Contest for International Women's Day ! - 2007

Discussion in 'Topic of the Month - Contest' started by Chitvish, Mar 8, 2007.

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  1. balwant

    balwant New IL'ite

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    Re: Contest for International Women's Day !

    :2thumbsup: the complete women
    one who has ability to take dicision and able to guide her son or daughter from the day they are born to be a very good HUMAN BEING and able to guide her children to make right choices which in later life are key to happy self,family,soceity,nation and country.

    BALWANT Manjula
  2. honeybee

    honeybee Gold IL'ite

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    Re: Contest for International Women's Day !

    Dear Induslady
    Sent my entry as a PM on mar 30th.Please let me know if you have received it.

  3. deepakarthik

    deepakarthik New IL'ite

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    Re: Contest for International Women's Day !

    A home maker has her own responsibilities and so the vice versa for a career woman. For a homemaker, she is responsible for all +ve and -ve's. S play all the roles starting from A-Z. i need not say all those, becoz everybody knows that.

    A career woman who also balances her home is also to be mentioned. That's why a woman has to choose her life and chase her life for everything!

    It is not fair to distinguish btw a homemaker/career woman / balancer.. if i suppoprt for any of them the others will come after me!!!:)))):-D
  4. Induslady

    Induslady Administrator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Re: Contest for International Women's Day !

    Dear all,

    Thank you to all those who send in your entries for this contest - The complete woman. It is in the process of being judged and you will soon see the announcement of the winner here.

    This month's contest will also be posted as a separate thread shortly. Look forward to your entries in the future contests too. Good luck!
  5. Induslady

    Induslady Administrator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Re: Contest for International Women's Day !

    Women's day special contest is more special to our site, isn't it???

    It was proved by the overwhelming number of entries received for this contest.

    Thank you dear judges for reviewing all the entries and choosing the best among them which sure wasn't a easy task.

    Of all the entries received, the oustanding one is from...

    Honeybee - Congratulations! :clap

    This time you made it. Though your entry came in the last it stood first :2thumbsup:.
    You have very neatly defined the various aspects of a woman in the various stages of her life and thoroughly defined what makes her a complete woman. Kudos to you!

    Please post your entry in this thread so that all the members will have the pleasure of reading it.

    PS: Private message your mailing address to 'induslady' and we can send in your special gift.

  6. honeybee

    honeybee Gold IL'ite

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    Re: Contest for International Women's Day !

    Dear Induslady

    That's Great.Thanks a lot . I am elated .I felt my entry was a decent one but a Winner...A lovely surprise!

    This "Complete Woman " was a very interesting contest topic and the way Chitvish presented the same inspired me to participate.The apt contest conducted by a world class Womens' portal in honour of "International womens' day".

    Thanks a million to indusladies for giving us the freedom to express our thoughts with liberty . Getting prepared for this contest was a real learning experience & I am motivated to transform myself into the complete woman I have described.

  7. honeybee

    honeybee Gold IL'ite

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    Re: Contest for International Women's Day !

    here's my entry..

    The Complete Woman -Is the one who balances, rather blends both, judiciously

    To elaborate on my view I would like to split a woman's life into pre marriage , post marriage and motherhood phases to see how the roles & responsibilities change according to needs & circumstances.

    In the pre - marital phase a young, fresh graduate girl is ambitious, brimming with enthusiasm and eager to put the knowledge gained to good use . She is career oriented and lands a plum job. A challenging job is important to a woman not just for monetary benefits , but to get to interact with more people from various walks of life and to become independent . This is a learning process as well because one will be forced to step out of the protective shelter offered by parents and family and will have to take her own decisions , if need be travel far and wide which opens new doors of wisdom. This phase is comparable to a fledgling which on developing wings leaves the nest in search of food & becomes self sufficient. This is an important formative phase in a woman's life which enables her to face the future hurdles with confidence. This is the right time to pursue career goals and climb the ladder of success.
    This period is god sent opportunity to express our gratitude to our parents for all that they have done ,sacrificed to see us reach this position in the society. It is our duty to ease their financial commitments as much as possible.

    The post - marital and pre- motherhood phase is where one begins to shoulder responsibilities as a wife, a daughter in law. Irrespective of whether one is employed or prefers to be a home maker , being an ideal daughter in law by convincing one's in-laws that she gives them equal importance and love as her parents through her attitude , maintaining good relationship with kith & kin, neighbours begins right here. Of course it takes a lot of initial effort and patience.
    This is an important decision making stage wherein one has to decide if she's going to pursue her career or be content as a home maker .
    If the choice is career the emphasis is on the concept of "striking a perfect balance ". This balance is achieved when one has very good planning skills and knows the art of time management, which are necessary for a person to prevent collision between family priorities and work related issues.
    Here the question whether you live separately or as a joint family makes a big difference..
    In a joint family, unlike the pre marital phase where we have the freedom to take our parents for granted , here willingness to compromise plays a key role in gaining everyone's support and confidence. To be an enterprising career woman you definitely need your family's co-operation and understanding.
    In a nuclear family set-up things are totally driven by the woman's efficiency . Life is smooth sailing with an understanding and helpful husband.

    Motherhood - the most precious phase in a woman's life. The crowning glory in a married woman's life is attaining motherhood. The priority is the child, its needs and most importantly the infant should not be deprived of its mother's total attention and warmth. Every minute step of the child's growth is to be experienced and cherished by the mother. At this point a woman has to adapt herself to becoming a full fledged mother and a perfect home maker for her child's well being. .She should enjoy every minute with her bundle of joy. At no point of time should the child experience a sense of neglect or loneliness. In this scenario a home maker scores over her counterpart because she is able to devote her complete attention to the child 's upbringing , is always readily available when needed and most importantly spends quality and quantity time with her family whereas a career woman compromises on the quantity aspect .Another important drawback a career woman faces is dependency.. One has to rely on her parents or parents in law to take care of her little one while she's at work .Day care would be the last option here and is generally chosen only when there is no family support.
    Our parents and inlaws have successfully completed the job of raising their children. It is our turn now to rest them, manage things ourselves and look up to them only for guidance and advice . The best bet here is to take a career break and resume after the child is old enough to understand things and attends school full time .
  8. honeybee

    honeybee Gold IL'ite

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    The essential qualities which make every woman perfect are..

    Far sightedness – The ability to visualize the potential future happenings & expenditure and be prepared for the same well ahead of time by planning finances accordingly ,curbing unnecessary spending to improve the saving potential and pursue wise investment plans.
    Contentment - the quality of being satisfied with what one has gives peace of mind & always keeps one in a cheerful state .When a woman is happy, naturally the whole family is happy because happiness is contagious .

    Ability to rise to needs : - A woman should possess strong will power to face demanding situations ,act with presence of mind at any point of time and be of immense emotional support to family members during stressful times.

    Grooming one's self - She should maintain her individuality and allocate quality time to pursue her interests and needs which energize her . Devoting time for Self Development is a must.

    Finally a complete woman is one who has a positive attitude towards life , is dynamic , is an affectionate & responsible daughter and daughter in law ,spiritually inclined , has good observation power & learns from mistakes , faces criticism bravely , encounters obstacles with a smile ,consoles a depressed person with comforting words , helps the needy ,is a perfect host and is a great source of inspiration to her children by inculcating good virtues in them at a very early age.
  9. meenu

    meenu Bronze IL'ite

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    Re: Contest for International Women's Day !

    Dear honeybee,
    Congratulations. I too find your entry neat, with a clear definition of the complete woman. There is so much feel in yours . I am so happy you got the prize.
  10. Vandhana

    Vandhana Silver IL'ite

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    Re: Contest for International Women's Day !

    Dear Honeybee,

    COngratulations. Great entry. You ave done an excellent job.

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