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Bypass Surgery...Please help

Discussion in 'Health Issues' started by jothi, Feb 22, 2007.

  1. jothi

    jothi Senior IL'ite

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    Hi Friends,

    This past couple of days have been very scary and disturbing for me. My father was admitted in a hopital in Chennai after a chest pain. An angiogram was done, the doctors have found out that he has 3 blocks and that he has to have Bypass surgery within a week or 10 days. He has been discharged from the hospital and if all goes well he is planning to get the surgery done next week.
    I would like to know if anyone in IL has any personal experience of Bypass surgery done to a parent or inlaw in chennai or anywhere in India. What are the pros and cons of the surgery. He is planning on getting the surgery done in Frontier Lifeline Hospital in Mogappair. Anybody know the success rate of these kinds of surgeries there and how much it costs for the overall procedure.
    Please help ladies, I am counting on all of you to get some info. I am a nervous wreck since sunday.

    Thanks in advance,

    BTW, If any of you have Elderly parents or grandparents Please encourage them to have regular check ups. Most hospitals in chennai have Full Body check up these days. I wish I had asked my father to get this done earlier.


  2. krishnaamma

    krishnaamma Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dont worry Jothi

    Dear Jothi,

    First don’t worry. Now a days, by-pass surgery and angioblast are done very successfully. Some of our friends under went these treatments. They resumed work in offices also. In fact, people from other countries come to <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:smarttags" /><st1:country-region><st1:place>India</st1:place></st1:country-region> for treatment. It may cost depending on the condition, up to 4 lakhs Indian Rs.

    After operation people should not strain much for some time, and follow up Dr’s instructions properly. If you feel get second opinion.

    I will pray God for your father’s quick recovery from this problem. Again don’t worry, GOD IS GREAT. JUST PRAY HIM.:yes:
  3. raginiprakash

    raginiprakash Senior IL'ite

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    Hi Jothi,

    I can understand the stress u might be going thru at this point of time. I faced this situation too in my life & that too when i was very young.

    Nowadays, blockages in the heart are relatively common & bypass surgery - undertaken to correct it, do have a high success rate. I'm saying this based on personal experience- my dad underwent a heart surgery many yrs a go & even worked for so many yrs after that. Many of my relatives have also undergone this surgery.

    So, plz don't worry. It's important to choose a good hospital & a competent doctor. Post operative care is very important. Most people are on their feet in a few days & recover in a month's time & get back to their routine.

    India has the best of doctors & infrastructure too. The cost of surgeries differ from hospital to hospital. Since i'm from B'lore, i don't have any idea abt Chennai.

    Have faith in God, pray & everything will be fine. Wishing you father a speedy recovery.

    Take care,

  4. Vidya24

    Vidya24 Gold IL'ite

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    My dear Jothi,

    All will be well, dont worry. The Hospital in Mogappair- is that the one by Dr Cherian?

    I have many relatives who underwent bypass and all of them are well, leading good lives. My cousin is a Cardiologist and she also talks of by-pass as a cure rather than a debilitating procedure.

    My uncle who underwent by pass for five blocks is doing well, going to Sabarimalai. He said that there is very minor post operative pain. Heart surgeries are usually not supposed to be painful.

    Wrt cost, I think most hospitals offer different packages.

    It is easy for us to say, 'don't worry'. However, that is exactly what u should do. Doctors and God are there for us- all will be well. Your dad will lead a healthier life after the by-pass.

    Last edited: Feb 22, 2007
  5. Naveena

    Naveena New IL'ite

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    Hi Jothi,

    This is Veena. I wanted to share a personal experience with you which is similar to yours. My mother in law underwent bypass surgery in June 2005at Mysore. She was 58 then. She too had 3 blocks similar to your father. Just dont get nervous or panic. These things have become common nowadays. My mil had 3 attacks earlier. Later angiogram was done and 3 blocks were found. I learnt that if there 1 or 2 blocks, angioplasty would suffice, but for more than 2, one has to undergo bypass. My husband had also taken a second opinion from a specialist in Narayana Hrudayalaya Bangalore.

    We too were tense and nervous at that time. By God's grace everything went on well. She is fine now. She was back into action within 2 months! She was advised to take rest for 1month, thats all. She is normal now with certain medications.

    The expenses came to nearly 2 lakhs including the angiogram, of course it varies with cities and hopitals.She was discharged in one week. But there were a lot of diet restrictions for almost 2 months, i.e. drasic reduction of oil and coconut based foods.

    Let your father be calm. All of the family members should be confident and dont make him feel low. That is more important. Dont cry infront of him!He will be alright. I think success rate for bypass surgery is not very bad. How old is your father? Pray God, things will go on well. Dont worry. We all will pray for your father.

  6. srinivasan_vanaja

    srinivasan_vanaja Gold IL'ite

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    Re: Bypass Surgery...nothing to worry

    Dear Jothi,

    Please don't get worried. Bye-pass surgery is very common now-a-days. When a road gets damaged, we lay a road nearby that damaged road to make a clear way to the vehicles that passes by. That road is called Bye-pass road. The same way a new vein is stitched near to the damaged or blocked arteries so that the blood passes freely through the new vein. That new vein will be taken from the patient's left leg and will be used for a bye-pass artery to the heart.

    Clearly understand onething - this surgery is not a open heart surgery, since the surgeons are not going to disturb the heart in anyway. The surgery is done near to the heart.

    Necessary pre-operative care will be provided by the hospital. They will train the patient to get ready for the surgery. As family members you all should support and encourage the patient and be positive.

    The cost would only come to around Rs.2 laks either this way or that way. It all depends on the hospital.

    After surgery the patient will be advised to walk and exercise regularly and of course there would regular check-ups later on.

    But the patient would definitely be relieved from the chest pain that he has been undergoing now.

    Importantly, the post-operative care lies in the hands of patient's family members. Do not talk loudly to the patient, keep the house in peace, help him to walk and exercise and be kind to him always. Moreover if the patient has diabetes or BP please follow Doctor' advise thoroughly.

    Overall there is nothing to worry about this surgery, risks are very very very less. God is almighty.

    best wishes,

  7. jothi

    jothi Senior IL'ite

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    Dear Krishnaamma, Vidya, Veena, Rajini, Vanaja,

    Thankyou all So much for all the reassuring words and encouragement that you have showered. I feel blessed to be in the midst of all you nice ladies. As you all know I am in the US, so it is all the more difficult for me to stay here when my mom and dad are there going thru a tough time. My sister is there with them which is a little comfort.

    Vidya, this hospital is the one run by Dr. Cherian. It definitley helps to know that your uncle goes to Sabarimala after a bypass.

    Veena, Vanaja,
    My dad is 65 yrs old and he has diabetes and BP.

    Thankyou all so much again for your ecouragement and prayers.
    With all your support and God's Grace I feel very light now.

  8. harinivijay

    harinivijay New IL'ite

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    hi JOTHI ,
    OUR PRAYERS ARE THERE FOR UR FATHER . i can feel how you'll be ,when u could not go there to help.

    my uncle (aged 60, his job needs so much of travel even now.)has gone this operation successfully at appollo ,chennai.,only last year nov . it costed around 4.5 lakhs at appollo ,chennai. now the success rate of this operation is very high .

    due care should be taken after operation. his food , exercise should be taken care of.

    prayers , and wishes,
  9. Kamla

    Kamla IL Hall of Fame

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    My dear Jothi,

    I can fully understand the heartache that you are going through right now. Like Vidya says, it is easy to say not to worry. But please place your trust in God and give good support to your parents at this time through emails and phone calls and be brave and positive.
    Our friends here have given you a very good explanation about the by-pass surgery and take heart from it. It is not considered as a major operation these days and you will soon see that your dad is going to be fit as a fiddle.
    Vanaja, Harini and others have mentioned about post-operative care. Yes, that is the key word. The family has to take a good care of him later and he has to be careful about his food and exercise and living habits. That is important.
    I know a large number of people who are leading a very normal and active and energetic life after such a surgery.
    My prayers are with you and all will go well. Cheer up.

    L, Kamla
  10. sunitha

    sunitha Gold IL'ite

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    Dear Jothi

    Like all the others have said before,these days,by-pass surgery is very common.I don't know of anyone personally who has undergone a bypass,so I am at a loss to comment on that but I will pray for you and your family and for your father in particular.

    Take care.

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