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Crewel (Crewel World #1) by Gennifer Albin

Discussion in 'Book Lovers' started by Mohur, Nov 6, 2012.

  1. Mohur

    Mohur Gold IL'ite

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    Sixteen year old Adelice Lewys has been training with her parents and away from prying eyes for as long as she can remember. She has been training how to be awkward, clumsy and how to fail.

    The world of Arras is very different from ours. In this world people’s lives are made and broken ‘literally’ like threads. Where should you live, how much food should you have, how many children can you have and what occupation can you adopt – everything is decided by the ‘Spinsters’ who dedicate their lives to weaving the world of Arras. But these spinsters are controlled by the Guild. People of Arras have long forgotten their history and have settled into the lives of rules set by the guild. But Adelice’s parents have different thoughts – ones that would not be tolerated by the guild. Hence, they prepare Adelice to fail the test. But, at a moment of weakness, Adelice slips and weaves. She is selected as a spinster and taken away from her family. What awaits her then? Read the book to find out.

    First and foremost, this is a dystopian world like no other that I have read. It is truly unique. The idea of a world where lives can be woven into and removed with a simple thread – is amazing. Gennifer Albin has truly and wonderfully created a new world for her readers. The beginning of the story was a bit slow, but then this is a world no one has heard of before. It is not a tale of Vampires, Werewolves or Mermaids, that the author could have easily summarized her version of the theories on these creatures. Instead she has had to build a world from the scratch. So, I guess that it was essential for her to give the story a slow start so as to give us enough information.

    Okay, like 90% of the cases are with me, I did not like Adelice much. She is a bit slow to understand things and really irritating at times with all her ‘talks with herself’, which mostly amounts to nothing as she eventually ends up doing exactly the opposite of what she decides. She does manage to react quickly in the climax of the book – when it mattered the most. So, I guess that makes up a bit – but not completely for me. As always, I loved the supporting characters much more. I loved Maela and Jost. It is so not their fault that Adelice refused to take their advice. I do not know whether to love or hate Cormac yet. Whether you love him or hate him – you’ll have to admit that the man knows how make his presence felt.

    Like most modern YA Novels, the language of the book is simple and easy to follow. There’s a love triangle, mystery revolving Adelice’s family, action and drama. There’s everything that one could ask for and they are topped up by an amazing twist/revelation at the end! I am only deducting the one star because I did not like Adelice much – but then it is my personal choice – you might like her!

    I would certainly recommend this book to all dystopian lovers. It’s a world like never before.

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