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Colourful words those’re to be sensible too…

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by GoogleGlass, Dec 8, 2014.

  1. GoogleGlass

    GoogleGlass IL Hall of Fame

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    Colourful words those’re to be sensible too…

    A happy go lucky guy one day has to forego his freedom, very true it is and he would realize that when the inevitable event strikes – he gets married. :)

    He had his good times and bad times, a seesaw or rather a roller coaster ride it has been through all these years. But never once had he regretted getting married. His wife has been a pillar of strength holding him upright or even in a fall, made sure it was a gracious one.

    He is a chatter box with a coarse voice like the hard coconut that sounds in a mixie while being ground for chutney. Never tires in uttering unfinished words that keeps going on and on, even if the listener has either slept or given a slip to escape from bleeding ears. :)

    He loves his wife if not for anything but for her great attitude in listening to him, especially during the nights. She would in fact ask him to keep talking to her even if she falls asleep.

    There are many nights when she would wake him up and ask him to talk to her. The guy was really feeling great about this as the rest do not heed to him while his wife is mad about his chatters. He keeps talking more about her great attitude and the love she has for his words. In the neighbourhood and in known circles it was really a surprise for them, how this lady could tolerate this for so long.

    One neighbour was so very inquisitive that she really wanted to understand how this is possible. The guy had come home early and was just having a nap in the bedroom and the door was slightly open.

    The kitchen being very close to the bedroom he could hear them talking and by now he was well awake. The neighbour asked his wife, how come you could bear the nonstop nonsense for so long. By now the guy was also very inquisitive and was keen to hear it from the horses’ mouth. For long he had also been asking the same and she would just say she loves him talking especially in the nights. The guy imagined that to be a romantic stuff and was all the more happy in talking, talking, talking…

    What he heard, his wife’s response to the neighbours’ question shook him hard and brought him down in a thud…. Was there a basement to his house, he felt lying in the basement which wasn’t there at all.

    No not like that, I too don’t understand a bit what he talks about but my issue is….. I was born and brought up in a place where my house was very close to the electric train tracks. Having been used to that continuous rattling noise, I can’t sleep here in this house which is far away from the city with no noise of any sort and I really can’t sleep with out that rattling noise. And so I ask him to go on and on which suffices my ambience to sleep…

    Poor soul he smacked himself for not having really taken a nap and he would have never known the shocking truth at all and would have remained in eternal bliss of his wife loving him talking, talking, talking…

    There is always the other side of a story, shocking though. :):):)

    (This is not me, do understand please. While reading Cheeniya’s Senile Ramblings – 47 Years of Married Life, where his wife mentioned that his words are colourful but he needs to put some sense into them, got this crazy idea of making this colourful one without really putting any sense into it, what do you expect from me????) :) :) :)
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  2. Scorpio707

    Scorpio707 Platinum IL'ite

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    Hahhaha GG....a funny one this is definitely....had a good laugh...

    Though imaginative feel I must say this...for married men ( on a lighter note)- moral of the story - "Never eavesdrop when two women are speaking" never know what you might end up hearing gigglingsmiley
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  3. GoogleGlass

    GoogleGlass IL Hall of Fame

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    thanks for the first S7

    adam e(a)vesdropping is highly dangerous and not good for his mental well being :):):)
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  4. Srama

    Srama IL Hall of Fame

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    GG, going by what I hear from marriages that have lasted long it wouldn't be a surprise if the wife actually started listening to what the husband was talking and if the husband continued talking knowing well that his talk is only a lullaby. I believe it does happen, we just have to give it a chance.....long enough chance.
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  5. parineetha

    parineetha IL Hall of Fame

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    Aha! You realize you owe some royalty to Cheeniya Sir for the stolen title…Myself and Scorps have spared you many times for flicking the so-called inspiration, but this time….notdonesmiley :biggrin2:
    Even our dear Kamalji is in the race, coz his “ other side of the story” tagline also used…Oh you poor GG! :rotfl

    Now coming to the snippet, These days the management Guru and his imaginations are running riot. Only you can spin such tales GG:))))
    Show me one man who remains a chatter box after marriage? Most of the times, their lips are tightly zipped, locked and keys lost as well. If any husband talks so much, he’s for sure a museum piece. Hehehe.
    And for sure I knew this just..just can’t be your’s. LOL
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  6. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra IL Hall of Fame

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    Hi GG,

    There appears to be a benefit of marrying someone who is from a noisy setting as opposed to serene setting that Cheeniya Sir suggest everyone should do. At least, his wife likes his voice to induce some sleep. I very rarely come across husbands who knows when to talk leave alone how to talk sensibly. I agree with Neetu that most husbands' mouths are locked and keys lost. They have forgotten that mouth is used also to talk besides eating.

    By the time husband finds out the real reason for a question coming from his wife, she would definitely come to her own conclusion about what happened. What is the point in trying to answer the question? Lesser the husbands talk, the better it is for them. Listen, Accept and Apologize are the three important processes husbands need to know while having conversation with their respective spouses. Wait, did I say conversation? Conversation is generally between two or more parties. What I meant is listening to the speech of lovely spouse.

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  7. chillbreeze

    chillbreeze Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    GG, I was wondering what could be the reason behind the wife's liking towards her husband's talk and it made me laugh when I read it. I do agree with what Scorpio, Neets and Viswa sir said:mrgreen:.
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  8. GoogleGlass

    GoogleGlass IL Hall of Fame

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    thanks SR - long enough time - yes what other options? :):):)
  9. GoogleGlass

    GoogleGlass IL Hall of Fame

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    sue me for plagiarism :):):) for the title and tagline :)

    i am still but this story is not mine :) zipped is usual, am unusually mad :)
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  10. GoogleGlass

    GoogleGlass IL Hall of Fame

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    Ha ha ha V' that's the reason at least in my imaginary one made him talkative but only to realize that too was for the wrong reasons. :)

    Keeping mum invites more trouble - idichcha puliyaatam why are you dumb? :):):)

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