Can You Change Your Destiny ?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by shravs3, Sep 24, 2018.

  1. shravs3

    shravs3 IL Hall of Fame

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    I believe that God exists.

    But I have this question from long time.

    By doing things like puja, homa, mantras etc , does it affect the destiny ? They say everything is pre written , then how does such things change your destiny.
    Some People say if you show true devotion to God then all the desires are fulfilled and it also has the capacity to change ones destiny.

    But there are so many cases where inspite of utmost devotion their desires were not fulfilled and couldn’t change the destiny.

    There are also incidents when people on pilgrimage have met with accidents and couldn’t survive.
    What is this called then?

    Does karma affect destiny or not?

  2. periamma

    periamma IL Hall of Fame

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    @shravs3 Good question ma.My opinion is we have to undergo sufferings or Happiness according to our Karma. Doing Pooja may give you strength to bear the pain . Like Cheeniya sir,Viswamithra and many more friends can give you the right answer.My answer is based on practical experiences and what i have heard from elders in my family
  3. troubledmom

    troubledmom Gold IL'ite

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    Yes. It does. I think so.

    I believe doing pooja, chanting etc changes me. It changes my thought process which hopefully will change my actions one day therefore my destiny

    When you do chanting it teaches you patience, to sit at a task 108 times or however many, and complete it no matter what negativity intrudes, legs pain etc.
    If something is bothering a lot and you do pooja then throughout the pooja that thing is at the back of our minds no? And we are petitioning for divine help and throwing positive thoughts and intentions at it no? That itself is a break in the pattern of behavior. First one break then another and slowly we go into a different, more hopeful mode of doing.
    Also elders say leave your problems on Him or Her. That helps too if the problem is too big to bear or solve
  4. shravs3

    shravs3 IL Hall of Fame

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    Thanks for the reply @periamma .
    Yes I do believe that praying and doing puja to God gives the strength.
    sindmani likes this.
  5. shravs3

    shravs3 IL Hall of Fame

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    Thanks for the reply...
    Yes you are sooo right!!

    True... While doing puja, we remember all the difficulties being faced.
  6. Adharv

    Adharv Gold IL'ite

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    @shravs3 ma'am I feel its a vague topic . We can discuss a lot but I don't think we will find a solution.

    Each one of us will have our own perception and understanding from what we would have heard and experienced.

    I do have exactly the same questions what u have listed here. In addition I would like to add the below
    1. why not all of them blessed with good fate???
    2. why god as to connect the karma of past life with present?? *"karma has no emotion, no logic, just the law of cause and effect" :fearscream::fearscream:
    3. Once I was asked to read a book which talks about each question is will all of them born in one sign will face the same ups and downs, traits, doshas etc etc :confundio1::confundio1: God I decided not to over think about this ;);)

    I also agree to the fellow readers... it gives us some strength and positivity to face the challenges by praying god & getting his blessings.(most of the time I would say good morning and good day :mask: )
    I don't really know what to pray at times because as we have been taught that god knows our problems and what we need. :) why to bother him by reminding it over and over..instead we can invest our efforts and try to overcome the difficulties and open the right door which is meant for us...if not also we can enter all the doors explore and :fearscream: finally knock ours.

    However I don't think our destiny would be changed drastically...maybe some miracles might happen for few. Some would be so immaterial, which we will be least interested about :sunglasses::sunglasses:

    "Destiny is pre written and can't be rewritten"

    Also these days homas, mantras etc are becoming one trend and way for making money :BangHead::BangHead: Commercialized!! :rage::rage: and unnecessarily scaring people... *note it is not applicable to all...we still have good soul who dutifully do their jobs.

    THis is really funny :grazy::grazy:

    Thank you and I would also wait along and see what others have to say. :thumbsup:
  7. shravs3

    shravs3 IL Hall of Fame

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    Thanks @Adharv for the reply..

    This is wat I wonder always. Why this partiality :(:tonguewink:.

    This is so true :expressionless:
    Karmic results if at all there should be applicable then and there in the current life... Why wait till next birth :rolleyes:

    And yes I too feel the same. There are only few genuine astrologers who don’t unnecessarily charge huge amounts.
    Many are doing it for money...
    Thyagarajan, sindmani and Adharv like this.
  8. Amulet

    Amulet IL Hall of Fame

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    When the ancient rishi's were doing homa's in the woods, they were beset by rakshasas who came to disrupt the fire, and make a ruckus. Perhaps all of this is just story-tellers' way of saying that a calm, and peaceful mind is difficult to achieve while doing any serious task. Some internal ruckus happens to deviate our minds.

    when the rishi's approached King Dasaratha to get his sons to come along to protect them against the rakshasas, it is yet another story-tellers' fanciful way of saying that one can summon one's own goodness (incarnate in Ram & Lakshman) and seek the peace/quiet of the mind to get on with the event.

    Even the ritualistic bath before the puja is to make sure the kinks in the body and the pesky little itch in the middle of the puja-rini's back does not come up during the puja and disrupt the mind.
    My thoughts on your 3 questions....
    1. This "good fate" could be in limited supply; and besides, because karma=>good-fate exchange, not everyone can have an equal amount of good fate. Karma could be like accounts-receivable for good fate in the next birth. Since good-fate is an expanding commodity (like our universe), there is more of it each year. But then, it is unevenly distributed because of... (see item 2).
    2. Your question 2 is a good one. So far the hypothesis has been that one's good fate has been "prepaid" with good karma. Perhaps there could be a future, a more advanced scheme for karma-fate accounting, in which we could have the availability of "credit". One would be able to borrow good-fate in this birth, promising good-deeds plus additional good-deeds as interest payments in a future birth. We are just not there yet. We are just stuck with a prepaid fate plan for now.
    3. Books about zodiac signs ? That is passé. We now have apps on smart-mobiles. People with the same zodiac signs, but smarter mobile phones, will obviously see their fortunes differently. You are smart to decide......not to over think about this ;);).....

    Destiny pre-written? In south india, at the Tirupati Temple, little tots are taken and their heads clean shaved at age 1 to 2. And then there are streetside-savants who claim to be able to read what is written (supposedly written on the head) on the child's head about her/his future. For a small contribution, they will run their fingers on the child's freshly depilated head, and pretend like they are reading some complex thoughts in Braille. Perfectly smooth, round headed children will obviously be a problem to the reader as well as everyone else in the future. The ones with lots of bumps, and ridges likely have an adventuresome life. Children born under the same zodiac sign, will each have different things written (in bumps, ridges, and bald spots) on their heads. Perhaps that is a clue why they turn out differently even though they share a zodiac sign.

    All of this will be fixed, when we have an operating credit market for karma.
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2018
    Thyagarajan, sindmani, poovai and 3 others like this.
  9. shravs3

    shravs3 IL Hall of Fame

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    Lol this is funny :sweatsmile:

    Never knew this even after visiting so many times :yum:
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  10. Amulet

    Amulet IL Hall of Fame

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    Not at all meant to be funny. (but you are welcome).

    That itch in the middle of the back comes up exactly where you cannot reach it, and when you don't need it. And does so, when you are crumpled in an economy class seat on a long flight, and there is nothing you can do about it, except close your eyes, and chant something over and over in your mind and shift your attention elsewhere. Just like you don't want an itch in the middle of a puja, you can fight an itch with a puja.

    King Richard III, was supposed to have said "my kingdom for a back-scratcher..." when he had an itch in the middle of a battle, but unfortunately some enemy had shot an arrow at him, which turned out to be a back-scratcher that was just too scratchy.
    Thyagarajan, shravs3 and Gauri03 like this.

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