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cloth diaper FaQs

Discussion in 'Infants' started by loonypooh, Mar 25, 2010.

  1. loonypooh

    loonypooh Silver IL'ite

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    Cloth Diaper Glossary
    Hybrid diapers:
    these are diapering systems which are my fav fav fav! we use the gdiapers almost exclusively. and i wish i coulg afford some grobabys too....!
    gdiapers have a soft cotton cover, and waterproof snap in liner in which u stuff either the flushable inserts(not available here), or use cloth inserts like we do.
    we have gcloth inserts, gflappers inserts, and also local cotton flats, which we fold and stuff in our gdiapers.
    gflappers, are by far the most absorbent of all! followed by gcloth.
    AIO, All-in-One Diaper An all-in-one cloth diaper has an absorbent inner and a waterproof outer. The diaper is "all-in-one" with the diaper and cover created as one diaper. These are the simplest diapers to use since they work just like disposables. Depending on how they are made all-in-one diapers can take longer to dry. You can use AIOs for your entire diapering Stash or just buy a few for use by babysitters and others not familiar with cloth diapers.

    i recommend bungenius organic AIO

    AI2, All-in-Two Diaper An All in Two or AI2 diaper is a two-part diapering system designed to work together. An AI2 is usually made with a waterproof outer cover with an absorbent diaper or soaker attached in some way. Usually the Soaker is snapped in with plastic Snaps. Some AI2s work more like Pocket Diapers
    i recommend soft bums all in 2s


    Cloth Diaper Cover A cloth diaper is made from a waterproof or water-resistant fabric. A cloth diaper cover can be used over a fitted, prefold, or flat diaper to protect baby's clothes and other items from wetness. A well-fitting cover can help hold in messes. For synthetic covers made from PUL, Fleece or Procare, you can get by with 3-4 covers per size per day between washing. Wool diaper covers or wool soakers need washing less often so may only need 2-3 covers.
    i recommend thirsties duo(they run small yes, but excellent covers... plus 2 sizes will do it till potty training)
    another recommendation is blueberry coveralls... excellent covers!

    Contour Diaper A contour diaper is an absorbent diaper shaped to fit more trimly than an unshaped diaper. Contour diapers do not have any fasteners and usually do not have elastic. A contour diaper can be laid in a Cloth Diaper Cover. Some contour diapers can be used with a Snappi or pins.
    we have 2 contour diapers in our stash, and we love them.
    i recommend kissaluv hybrid contours

    Insert An absorbent Soaker that can be added to a Pocket diaper or Hybrid diaper for absorbency.

    Liner A layer of paper or fabric laid into a diaper to protect the diaper or provide a wetness barrier. Silk, Microfleece and Flannel are common liner fabrics.

    One-Size Diaper A diaper that folds or snaps down to adjust the size from newborn to toddler size.

    Pocket Diaper A popular diaper style made with an moisture-wicking stay-dry lining and a waterproof outer layer. Requires an Insert.
    i highly recommend the bumgenius coz of its patent stretch tabs, and thirsties duo pocket diaper... i just got one its its excellent!wish they were made before.

    Prefold A thick, absorbent rectangle of fabric that can be folded in a variety of ways to fit the baby. Requires a cloth diaper cover. Look for Diaper Service Quality (DSQ) diapers. These are the most durable and absorbent. Popular kinds are Chinese and Indian prefolds, named after the countries where they are made. You can also find great prefolds made from hemp, bamboo and other fabrics.

    Snappi A T-shaped stretchy fastener used to hold prefold, fitted or contour diapers in place.
    we use snappis all the time. and love them.

    Soaker The word soaker can be confusing since it is applied to three different items. 1. A wool or acrylic soaker is a type of Diaper Cover. 2. A soaker in a diaper is the absorbent middle section often made from several layers of an absorbent fabric such as Microfiber, Cotton Fleece, or Hemp Fleece. 3. Some diapers have an additional soaker that is attached at one or both ends or that snaps into the diaper.
    by far the most xpensive option unless u get some fleece locally and make them.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2010

  2. loonypooh

    loonypooh Silver IL'ite

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    how to store soiled diaper and wash them.

    this is what i do

    for poopy diapers, just use the health faucet and spray off the poop . dump all the soiled diapers in a big bucket, preferably with a cover.

    we wash diapers every 3rd day, since we have a huge stash. that way i dont have to run my machine everyday.keep a tiny piece of cloth , with a few drops of tea tree oil in the bucket pail... to keep stinkies away , if that bothers u. we used to do this initially, but now just got "used to the stink"

    washing routine.
    first a cold water rinse.so that the diapers are ammonia and poop free.... followed by a full wash cycle, preferably hot.
    then another additional rinse, to remove detergent residue if any. i sometimes skip the last rinse, lazy me!

    we line dry our diapers, since we dont have a dryer.
  3. tikka

    tikka Gold IL'ite

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    good one poo. REally informative. Do you use a liquid detergent? That is easier to wash off than the powder one, IMO.
  4. Vishalini3

    Vishalini3 Silver IL'ite

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    Great Poooo :) :clap :goodidea: :thankyou2: All this for you :))))
    You are our CD guru :)))

    Detergent, 1/4th of recommended for toploads, 1/8th of recommended for frontloads, this is what i follow, i have amway liquid detergent, any corrections on this Pooo?
  5. arthidiva

    arthidiva Silver IL'ite

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    very useful info Pooh.. thanks. Wish I had this info 3 yrs back.. :))
  6. radhee

    radhee Bronze IL'ite

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    Me too!...I was searching for all this 1-1/2 years back..and finally resorted to disposables.

    Great work Poonam...and Thanks for the info :)
  7. aishu22

    aishu22 Gold IL'ite

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    Poonam Dear,

    Know what......((((((HUGSSSS)))))) to you for this lovely thread explaining about CD. Its simply a superb effort from you :)
    My dumbo brain:bonk now got what is CD ing all about.....Thanks a ton.
    May you n yours be blessed.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2010
  8. paddubala

    paddubala Silver IL'ite

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    Wonderful Summary Poonam.Thank you so much.I've been intending to read the full cloth diaper topic but cudnt find time at all...so i've been postponing my cloth diapering attempt..

    Thanks to u that I can now order and start soon...

    Appreciate ur sincere effort as you have spared ur time for all of us...
  9. loonypooh

    loonypooh Silver IL'ite

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    more on wash and care

    thanks ladies.

    more on washing:
    You do not need to wash your covers after every use. This is how you are able to use only 4-6 daytime covers in each size. If unsoiled, let air and alternate with another cover. Of course, if a cover is soiled(or just smells), fold the flaps over the velcro, and put it in the diaper pail

    BEFORE YOU BEGIN WASHING, Please DO NOT use BLEACH or FABRIC SOFTENERS, ever! The bleach degrades the fibers of the diaper, and the fabric softener affects the absorbency. You can very successfully wash your diapers without these two products.

    A single wash load really should not exceed 24 diapers for optimal cleaning (this does depend on the size of your washer, too). You can add your diaper covers, liners (fleece), and wipes right into the washer.

    Start with a COLD rinse.

    Then, run a full HOT wash((1/4-1/2 the amount recommended on the box or bottle). The initial cold wash keeps your diapers from staining.
    1/2 or even 1/3rd for top loaders since they use more water... 1/4 or less for front loaders.

    we have successfully used surf excel. and now we plan to use only soap nuts.no detergent at all.the problem is the "south indian" soap nuts are not as good a cleanser as the ones available in north india. so awaiting my parcel from mumbai, which is on the way.

    please DO NOT use any baby detergents.i have seen a lot of brands here like tollyjoy, pigeon, etc etc.... they contain fabric softeners and will only spoil your diapers.

    one more thing is, if u wish to cloth diaper your baby, say buhbye to your fabric softeners alltogether,for other clothes too, since if there is any left in the washer, you will have no choice but to STRIP CLEAN your diapers.

    One additional tip: About once or twice a month, I like to add 1/2 cup vinegar and 1/2 cup baking soda to the first wash in the routine. This does an excellent job of removing any detergent buildup in the diapers & keeps all of your fleece products working perfectly.

    tikka, Pon i do not know about liquid detergents. i was afraid to experiment since most on the shelf in the stores have enzymes and softeners loaded!! Pon they say amway SA8 has natural softeners, not sure. coz if they are not biodegradable, they are sure going to be built up on fleece/suedecloth... but if they are biodegradable then go ahead.

    its a pain in the rear to find the perfect detergent for CDs esp to lengthen the life of fleece and suede, coz most that are available here have enzymes, which do nothing but destroy the absorption of the stay dry fleece, suedecloth, resulting in diaper leaks.however my diapers are in top condition with the regular surf excel matic.
    hence i have once and for all decided to use soap nuts.
  10. Padminiramesh

    Padminiramesh Senior IL'ite

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    Wow...superb thread :):thumbsup...you are my CDing Guru always...

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