Now a days, suddenly all news channels are full of news with Chamatkars and miracles of God :arrow: Suddenly occean water has turned sweat, Gods and Goddesses have started drinking milk (this happened once in 1995 too), face of Sai Baba is appearing on the building, Mother Mary has tears rolling from her eyes and God Shani idol changing into the face of Lord Hanuman. With 24x7 news channels like Zee TV, Star News and Aaj tak, these rumours spread so widely and whole country goes into frenzy of trying to offer milk to God and Goddess at their home. I am surprised why all of a sudden these miracles have started occurring...
Aaj Tak showing "News" Did any of you saw the news on Aaj tak where they showed a car driven driverless. Yes, it was a mobile phone movie clip and they showed a car which was running with no driver. Just one person was sitting on the front seat besides driver seat and reading newspaper. They made a loud hue and cry of this entire evening making all guesses that the man is from other planet and has not expressions and what not... Are they trying to spread horror or aliens publicity?