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Concerned with getting away from abusive husband or mother

Discussion in 'Married Life' started by momtoabhitanu, Jan 23, 2014.

  1. momtoabhitanu

    momtoabhitanu New IL'ite

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    I live in NJ and I have been married for 14 years now with 2 lovely boys. My husband has been verbally and emotionally abusive right from the beginning. It was an arranged marriage. Even the kids were not spared. I have gone through many days of loneliness, fights, frights and helplessness - absolutely felt pathetic. I was working also on top of the hardships. He would not help with anything, and all he cared was to play tennis and badminton. Very rarely he is good and it has stumped me many times that an abuser can be good at times. He absolutely hates my mother. She was the one who discovered his abusive behaviour.

    Because of the very bad situation at home, I decided to put my boys in boarding school in India. Somehow convinced husband and agreed. Using this as a chance to get away from him, stayed in India for 3 years with kids. We have been visiting him during Indian summer holidays. 4th year, I came back to NJ and started to work again. When the kids would come for their holidays, I called my mother to help me taking care of them. Everytime, this husband would flare up and his abuse resurfaces. This past fall, things did not go very well and he indirectly told my mother to get out of the house. Me, the kids were so scared that we locked ourselves up in a room.

    His parents are totally controlling him and although MIL doesn't directly say anything most of the times, she would give an analogy which this guy can pick up and thrusts upon me. This December, I decided to go to India again saying enough is enough. My parents are supportive and they are asking to just come leaving him. He threatened me many ways, but I didn't budge in. Finally, he was pleading and said he has no life here w/o me and kids and said he would try for jobs in India for the move. I agreed, but I am still confused. When I told my mother, she got so upset that she didn't even want to talk to me anymore. She says the kids are going to abused again. I don't know what to do. Am I right in giving my husband another chance ?

    I have been sharing whatever happens with my mother who must have been very worried now to let me & kids live with such a person. Now, its also that she has seen me. Only my mother has been morally supportive and its with her that I shared my deepest feelings. She has told every relatives in India about our condition here. I think she has concluded that I am not strong enough and cannot handle the situation here (with kids). On top of that, MIL is planning to visit for a month. I am petrified now.

    I have been gullible, soft and submissive which had added fuel to his abusive behaviour. Sometimes I feel like running away from everyone taking the kids with me.

  2. Priya16

    Priya16 IL Hall of Fame

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    you should listen to your mom.

    you are in US and not able to stop his abusive behavior and you have to keep your kids stay our of country just to safe guard dad, how pathetic it was. It's high time to get rid of him.And what you can do in India if you go along with him?????
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  3. momtoabhitanu

    momtoabhitanu New IL'ite

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    In India, I have my parents. If he talks bad, I can just walk off and stay with my parents. Kids being away is good for them.
  4. breeze01

    breeze01 Platinum IL'ite

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    You said you have to lock yourself in room, in such situation how good is it staying with him getting stressed out becoz of hubby and taking care of kids and How many times you going to walk off to parents house...
  5. hope2b

    hope2b Silver IL'ite

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    Has your husband changed since the pleading? Can you make him demonstrate that change and get it in writing?
  6. helpmeangel

    helpmeangel Platinum IL'ite

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    Dear OP,

    I feel that your MIL coming for a month to US, is a red flag. I think your husband would have told about the argument between both of you, to her. She may be coming to "straighten" things out between you both, so to say.

    I would really advice you to take your kids and move to India, before she turns up at your place. This way, you can have your kids and save them from your MIL's clutches.

    Also, if possible, talk to your husband and make him to stop your MIL's travel. Only then, you can try giving him a chance, if you want. Else, please get out before the typhoon arrives.
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  7. Rise

    Rise Platinum IL'ite

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  8. vaas

    vaas Bronze IL'ite

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    u and ur kids locked the room on the top stairs out of fear. and u r still giving that moron another chance. come on lady. he does not deserve another chance. but since you have already given a chance. my 2 cents. just dial 911 if he troubles u again. abusing wife is big case here and abusing kids is a big crime.
    dont put ur kids future in risk by giving a chance to this moron
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