Can more indians participate in olympic/world championship sports?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by leelal, Sep 11, 2007.

  1. leelal

    leelal Bronze IL'ite

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    :2thumbsup: We have recently watched the movie Chak-de India. Excellent mvie and no wnder this is chosen for Management education in India.
    We were surprised how the movie has engaged us with it without any glamour songs/scenes & no hero fights etc.
    At the end of the movie, my patriotic heart started dreaming whether the imagination can be made real.

    Being ranked second to china in Population with billions of people, do we have enough no. of representations in world /olympic games?. During common wealth games and olympics, we could see only a handful of people from India participating while the sports people from kenya, Australia, china, Japan, Singapore, england and USA represent more.

    Except Cricket and Tennis (Due to Sania's entry recently), indians do not give importance to any other sports. Recently Hockey, chess, TT , badminton, biiliards, squash and shooting and bit of athletics are given a push.

    Now there is a tug of war between sports ministry and IOA and similar associations, I wonder what would be the participation level in next Olympics?.

    Similar to India's leadership positioning in IT/ITES industry due to private players, what can be done to improve the situation in sports?

    Please share your thoughts and suggestions so that India become a super Sports (Not Nuclear :-D -) Nation.

    Let Chak-De India be made real and let us have more proud moments!!!:2thumbsup:

  2. Shanvy

    Shanvy IL Hall of Fame

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    Hi leela,

    A very interesting topic which has been in my mind for quite sometime.... but it looks india surely wins only in movies:mad:

    Do you know when China rejoined the Olympic Games after decades of isolation, the Asian superpower has won 320 medals. India, on the other side has won three a silver in trap shooting at Athens, a bronze in women's weight lifting in Sydney and a bronze in tennis in Atlanta.

    What could be the reasons...

    India's passion for academics to oversized bureaucracies, lack of corporate sponsors. looks like the giant microsoft has joined to sponsor cricket to boost its sales (selfish motive) corporate sans a few want to give back to the people who have been the back bone for thier you see any sponsors for hockey tennis or chess....
    I know parents..even me...who say have to study well..when my son wants to take up a sport...

    India is doing very well in chess. And pretty well at cue sports like billiards and snooker. How many of us know that vishwanath anand one of greatest is now a resident citizen of spain...he has been lapped up by that country....
    We have lot of players in chess. what about the encouragement and sponsors...
    Billiards...the internation junior level competitions were recently held in india.
    Golf..we have lot of them who have been doing great in the asian circle..
    Most of these sports need money, sponsors and encouragement...

    In a talk show there was this girl who was selected to represent india in germany in karate tournament..she could not attend for want of funds..the government does not take involvement in these cases...

    Because of India's cricket mania, nobody takes much notice of aspiring swimmers or sprinters or gymnasts, and almost no one funds them. There are few tennis courts outside of big urban centers, few swimming pools or playgrounds in rural villages

    India's sports centers spend much of their budget on salaries for bureaucrats, while athletes complain about lack of money for track improvements, coaches and better running shoes.

    India needs role models.

    A chak de has increased the awareness of people towards hockey..increasing the hockey sale....but even in chak de looks at austalia as an example..when we have better the chinese to look and how they are able to churn out medals.....

    we have to address our problems of effective utilisation of allowances for nutrition (most of these atletes do not have the funds for the same)...better infrastructure..better encouragement,scholarships....sponsorship...maybe by 2010-2012....
  3. Vysan

    Vysan Gold IL'ite

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    Dear Leelal / Shan

    The Indian Cricket rose to great height because of the Golden period between 83-85 when India first won the World Cup and continued the momentum for glorious 2 years. Thanks to one man Kapil Dev....Even this great game, we are not good at.... You should read what ICC had told earlier when the controversy over the contracts came.... They said we respect the Board for their teams performance and not the funds it has... Politicians and busuness men entered and made business out of the game, so there is funds and all hungama..

    Yes, I agree with you that Indian Govt. is not taking care of the sports...

    There are so many talented and gifted people in India... But we dont promote them... There is no proper guidence... More over we have such high egos, all the sports associations.. they lose talented people and other countries lap them up....

    Instead of blaming others & the Govt which will never ever going to change.... Can we do something about that....

  4. Shanvy

    Shanvy IL Hall of Fame

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    Hi veda,

    I am not trying to blame the government or others....I am just pointing out where the existing structure can be changed....

    I mean if a pt usha can have a village for groming kids for 2010 olympics..why dont we take a cue from there.....
  5. leelal

    leelal Bronze IL'ite

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    Dear Shanti and Veda,

    We appreciate your valuable points.

    We can note that earlier the Indian economy was bad and 1980-85 onwards, lots of industrialization has started. Earning a god education and landing up in a good job were the key priorities. Hence people especially urban crowd started focussing more on education. More of the sportsmen in not rich games were from rural towns.

    Depending on govt to do every thing from infrastructure, telecom policies, eductaion upgradation and Healthcare services and sports is also very difficult.

    My strategic mind goes on saying its time that lots of Sports NGO's have to be started and attract talent from rural areas. Indian govt if required, finance minister should introduce a sports cess of 1% for 2 years like education cess.

    These NGO's have to be funded by Govt and indians. Probably Govt should open up fDI in sports as well.
    Govt can utilize the fund to build sports complex with residential minimum education facilities so that the sports students can combine sports and studies. If such complexes come in every district head quarters and categorize them for special events like basket ball, Gymnastics, swimming etc,

    Indian industries, general public and NRI's who wish can contribute to the Represention of Indians in global sports.
    Like PT.USha, we will be able to identify excellent sportsmen/women in respective group, give them leadership challenge and get the team trained under foreign coach.

    This also provides better job /future for lots of rural people as Urban community is staying away from sports. Atleast in initial years, we will be able to increase the participation level. Then we could go to the next level of winning medals.

    Once few teams start rewarding through olympics, quiet naturally public and media ad/corporate sponsorship will flow in and NGO's can be benefitted.

    This will also improve the sports facilities in India so that Olympics could be held in India.

    To reach this level, we need few leaders like NRN, Premji, Ratan Tata and Dr.Abdul Kalam.

    I am still thinking should I jump in to start a sports NGO....:)-
  6. Shanvy

    Shanvy IL Hall of Fame

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    I am still thinking should I jump in to start a sports NGO....:)-

    All the best..........................
  7. jpjeny

    jpjeny New IL'ite

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    I think this position has its base from the school itself, Because i can see some school have playground for namesake. They are not giving the child their chance of paricipating in activies other then studies related programs.
    So they are growing without the knowledge about how they can use their skills.

  8. leelal

    leelal Bronze IL'ite

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    News is out!!

    In a multibillion population country, only 57 athletes are participating in Olympics.

    Let us (Indians) wish the Team Good Luck to bring home prestigeous MEDALs.!!!
  9. Senorita

    Senorita Silver IL'ite

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    Hi, I wish our India players all the best and good luck..!

    Hope that they bring pride to India..! :2thumbsup:

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