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Concept Of God

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by jayasala42, Jul 7, 2022.

  1. jayasala42

    jayasala42 IL Hall of Fame

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    While talking about Bertrand Russel his views
    about God and Religion surely occupy our mind

    Russell sums up his views about religion quite plainly:
    “My own view on religion is that of Lucretius. I regard
    it as a disease born of fear and as a source of untold
    misery to the human race”
    According to Russell, not only are most religious
    beliefs intellectually and morally pernicious, the religious
    point of view itself “is a conception quite unworthy of free men”.
    Throughout his life, Russell thus put significant effort into
    opposing religious ideas and institutions of all kinds..
    Russell’s discussions about religion fall largely into four
    categories: his criticisms of arguments favouring the existence
    of God;
    his observation that religion has historically served to
    impede the advancement of knowledge;
    his observation that religion has regularly advanced
    theories of morality that are more harmful than good;
    and his analysis of religion, not simply as a body of belief
    but as a mode of feeling.
    The result was twofold:
    first, that many people came to understand religion as a subject
    about which they were entitled to develop their own
    beliefs and views;
    second, that arguments from ecclesiastical authority
    suddenly became less formidable and less influential
    than they had been for centuries. Russell himself reports
    that he received the Nobel award primarily for his
    anti-religious book, Marriage and Morals .
    If everything must have a cause, then God must have a cause. If everything must have a creator, then God must have a creator. Alternatively, if God can exist without a cause, then it is just as likely that the world can exist without a cause. The world, we are told, was created by a God who is both good and omnipotent. Before He created the world He foresaw all the pain and misery that it would contain; If God knew in advance the sins of which man would be guilty, He was clearly responsible for all the consequences of those sins when He decided to create man.

    The argument that the complexity and purpose we find in the world
    shows that there must have been a creator, Russell points out
    that “since the time of Darwin we understand much better
    why living creatures are adapted to their environment.
    It is not that their environment was made to be suitable
    to them, but that they grew to be suitable to it, and that
    is the basis of adaption.

    The argument that God is needed to bring justice to the world,
    to ensure that at the end of time the scales of justice have been
    balanced, Russell asks what evidence we have that such
    remediation is ever going to occur.
    “In the part of this universe
    that we know there is great injustice, and often the good suffer,
    and often the wicked prosper, and one hardly knows which of
    those is the more annoying; but if you are going to have justice
    in the universe as a whole you have to suppose a future life to
    redress the balance of life here on earth. So they say that there
    must be a God, and there must be heaven and hell in order that
    in the long run there may be justice”
    Russell also observed that religion is not simply a body of doctrine but also a vehicle for the expression of emotion.

    Societies as well as individuals, says Russell, need to choose whether the good life is one that is guided by honest inquiry and the weighing of evidence, or by the familiarity of superstition and the comforts of religion.
    Many ,after believing in God for many decades of life,
    are not sure whether
    their "belief" is appropriate or just a show. Is not the
    entity of God the outcome of their own helplessness
    to meet situations in life as and when they emerge?
    They pray to Him so that He, if He exists, may answer
    their prayers positively!

    If we go by the theory of Karma, which is becoming
    more and more convincing as a logical theory,
    what is the use of God? What is the logic of an
    entity like God? We have to necessarily reap the
    consequences of our past actions and God cannot
    undo those consequences.

    The idea of God then creates in us a feeling of
    dependence on an imaginary superior being and
    people run to a temple or a Gurudwara or Church
    for even simple day to day things in life. Is Man
    who is endowed with enormous power of his
    brain, his intellect, and his capacity to think so
    powerless as to become dependent? All our
    prayers across all religions are nothing but
    expressions of our own weaknesses. We want some
    one else to solve our problems.

    No religionist is ever clear about God. Different
    religions fight against each other in their quest
    for God. Tempers run high only because they are
    unsure about God even as they swear by God.

    Someone suggested a solution.
    Let us have an experiment: select a region or a
    town or city. Deprive it of all places of worship.
    People there will not pray,even without places
    of worship. Let them carry on like this for one year.
    Study the result. If all places of
    worship are scrapped and the moneys spent on
    them are diverted for human welfare,( will it be done so?)
    there will be tremendous progress in the world,
    poverty could be eliminated altogether and human
    beings can lead a much satisfied life all over the world.
    There will be no conflict of religions and no claims of
    superiority, no conversions, etc. There will be ONE
    religion and that will be the religion of MAN.

    If everything has a cause, God must have a cause too.
    Is not God then the product of that cause and therefore
    subordinate to it? Perhaps to avoid this tricky situation,
    Adi Sankaracharya propounded the theory that God
    did not create the myriad things of the Univese
    but manifested himself as the myriad things. But even
    this theory is not blemishless. For, what is the
    provocation for God to manifest Himself in
    different forms? Thus the Big Bang theory does
    not anwer as to what existed before the explosion
    took place? An explosion could not have taken place
    with nothing in the field.

    I don't know whether for experiment if we remove temples churches etc and bring more or less a ban on worship.,that will lead to tremendous welfare or a total downfall.Because you may place a ban on abhishekam and Pooja and not on the maanaseeka poojas performed by humanbeings.That may bring in a mental disaster though financial soundness may seem to prevail

    I strongly believe that Man created the concept of
    God and the concept became dangerously infectious.
    Those who claim to have "seen" God may have seen
    an apparition of a figure which in their imagination
    strongly represented God.

    Islam and Hinduism believe that God is formless.
    God is a supernatural power. It ultimately represents
    One ness - Yet, all the teachings of prophets and saints
    advocate duality in effect: when Krishna says,

    Sarva Dharmaan parithyajya, Maam Ekam ( EVA)Sharanam Vraja,
    whom is He addressing? Himself the One ness?
    If there is no duality, whom is He asking to surrender?
    or a second person the duality, which is contrary to
    His concept of Oneness? If this "surrender" applies
    to millions of lives on Earth, there is an implied
    recognition that there are as many lives, not just One
    Oneness. This is what King Janaka felt. One day while
    doing puja, he asked himself, "if I am part of God, why
    should I do puja to that God? Whom am I worshipping?"
    Adi Shankara got the message from Shiva who appeared
    in the form of a Chandaala. But Adi Shankara did
    compose many verses which are against his own
    concept of Advaita.

    Can a society without God exist? In which the people
    recognize that they are themselves responsible for
    all the consequences of their lives. Because, centuries
    of belief in God through different religious practices
    have not ended human misery of one kind or the other.
    If there were to be a God , Is God so cruel and unkind?
    He is on the contrary described as "Karunaa Saagara"!

    And if God also says that one has to suffer Karma Phala,
    and God cannot do anything, the concept of God falls
    to the ground instantaneously. All our prayers are
    useless meaningless rituals.

    The irony is that it is mostly believers who suffer
    a lot in this world and not non-believers. Why should
    Man then spend millions of dollars on places of worship
    for such a God throughout the world, across continents,
    even when believers often say that God is not going to
    be poorer if you do not worship Him?

    Jayasala 42

  2. Balajee

    Balajee IL Hall of Fame

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    I agree with Russel and Thomas Jefferson too on religion. "Jefferson described religion as the "Most perverted system that ever shone on man", Religion is indeed a disease, a mental illness. related to schizophrenia. If you believe God is talking to you you are schizophrenic. If you believe he is listening to you or watching you, you are religious.Believers don't suffer the most in the world. They are believers because they suffer, at least from a false sense of insecurity and try to find escape in religious belief.
  3. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera Platinum IL'ite

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    The problem is God has never presented Himself in person. He always sends someone to represent Him. At least that is the belief. The theory of creation is still a mystery. So is God. The more we try to analyze it, the more complex it becomes.
    We always look for shortcuts and paths of least resistance. God or no God, how does it matter? Communist Russia and China did do away with God. Have they overcome inequality? No. Hindus, Muslims, and Christians are God-fearing as a majority, have they achieved equality? No.
  4. nandinimithun

    nandinimithun IL Hall of Fame

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    Ramana Maharshi always told to enquire, ' Naan Yaar', ' Who Am I', the basic problem with us is that, we still dont know who we are yet we define and describe everything else, we try to analyse what is right and wrong.

    Maybe one day, just one day we should dive deep within ourselves, keep all the religion aside and ponder or ask questions to ourselves and ask ourselves 'Who Am I'..

    Am i this body, this name, this gender, this mother, daughter, who am i above and beyond all this.....
  5. jayasala42

    jayasala42 IL Hall of Fame

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    The question always remains a question.
    Whether we follow Ramana ,Sankara or Russell,
    it does not bother.
    Jayasala 42
  6. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    Interesting debate but i must say it can be argued out ad nauseam like agnostics.

    Somewhat relevant to this topic, I have come across this u tube fyi.

    At individual level, believing does not cost much except time one invest in it & believing and doing certain rituals. If good accrues ok. If it doesn’t that too ok.

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