, and having a small cup of coffee as there was less milk. I swear they looked like Kohli and Anushka Sharma!

    Good to see cricketers getting good-looking wives. I wonder who was the first cricketer to do so. Was it Azharuddin with second wife Sangeeta Bijlani?
    gamma50g and Thyagarajan like this.
  5. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    Neena Gupta and Sir Richards probably started the trend LOL.
    It’s easy to see why the father is disgruntled. The new wife probably opened her hubby’s eyes that he was the family ATM.
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  6. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Oh yes Neena Gupta! How could I forget that pair!

    This Jadeja drama seems to be all political. The daughter-in-law Rivaba is a BJP candidate from Jamnagar. The cricketer's sister Naynaba is a member of the Congress party and in charge of Jamngar. The cricketer's father made a video message appealing to people of Jamnagar to vote for Congress. : )
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  7. kavikuyil

    kavikuyil Bronze IL'ite

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    If a father in law is capable of speaking such nonsense in public, we can only guess how much worse it will be in private... It's not a wonder they stay away.
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  8. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    True. The FIL's public behavior gives a good idea how they might behave in private.

    I admired the restrained response from Ravindra Jadeja. Defended his wife in public but stopped short of washing the family's dirty linen in public. Classy.

    Compare that to the royals Harry and Meghan, who set up an interview with Oprah, spent weeks preparing, went to the set, put on make-up, clasped each other pinky fingers for moral support, and answered the scripted questions.

    The interview included discussion of their courtship, wedding, their second child's sex, mental health struggles including Meghan's suicidal thoughts, and a shared sense of abandonment in terms of emotional and financial support. Moreover, Meghan critiqued the British monarchy as an institution, while they both said one or more comments had been made privately to Harry by an unidentified individual within the royal family in relation to the skin color of their then-unborn son, Prince Archie. Also discussed was a royal title for Archie, the personal security of the couple, and Harry's estrangement from his father, Charles, and brother, William.

    gamma50g and Thyagarajan like this.
  9. winterhue

    winterhue Gold IL'ite

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    I am glad that someone is talking about this. I remember there was a hugely viral video of Rivaba , after an IPL match , ran to her husband pulled her pallu over her head and touched her husband's feet

    Link: () .

    It was a major point of discussion with some calling her medieval and a step back in the fight against patriarchy, while some people calling her sanskari and the epitome of indian culture.
    This time, I am in complete respect of both Rivaba and Ravindra, who have not used this opportunity to mud sling and have remained silent. Kudos to Rivaba for making her boundaries clear and kudos to Ravindra for supporting his wife.

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