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Congratulations !! Its a baby gal again ...

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by YuktiVig, May 14, 2013.

  1. YuktiVig

    YuktiVig Bronze IL'ite

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    I am a mother of a baby gal and expecting a baby again. There's an obvious question people ask me "What baby you are expecting .. Gal or Boy ?".
    Being a North Indian, my obvious choice (if given) is of a "Boy". Is it , Is it not ? Well, even I am not sure about it.
    Honestly !! It may be because I am a mother and all I wish is a healthy baby. A boy can be my desire, as I already have a baby gal and would like the change :)
    But you know what? My mother cried, when my first child(daughter) was born .. According to her she petied the fact that I got a gal and felt it was my fate.
    She is worried this time too.
    Surprisingly, I am second daughter to my mother. And my mother raised both my Sister and I in equality to our brother.
    No difference in upbringing.No difference in rules for Boy or Gal. We are educated, infact studied more than our brother.Our parents bore all the education cost
    without any complains. Gave all the possible Love we deserved to have .
    Still my mother feels that giving birth to a gal again will be my fate :) Strange na ??
    May be my mother looked towards us as a "Mother" and loved all her kids equally. But thinks about my children as a "Grand Mother" .. This is still puzzling to me.
    My three year old daughter is a friend to me, mother to me and I dont have further words to describe this unique relationship.
    She feels protective and caring and agressive, if somebody raise a voice on me. She feels her mumma is best and beautful and makes me feel the same.
    She wants to hug and sleep with me as if I am her favourite Teddy Bear.Wants to play, wants to feed me with her choclate, feels worried if I say I am tired,listen to
    all stupid stories I tell.I
    Wants to relate my childhood with hers .. She makes me feel my presence in this world. She is the one who blessed me being called a "Mother".. and surely makes me cry
    when I write all this..
    This all cant be a FATE.. Its definitely my destiny and opportunity to live my innocent childhood again ..
    I Love being "her" Mother !!
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  2. kavithamadhan

    kavithamadhan Silver IL'ite

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    nice write up... its natural to look up for boy if we already have a girl...nothing wrong in that too. But girl child will always be very supportive to mothers in their older days so we should be blessed to get a girl...
  3. Onesweetlife

    Onesweetlife Gold IL'ite

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    So true.. I ve seen that all mothers are alike irrespective of the Gender of the child.

    Wishing you a safe delivery and healthy baby.
  4. YuktiVig

    YuktiVig Bronze IL'ite

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    Thanks Kavitha and OneSweetLife :)
  5. ShilpaMa

    ShilpaMa IL Hall of Fame

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    Yukti, I share the same relationship with my daughter and feel truly blessed to finally have unconditional LOVE in my life.

    Yes my mom was highly delighted to see me having a son (even if he had genetic messup) whilst I told her I wud have preferred another healthy girl....... she feels my life is complete now........
    So a few specimen mothers like urs and mine have closed the book of our life.... as COMPLETE or INCOMPLETE ... doesn't matter... now they leave THIS BOOK and we can turn our pages at our pace & expression :)... enjoy and cheer up with another healthy baby...........
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  6. beautifullife30

    beautifullife30 Platinum IL'ite

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    hey congrats to you first on your two sweet baby girls!!!

    i am on the other side of the river so to say since i have two baby boys :) .... and i have till now faced two sets of people 1) this category of people are truly and genuinely happy when i tell them that my second baby is also a boy and wish me luck and keep ttelling me that i am lucky to have two boys (boy! this irritates my DH a lot lot lottttt). It does irritate me too but i just nod off and keep quite... and then the category 2) the grapes are sour category...they have two girls for themselves and keep telling me that boys are not good, they never respect parents, its only girls who take care of parents in their old age ... it pisses me off but still i just nod and go away from that place.

    Me...i am just happy i have two healthy babies. I would have been happy for a girl seeing that i already had a boy but now tha i have another boy doesnt make much of a difference. He is still half me and half my husband. So my love would not be lesser probably more only.

    So just be happy and dont worry. Hypocrits are there everywhere...we just shouldnt care
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  7. satchitananda

    satchitananda Finest Post Winner

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    Yukti, it is so delightful to read about your daughter. Daughters are indeed a gift from above. I always wanted to adopt a girl, but that was not to be. You know,today morning I visited my mom. She's got Alzheimer's and is in a home. She just sat there smiling at me and did not respond to anything I said. It was such a lovely smile. She has shrunk, does not eat properly and is looking emaciated. I just felt I wanted to hold her in my lap and cuddle her like a little baby and it struck me as such a strange thing how roles were reversed and how the daughter becomes the mother to her mother after a stage. So it was really interesting to read when you wrote how your little girl mothers you right now. Probably it is inbuilt into the genes of daughters. You are indeed blessed and believe me if you have another daughter, you will be twice blessed. By the way, I too am a second daughter and we do not have any brothers.
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  8. Dhanu15

    Dhanu15 New IL'ite

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    Hello Yukti,
    We are sailing exactly on the same boat. In my case, its my inlaws who wanted a boy desperately. But i am happy to be mother of two girls. My 3 year old is just so possessive and protective towards me.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 15, 2013
  9. YuktiVig

    YuktiVig Bronze IL'ite

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    @Satchi : I am sorry to know that your mom is in such state. I wish her all the best of health and recovery.
    I understand how you feel, as my Mom suffers from Blood Sugar and goes through certain pains.
    Indeeed a mother -daughter relationship is very special :)
    Last edited: May 14, 2013
  10. YuktiVig

    YuktiVig Bronze IL'ite

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    @Dhanu : Congratulations !! May you get a healthy baby too. Yes even I feel sometimes the pressure of delivering a baby boy for my Inlaws. Wonder how they will react to the gal if I deliver :)

    Hope all goes smooth and happier at the end !!

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