I take great pride in informing all of you that Nuggehalli Pankaja was awarded the title of "Lipiprajana" (Master of Letters) this evening at the Gayana Samaj. She had invited me for the function, but unfortunately I could not attend as I had a prior engagement. She is a very well known and popular Kannada writer. Pankaja is a down-to-earth and warm person. I am extremely happy that she has got this award and I wanted all at IL to know about it and send in your good wishes to her. More success to Pankaja! Sharada
congrats to nuggehalli pankaja dear pankaja, only recently i came to know you are a writer. my hearty congratulations on the recognition showered on you. thank you sarada for informing us. G od bless you with more and more rewards as i believe these will motivate you all to serve society even better. warm regards meenu
more love and more awards to you.. Yes, Pankaja deserves the Award more than anyone...I was at the Award Function and I felt privileged and proud. A writer must know her/his destination to arrive there, Pankaja knew that and she truly 'arrived' there through her wonderful writings, with the tremendous spark of humour, knowledge and honesty...She is a highly respected writer of Karnataka, who has achieved long range goals with sheer determination and zeal.. more awards and more love from your readers to you Pankaja.. regards and love.. ambika
You've done it, Pankaja! You've done it Pankaja. There's a saying here which says that you may not get what you desire but you cannot escape what you deserve. You richly deserved it and rightly got it. There are many writers who go on writing, many without any focus or quality. But you have doing with your inimitable style with a strong focus and a fine sense of humour. May you be blessed with health, happiness, long life, peace and prosperity on this very happy occasion. Dear members of IL, it's a proud moment for us all to know that we have such a great person amongst our midst. May you be blessed, Pankaja. sridhar
Congrats!! Hello Pankaja, thats a great news. I feel so proud to have known you here at this site. It must have been a great moment for you when they showered the honour, "Lipiprajana", on you. My heartiest congratulations to you!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know to read kannada and thanks Sharada for translating the word, "Lipiprajana" .
It is " Lipi Prajna" Dear Meena, The word reads as " LIPI PRAJNA" and is not Kannada but a sanskrit one. 'Lipi' means Script, letters and 'Prajna' is Prowess. All these words when transliterated into English may sound wrong and may convey wrong. Since you were happy to know the meaning of the word, I am elaborating on the same.. ambika
dear ambika, thank you for elaborating on the word, LIPI PRAJNA.. its always good to learn and when I've good teachers around, why not??? thanks for enlightening me; a word learnt thanks to you and sharada.
Congratulations, Pankaja. Dear Pankaja, I feel happy & proud that a member of Indusladies has got an award for writings. Sri Varalotti mentioned to me about you when I met him recently in Madurai. I hope to meet you in person sometime ! Love & regards, chithra.
Thank you all Dear IL friends, I am overwhelmed at the amount of joy shown by all! How I wish you were all here at the function! Within a very short time you have taken me into your group! So warm, and sincere, as Ambika had enthused ,tempting me to join the forum. I am glad I did ; i simply enjoy your chat. And my three writer friends being,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, there-Sharada, Varalotti, and Ambika of course, made me feel homely the very first day. You are welcome to visit me when you come to Bangalore.My phone no is- 41535377. I hope to be an active member like you people before long. Thanking you , NuggehalliPankaja (This is 'samoohika dhanyavad ! ) ' Samohika means, collective. So, collective thanks!
CONGRATULATIONS - Nuggehalli Pankaja! Hello Mrs. Nuggehalli Pankaja, CONGRATULATIONS This wish is on behalf of the IndusLadies Team & all Members @ IndusLadies. We are proud to have you as one of our members and I think you would be the senior-most (in terms of your age & experience) among the members here. It is an inspiration to have people like you as part of the community and keep hearding the awards and prizes you WIN! We all wish you... Good Luck to WIN more such awards & prizes. Note: Ambika, Thank you for introducing such a great member to IndusLadies site! Sharada, Thank you for being the first to share this award winning information by Nuggehalli Pankaja in IndusLadies community! Regards, Kavya On behalf of IndusLadies Team