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China Vs India

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by HariLakhera, Sep 29, 2023.

  1. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera Finest Post Winner

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    It is from Quora Digest. Maybe it may interest some friends here. Worth reading.
    Lives in China4y
    Why is China more developed than India despite having the world’s largest population?
    I'm Chinese, I've worked in India for a while, I've been to some of the cities and villages in India,

    Personally, I think the gap between India and China will only get bigger, not smaller, in the next 10 to 20 years.

    First, India missed a golden opportunity to industrialise

    From the end of the cold war in 1989 to the global financial crisis in 2008, more than 20 years were the golden age of global economic globalization.

    Over the past two decades, developed countries in the west have shifted manufacturing to developing countries,

    China jumped at the chance and India didn't!

    After the subprime crisis in 2008, western countries had already felt the danger brought by the hollowing out of manufacturing industry, and had strictly controlled the outflow of manufacturing industry.

    That's when India started to focus on manufacturing, but the good times won't come again.

    In recent years, India's manufacturing industry has developed and foreign investment has also entered India. However, foreign investment in India is quite different from that in China.

    Foreign investment in India is aimed at capturing the domestic demand of India,

    Foreign investment in China, the purpose is not only to occupy the Chinese market, but to meet the needs of the world!

    Foreign investment in India, more to meet the Indian government's market access requirements,

    It is easy to judge that Indian made products are not globally competitive and it is hard to see any Indian made products outside India.

    Second, India may miss out on a fourth industrial revolution

    Many people call breakthroughs in high-speed communications, new energy, new materials, life sciences, artificial intelligence and other fields the fourth industrial revolution.

    But indians are still keen on IT and have invested little in the fourth industrial revolution.

    I am not saying India is not investing, but very little, less than one tenth of China.

    In the future, the level of science and technology will determine the strength of a country, or even the destiny of a country.

    Third, India's environmental crisis

    As a Chinese, I have witnessed the destruction of China's environment by industrialization.

    It is easy to destroy the environment, but difficult to repair it. Today, the annual investment in environmental protection in China far exceeds the sum of education and military expenditure.

    But it will take generations to repair the environment, and some will never be.

    Unfortunately, I saw similar environmental damage in India, which has a higher population density and a lower environmental carrying capacity than China.

    India must solve its environmental problems, which may cause social instability and unrest.

    Fourth, India's education crisis

    In particular, inequality in education,

    Personally, 20% of people in India get a good education, but the quality and environment of education for the other 80% is really bad.

    Inequality in education leads to inequality in life development,

    India should pay special attention to the quality of mass education and invest heavily in it.
    Balajee likes this.

  2. Thoughtful

    Thoughtful Gold IL'ite

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    Thank you for sharing

    This over reliance of US in particular on China is really bad. Some like Vivek have started to talk about it but US have dug themselves in a a hole and with Biden in particular by giving huge sum of money to Ukraine and not spending inside US.

    Biden is also pushing for electric vehicles and the auto industry is going to have a major impact where American jobs and market go to China. It depends if Trump comes in, and with advisors like Vivek, India could get this business.

    The situation in India is bad to accept these businesses. While on the surface all of it looks good, the Modi strong hold and not a good opposition has left.a more one side way of things. States have a major role to play and the improvement is not good enough.

    If I were the US and want to invest outside China, India sadly doesn't look like a great place for me at this time.
    HariLakhera likes this.
  3. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    There was a time when India has perfected the manufacturing with so many Engineers. Particularly, textile industry used to be dominant. I remember many mills were closed including in Mumbai either converted into a highrise buildings or Malls or left unused for anti-social elements to thrive in it. Diamond cutting industry also used to thrive but those revenues didn't grow at the pace at which it was growing earlier. Iron & Steel, cement, power, fertilizers, paper, sugar, etc. are still successful but mostly meets the requirements in India. Even now, Auto and Telecom are doing well with so much demand in India itself.

    As a matter of fact, the success of information technology is mainly attributable to the Indian Engineers having such wonderful knowledge in the processes of manufacturing and they used that knowledge well for software development, maintenance and reengineering.

    I am glad there is a good initiative now to get back to the drawing board with the intent to not only manufacture to the needs of India but export the Indian goods abroad. It is high time, India becomes a manufacturing hub to the world.

    With AI likely to become dominant in the next few decades, service industry will have some drop in the revenues as it would be restrictly to merely for the maintenance of existing software systems overseas.

    Developed nations dependency in China is more due to expensive manufacturing in developed nations and if India could do it competitive, India still has a great chance to capture this market. Because the prices in the market in India are different than the western markets, I don't think the ambition of western countries to address Indian market will succeed.

    GE technology (80% transfer of technology) would help HAL to manufacture Fighter Jet Engines and export them to other countries. That is a huge market with so much potential for ancillary manufacturing industries. With India landing in the South Pole of the Moon, the opportunity for them to market satellites launching and other space related revenues are significant as the competition is only with a few other countries.

    China is monopolizing the electric vehicle market as they started GHG emission control long time ago considering how much oil they import from other countries. It is time for India to bring some part of this market into India. Chip manufacturing is another industry that India could do well.
    HariLakhera likes this.
  4. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera Finest Post Winner

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    Thanks for your feedback. International trade depends on quality and price. As long as China can meet these requirements, it will remain the main trading partner for many countries. Many Chinese products are not of good quality but the price justifies. They are in a position to keep prices low because of its political set up. India imports many times more from China than it exports to that country. There is no immediate choice.
  5. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera Finest Post Winner

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    I do not want to look pessimist but I do have doubts about India competing with China and becoming a manufacturing hub for exports to developed countries. Not only China, India will have to compete with other south asian countries like Korea, Vietnam, and Indonesia.
    The first and foremost is the political nature of both countries. Workers in China work for the wages given and hours demanded, which is not possible in India.
    For whatever reason, our brilliant professionals, do not feel more comfortable working in India.
    The polarization on communal lines does not encourage foreign direct investments.
    The center may talk of ease of doing business but it is not the same in the states ruled by regional/local parties.
    AI or not, humans will have to depend on products of basic needs in agriculture and manufacturing.
    Viswamitra likes this.
  6. Thoughtful

    Thoughtful Gold IL'ite

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    HariLakhera likes this.
  7. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera Finest Post Winner

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    Good. Let us see, how far he goes. The real test of any politician is making decisions when in power.
    Thoughtful likes this.
  8. shyamala1234

    shyamala1234 Platinum IL'ite

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    Absolutely true.From customer's point of view....especially middle class....buy things which saves their money. The products may not be of best quality. They do not mind. If I have to buy a mobile I would buy 10,000 rs. one rather than 20,000 one though it is of better quality. For salaried people especially who earn on a monthly basis.
    HariLakhera likes this.
  9. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera Finest Post Winner

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    If one makes a count of Chinese products available the world over, it may be over 50%. The reason is price. They are in a position to keep prices low because of the scale of production, low wages, long working hours, no workers' unions, and so on.
  10. Balajee

    Balajee IL Hall of Fame

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    Inequaklity in education is widespread, But the ruling dispensatio frowns on sincere attwmpts to bridge the gap because the rich and powerful education mafia fears loss of profits for its overpriced teaching shops. The attewmpts by the governments of Delhi and Punjab to bridge this gap has attracted criticism from leaders of the ruling pary at the centre and it and itts paid media are casting aspersions on such attempts and makinbg accusations of corruption. Educated and well-informed public is the backbone of democracy and without that economic progress would be slow. When I say education, I mean education without indoctrination or brainwashing.
    HariLakhera likes this.

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