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Concerns About Baby

Discussion in 'Married Life' started by Lakshmipav, Aug 6, 2016.

  1. Lakshmipav

    Lakshmipav Silver IL'ite

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    Hello ladies ,

    Things are not really smooth ever since am pregnant again .. Im 20 weeks now in the last ultrasound doc found double placenta and fibroid .. I already told her am feeling pain she told it could be due to fibroid but no need to worry about it .. When we asked about double placenta she told I will have c section no way for normal delivery ( my first baby too delivered through c section ) .. Baby looks good but am still worried about this double placenta .. Already going through lots of stress .. Ever since doc disclosed gender of second baby ( girl ) husband is not happy not talking with me much. He even told me to live separately with second baby. Lots of fights but I never bent down don't give a damn if any one likes my baby or not am there to love .. He said mil too disappointed but I never give attention told I don't care what others feel .. I am into tears Worried about both my girls .. Started feeling weird and getting bad dreams like I will die after delivery leaving both my girl like orphans .. These thoughts are killing me day by day .. No one likes my girl other than me what if Iam not in this world who will take care of them .. ? Am not talking with any one at home not even with my parents bcoz Iam worried like I will disclose all my prob if I talk to them when already they are deep problems .. I don't have any support physically mentally just praying God to keep both my children healthy .

  2. blindpup10

    blindpup10 Platinum IL'ite

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    @Lakshmipav- First of all congrats on your pregnancy.
    I am sorry to say it, but you live with idiots! What kind of a person tells you to live separately because you are having a baby girl!
    Be confident- I am assuming that your DH is somewhere between 34-37 years. What do you think he will go ahead marry someone young and have only male babies pops out? Its not gonna happen!
    Don't think it is even possible for him to find someone to marry... no lady! he wont! Not with that kind of stinking attitude he has!
    If he tells you to live separately- Please do so. Give him a dose of his medicine and find a place to live alone. He will come back to sense pretty quickly! Living alone in the US drives men crazy ( men who have had a wife/ child for more than 5 years)
    All these things will blow over- Even if he likes it our not. Not you, not him, not doc can change the gender. He will accept it. He may need time.
    Be mentally strong- Please for the sake of your children. If you DH is typical village pea for brain idiot it doesn't matter how many degree or great job he has in the US. You have to be strong for your children. You should be there to mentally support them. Don't lose hope in yourself. You can raise both girls way better by yourself.
  3. chocolate

    chocolate Platinum IL'ite

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    OP, Congrats on your pregnancy. Stop undue thoughts and concentrate on yourself. Is your husband nuts? How can you have a boy if he didnt contribute to it in the first place.You cant have a girl by yourself.He shud be ashamed of himself.Being educated how can he talk like that. Which medieval era does he live in? Unsupporting hubby's are better off being by themselves. Seeing that you have a girl and due to have another baby you will snap at the drop of the hat. Rely on yourself and take care of yourself. If you dont take care of yourself post delivery you will end up with lots of aches and pains. So rely on yourself and your daughter.

    Cut negative characters off from mind and heart immediately.If your daughter is older than 5 train her to change baby's diaper and help you in changing baby clothes. Let her sing and console her baby sister in case need be.In that way you will lessen your load and make her bond with the baby.

    Use this month for stocking up things before baby comes. Things like diapers, creams, Soap,wipes. Sanitary Napkins for you.Make some good memories with your daughters and forget your MIL and hubby exist. Good Luck.
  4. guesshoo

    guesshoo IL Hall of Fame

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    Hugs to you darling. You are doing brilliantly despite the utterly stupid attitude your husband has. Be firm in your views and don't bend down. Tell him that if he can't see this blessing for what it is, he ought to examine his head.

    You will be fine and you and your wonderful girls will do really well. That's my prayer for you. Be bold as you are and ignore the mulish people around. Enjoy your pregnancy.

    Lots of love. xx
  5. Caide

    Caide IL Hall of Fame

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    hey congrats ... particularly u should be happy that both babies are girls :D and dont stress yourselves ok keep calm just forget about everything else babies are important now so stay focussed in that ok
    Sairindhri likes this.
  6. Brevity

    Brevity Gold IL'ite

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    beautifullife30 and Sairindhri like this.
  7. madras2018

    madras2018 Platinum IL'ite

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    @Lakshmipav It would be best if you stopped thinking about worst case scenarios and worrying yourself so much. Stress is simply not good for the baby and will transfer to it. Babies do show lingering signs of stress they experienced pre-birth. Hence stop worrying NOW !

    I totally understand your fear, and if you are extremely worried, I suggest that you talk to a close sibling or your parents and share your fear. They may help soothe your fears and if it will give you some peace of mind, you can also request explicitly tell them to keep an eye on your kids in case anything happens now or in the future to you (god forbid).

    Do meditation, chanting and prayers (like mahishasura mardhini) to get the will and determination to be a strong mom who will survive no matter what and wont quit until your kids have their own babies. The human spirit can be indomitable. Mothers are known to be lionesses when it comes to their kids. You can deal with your husband and his threats after you have delivered. If he irritates you or taunts you that he will leave you etc, don't react. Instead tell yourself that there is nothing to fear, you can still make it and that you'd be better off dumping his sorry ass and taking the alimony.

    You will be fine and your kids will be fine too. Put your mind over matter and focus on having a smooth delivery.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2016
  8. KashmirFlower

    KashmirFlower IL Hall of Fame

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    Totally stop thinking those two exist and go with your taking care stuff, food sleep meditation or pooja etc (as said above) etc

    I know how tough to ignore when they r just in front of your eyes,

    If u want to share, share with ur Doctor , may be they can help u some way, by talking to u both. Or atlesst some counseling to u , don't hide let people know what u r dealing with
  9. blessings1010

    blessings1010 Gold IL'ite

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    I just want to hug you and send my prayers @Lakshmipav.
    Please please please do not fear. Everything will work out fine for u and baby and girls. If this man is destined to receive the blessings of being with your precious girls, he will come around. If not, you all are better off without him. Love and hugs to you
    KashmirFlower and blindpup10 like this.

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