China, Russia, Israel - Genocide

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Thoughtful, Nov 10, 2023.

  1. Thoughtful

    Thoughtful Gold IL'ite

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    The latest on the Israel - Palestine war is that US is going to follow heavy censorship and go after people who speak against Israel.

    When these same leaders talk ill of China, according to them, they are not talking ill of Chinese people but to Xi Jinping and his government. When they talk ill of Russia its not Russian people they are talking ill about but Putin and his government. But when someone talks ill of Israel, they will not consider that those comments are directed towards Netanyahu and his government but against the Israeli jews and you are an antisemite, which doesn't make sense to me.

    Some war mongers and hawks in US leadership comes in the form of Nikki Haley. Nikki does not want anonymity on the internet. The moment she becomes president she will force all social media to allow only people by their real name so that people can be held account for what they say. So much for free speech in US. Its like, as long as you say what I agree with, you have free speech. Once you disagree, you will be censored.

    Where is this policy of Nikki Haley coming from? Nikki is a donor darling with lots of billionaires giving her money. What these billionaires dont like, is some low level workers in their company going to social media and complaining about the company. They want this cracked down and this is getting converted into policy through these politicians who take their money.

    It is a disgrace.

    I am particularly disappointed by RFK Jr. He was the perfect candidate, anti-war, free speech, anti-censorship, taking on the big pharma, and so on. But when it comes to Israel, he wants Israel to have whatever they want. He wants student activity to be monitored and if they speak against Israel, to have a black mark where they can never find a job. ( There is this whole big story on why RFK Jr could be going soft on Israel and how lot of rich, famous and influential fall into the trap of supporting Israel which is for another time )

    So from being my first choice of President, RFK Jr ( though he is pulling lot of voters as independent nowadays ) has fallen down on my ranks due to his support for Israel.

    Ron DeSantis is not too far off. Lot of politicians for censorship, which is such a shame being in America.

    Vivek has been a fresh of breath air here as well calling on these hypocrites. He policy has been consistent and clear, filled with proper sense.
  2. Thoughtful

    Thoughtful Gold IL'ite

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  3. chanchitra

    chanchitra Platinum IL'ite

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    Viswamitra likes this.
  4. Thoughtful

    Thoughtful Gold IL'ite

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    The two state solution:

    Palestine are often attacked that they were offered a deal during the Clinton mediation, but they did not take it. This is what I understand about the deal, there were these 4 main areas of dispute:

    1. Border: Where should the borderline be drawn between Israel and Palestine. Palestinians accepted the international community. The border line should be drawn where it was before the 1967 war. Whole of Westbank, east Jerusalem, Gaza to be the independent Palestinian state. Position of the international community, international court of justice, UN general assembly s that this is the right border.

    Israel disagreed and wanted a part of west bank, which has been rejected international community.

    2. Jerusalem: Under international law the whole of East Jerusalem is for Palestine. Israel took that after 1967 war. International law does not agree to land annexure after war. Israel wants parts of East Jerusalem

    3. Settlers: There are about 700,000 Illegal Israeli settlers settled in the West Bank .These people should not be there and Israel does not agree to this.

    4. Palestinian refugees: When Israel occupied its state in 1949, lot of Palestinians had to flee. Per international law, refugees and their descendants who had to leave their land during conflict should be allowed to return back to their land after the conflict is resolved. Israel would not let them return.

    Palestine were willing to make concessions. Clinton came up with certain parameters during the negotiations. All of the parameters required Palestinians to give concessions on the basis of international law and not one for Israel.

    In Jan 2001 both Israeli side and Palestinian side accepted the Clinton parameters with reservations. So, it seems to be untrue that Palestine were the ones who rejected peace.
  5. Thoughtful

    Thoughtful Gold IL'ite

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    The United Nations puts together a document every year with the title "Peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine". This is about the existence of Palestine as an independent nation. I am not 100% on how often the voting by other countries happens.

    In year 2000, when the voting happened, 2 countries opposed this, 149 countries agreed to it. Unsurprisingly the 2 countries who opposed were Israel and United States.

    This seems to be the link of that voting,

    Peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine :
  6. chanchitra

    chanchitra Platinum IL'ite

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    Israel to resume Gaza Operation if Hostages not released by Midnight

    Hamas is delaying hostage release, Israel very angry ⚡ Israel says that its forces will stay in Gaza until hostages are returned & FUTURE negotiations with Hamas will occur amid ongoing fighting Even, Qatar warns Hamas to cease playing games.
  7. Thoughtful

    Thoughtful Gold IL'ite

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    Even the conservative media cannot hide it anymore. The number of civilians who died in the 20 year war in Afghanisthan by the US and its allies, Israel has surpassed that number in less than 2 months.

    US government was afraid of the pause in the war as it allowed the journalists to go in and give the details. Here it is form nytimes

    Gaza Civilians, Under Israeli Barrage, Are Being Killed at Historic Pace
    Even a conservative assessment of the reported Gaza casualty figures shows that the rate of death during Israel’s assault has few precedents in this century, experts say.

    Last edited: Nov 28, 2023
  8. Thoughtful

    Thoughtful Gold IL'ite

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  9. Thoughtful

    Thoughtful Gold IL'ite

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  10. SGBV

    SGBV IL Hall of Fame

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    This is
    This is the cruel reality of the war.

    Do you know the number is still small compared to what happened to the Sri Lankan Tamils during the war in 2009?
    And do you also know the war was supported by Indian government, using the tax or whatever paid by its people against their brothers and sisters in Sri Lanka?

    The number of people who are being killed in Sudan in recent times surpasses the numbers every media is obsessed about with regards to the Palestine people?

    What is happening in DRC? What happened/happening to the Rohingyas?

    If everyone is ready to accept these cruelties as part of war and political agendas, then why so much cry about Gazans now?
    I would understand if the protests from those who are connected to Gaza, and of course the others who have protested for others' rights as well. Yes, there are people who are vocal about all kinds of human rights violations in the world regardless of race or religion.

    However, there is this special kind of attention seekers, who do business using the dead bodies of Gazans/Palestinians. They show special interest on this Palestinian cause these days.

    I know a person from Sri Lanka, who was so vocal about Boycott Israel and Boycott USA (their products) in 2016 during the Syria war. I think there was a war going on in the west bank that time in parallel.
    He became very popular in the country after this campaign and many people got carried away with that. They used US based social media, and made viral posts for this propaganda.

    A few months later, he opened a soft drink company in Sri Lanka, which looked very much similar to Coca cola and distributed the same to those who protested earlier, and made a good business out of that. Now that, he doesn't care about world politics at all.

    I saw a very similar mindset among one of those Egyptians recently. That man protested hard against KFC, and now he has his own brand of KFC (Khalid's fried chicken), which is becoming very popular in recent times.

    Those people who shout out for this boycott now are the ones will go after these fast foods in a couple of months. At least if they keep up their words for the sake of their own health, the world would be much beautiful.

    I am honestly tired now

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