Can some people bring bad luck to us?

Discussion in 'Queries on Religion & Spirituality' started by tanisha123, Feb 16, 2011.

  1. Spiderman1

    Spiderman1 Gold IL'ite

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    You and your hubby are responsible for your fights happening. Not your friend.
  2. satchitananda

    satchitananda IL Hall of Fame

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    i agree fully with what spidey and srividya have said. if it was so easy for someone to bring you bad luck just by meeting, talking or networking with you, imagine how many people would wilfully do that to people whom they hated. in that case, i can guarantee you, there would not have been a single happy person left in this world. as srividya said, these are just your own fears manifesting themselves. this is the power of thought. so think positive and nothing will go wrong. you have got to decondition yourself vis a vis this fear of yours. next time you interact with her, just be doubly aware and do not get led into an argument with dh. if you see one starting up, just walk off into the next room and give both of yourselves some time out, so that you do not blow up in each other's faces.
    sindmani likes this.
  3. tanisha123

    tanisha123 New IL'ite

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    thanks spiderman and satchita. i'll try to control my anger next time i have the urge to fight.
  4. tanisha123

    tanisha123 New IL'ite

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    but they won't be aware they bring bad luck to some people.
  5. ambi27

    ambi27 New IL'ite

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    Hey Tanisha. I understand how sensitive this issue is to you as your husband is clearly very important to you. A good way to rest your mind would be to take statistics. Whenever you and your husband fight, make a tally on a personal calendar. You may find that you and your husband fight on days when you have not had any contact with Person A.

    Sometimes, people remind us subconsciously of other people we have not had the best times with. For example, if on a deeper level someone reminds me of my ex (but I am not aware of this), I tend to steer toward a bad mood. This bad mood and negative energy then flow over into my otherwise healthy, loving relationships. Is it possible your friend just reminds you of someone you did not have a good experience with? Which leads you to become overly agitated, hence more sensitive to start a fight. Could be.

    Now what I will say will contradict the previous. On some level I do think people bring bad luck to us. I'll use the example of my relationship. It's been a very on and off relationship and we decided to take a break. Within that break, I got a business proposal, met a director who is currently asking me for expert opinions for his film, had 4 job placement sites call me back to schedule interviews, had a lost relationship with a family member re-established, and made some new good friends. Within this time I also got a key chain and gemstones which represented love and hope.

    Now after this break was over and Person A and I were communicating again, all 4 job offers were declined. One offer is barely being finalized and I fear it will also be denied. My key chain broke and my gemstones are lost. I have to add here, I am a very organized person and know all the locations of my belongings. I cannot find the stones and key chain is broken. My critical job offers are no longer options.

    With all this I fear if I keep Person A around, the few good things going for me right now will also turn to ashes. Perhaps there is something about Person A that brings out a disappointing side of me, which then leads me to interact with others in ways which would invite them to reject me. Perhaps something about Person A makes me so enamored that I become forgetful (misplacing the stones). And perhaps, Person A IS bad luck because his dynamic interaction with me makes my life unlucky.

    Mostly I think I'm being too superstitious and not willing to take more responsibility for what happens in my life. Whichever, there's a nagging gut feeling that this person has not been a good influence for my life. So in the end...follow your gut.
  6. tanisha123

    tanisha123 New IL'ite

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    Dear Ambi,

    Thanks for your post.

    I have decided to keep minimum contact with the friend of mine that I feel brings bad luck to me. As you say even I may sound superstitious but I feel better to avoid that friend of mine and more over we are no more that close like during college days anyway.

    It seems to me that you should also try to keep minimum contact with that person A you mentioned in your life and see how things get with you. If everything seems to be right and positive then it's better to always keep a distance from the person.
  7. AngelSound

    AngelSound New IL'ite

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    Hi there, I know I'm about 8 months late for this post
    & I really hope you get this...

    Stay AWAY from her !!!

    Never ignore signs & how people make
    you feel after you've been in their

    There is no such thing as a coincidence
    and I believe you when you say bad things
    happen after you've interacted with her.

    I've been in the exact same situation as
    you. Had this one friend of mine & I could always
    tell she was very jealous. Everyone else saw it but
    I chose to brush it off. We had our laughs together
    & what not but everytime I was with her, I couldn't
    shake this feeling of strangeness. I felt heavy & drained
    after being in her company but I chose to ignore it because
    I thought maybe I was being über paranoid. This lasted
    for about 5 years. Untill one year I decided to cease communication
    with her. I started to feel so much better, confident, lighter & as
    if doors are opening up for me. I felt bad & confused during this
    period at times because I wasn't sure if I was being mean or
    doing the right thing. A couple of months later I visited our trusted
    psychic to know whether I was on track in terms of school. Towards
    the end of our session, I pulled out a picture of my friend and explained
    how I'd been avoiding her and asked whether I was doing the right thing.

    She studied her picture through the help of psychometry and told me in
    these exact words 'Stay away from her. She's a very bad person. She's
    egotiscal, selfish & very jealous of you. She will bring you nothing but BAD
    LUCK.' She said a prayer & told me to pray for her.

    After that day, I never ignored my guts. Things the psychic mentioned
    were only validstions of what my instinct was telling me all along.

    In retrospect, I was blinded by my wanting to be a good person that
    I totally forgot that it could be to my detriment.

    I know you probably felt bad too for how you felt but you need to listen
    to your gut & never ignore the signs.

    Pray for her, think positive thoughts & focus on you & your family's
    well-being & happiness :)

    Stay away from her. 5 years of my life I can't get back all because I
    mistook my gut feeling for something else.

    I wish you the best & hope that you read this message.
  8. Anoo1234

    Anoo1234 Bronze IL'ite

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    Nope . The fear inside us manifests in the form of these kinds of negative thoughts that lead to negative things happening around (fights between u and your dh ). So dear try to develop will power instead of sinking into these kinds of thoughts
  9. jennjin

    jennjin New IL'ite

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    I used a search engine to look for this topic- as have a freind that whenever I begin communicating with them, my finances take a turn for the worse. I have even had another freind tell me to stay out of communication with this person, as I work for myself, and my business become so slow it's noticeable to my room mate !
    I have never sensed mean ness or jealousy from this freind, so I do not think they have bad intent or any ill will - I think they must have some sort of negative energy attached to them... cannot explain it but I'm about to cut communication with them again and probably for good,,, the financial stress is just too much !

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