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Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by satchitananda, Apr 23, 2019.

  1. satchitananda

    satchitananda Finest Post Winner

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    I don't know why ideas for snippets have this disconcerting way of popping up in my head either when I am leaving for work or at work. Then, my inability to set my fingers tapping on my keyboard immediately ensures that I forget what it was I wanted to write. (See? Instant gratification has its uses!)

    So it was today too. I was at work when I saw some whatsapp message about going to vote. Or was it someone talking about voting? Never mind! Long and short of the story is that the message said "We get the kind of leaders we do, because we don't vote."

    This brought to mind the advertisement "Tabhi toh!" where an uncouth politician thanks somebody for bringing him to power. The guy says he did not vote and the politician replies "tabhi toh!"

    Makes one think, doesn't it? Going by that logic, if 60-70% of the population votes, we should have a similar proportion of good law makers in the Parliament. Only the remaining should be louts. But that does not seem to be the case (at least not if one watches the Parliament channel or the way politicians are electioneering). Does that mean that that 60-70% do not count? :thinking: What seems to be more important is the ones who do not vote (according to the message of the ad). Their lackadaisical approach is sufficient to ensure that we get bad leaders. Isn't that the logical conclusion of the message? So why go vote at all? Anyway, does it mean that we should abstain from voting anyway, since our votes don't count? Or nothing but a 100% turnout will do, because 1 individual not voting will tip the scale in the other direction, never mind what the 99.99999999% said?

    I am not trying to say we should not vote. We MUST. But we can only choose from whatever is on offer. Or do a NOTA. So what is the point of blaming somebody who keeps themselves out of this entire quandary?
    Viswamitra, Afresh, messedup and 3 others like this.

  2. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    :hello:That is nice you had ended up with the huge question which is already on top of the mind of many who could not vote due to genuine or unreasonable reasons.
    We shifted but our efforts to get the name to new address proved futile.

    When we went to vote, the machine did not work for long time and so we returned disappointed. But again you are right. The right candidate may emerge winner despite our not voting.
    You demonstrated to be a good citizen an honest one and true patriot!
    Thanks and Regards.
    God is not in votes but in hearts of citizens.
    Sweth123, Afresh, messedup and 3 others like this.
  3. satchitananda

    satchitananda Finest Post Winner

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    There could be so many reasons for not going to vote.

    1. Name not on list. Not always for want of effort on part of the citizen, but due to an inept bureaucracy. Do you know I had to get my card made 3 times before they could spell my name and get my date of birth right?
    People truly don't have so much time to keep chasing down the bureaucracy to get the voters card. To get it one is driven from office to office and then they dump a huge pile on the table from which one has to search out one's own card At the end of half an hour, it is quite likely your card may not have come.

    2. People are unable to travel to the centre because they are old, invalid, have nobody to take them to the centre .....

    3. Truly and really don't know whom to vote for - nobody suits the bill. In our constitutency, apart from the two main contenders, there were a list of independent candidates. One has never seen them, heard of them, leave alone know about their leanings. Who knows which party they will join after the elections to tot up the party's numbers while getting a seat for themselves?

    And then there are those who risk life and limb to vote and then to be told that people only get the leader they deserve!!!
    Afresh, messedup, Adharv and 2 others like this.
  4. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    :hello:And also a man felt incorrectly or wrongly voted and so he cut his finger where indelible mark was made.
    Thanks and Regards.
    God cut and trim irregular hands in ever pie.
    messedup, Adharv and satchitananda like this.
  5. GeetaKashyap

    GeetaKashyap IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear @satchitananda ,

    Indualadies lacks articles based on politics or the larger issues of life related to India. I was pleasantly surprised to read this article. :clap2:

    The political awareness is low among people, in general. Even our politicians have projected themselves badly as corrupt, irresponsible and selfish people. So we can't really blame 'aam janta' for being disinterested in our political system. But...the educated people have responsibilities towards whom they choose to lead the nation. I read online that some rogues in Bangalore told the daily wage workers that the ballot box and money would be brought to their doorstep and they don't have to go to the polling booths! These people believed and waited for the arrival of polling officials!!! Such is the level of awareness.

    Luckily, this season most people seem to have a clear understanding of what they want and the enthusiasm is really high.

    Our political parties and the independent candidates must declare before elections the alliances they wish to go with post elections. After getting elected they sell themselves to the highest bidder and get rich overnight; this is unfair to the voters.

    New Doc 2019-04-23 19.43.25_1.jpg

    This image was received on WhatsApp today; it is up to us whether we put a good person or a donkey at the helm of our country's affairs and then prosper or suffer later.

    Btw, on news I saw that a lot of facilities have been brought in for the sake of the aged, blind and the other disabled persons. Hope we get a good government at the centre.

    Thanks and regards,
    May God bless our country with a good leader and government. (Tagline inspired by @Thyagarajan Sir.:grinning:)
    Sweth123, Afresh, Thyagarajan and 3 others like this.
  6. satchitananda

    satchitananda Finest Post Winner

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    For some reason Geeta, people seem to be allergic to discussing political matters. It appears we treat it like a taboo topic. And yet it is our duty to vote. One more of those 'taboo' topics about which we have an ambiguous approach.

    I too had heard about water, wheel chairs etc being made available at polling booths. Forget wheel chairs, there was not even water. Thanks to the wonderful roads provided by the ones we voted to power, I tore the same ligament in the same ankle (3 months ago) on my way to the polling booth. That changed my mind about whom I was going to vote for!!! :p It changed the outcome of the election by one vote. :roflmao: I must admit that I managed to get in without waiting in the line. After coming out, sat in the shade playing with a 6 wk old pup which had come with her sister to vote.

    Hope we get a good government. More importantly, hope they stop behaving stupid the way they are and hope whichever party is in the opposition behaves more responsibly and makes for a constructive opposition. High time they started behaving like mature adults.
    Afresh, messedup, Adharv and 2 others like this.
  7. Adharv

    Adharv Gold IL'ite

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    :thumbup:!! As always I don't have anything to write to your article because most of the time you write my points too :)


    Point to be noted :)

    Thank you!!
    GeetaKashyap and satchitananda like this.
  8. satchitananda

    satchitananda Finest Post Winner

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  9. Adharv

    Adharv Gold IL'ite

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    @GeetaKashyap Gurugale, that was cool post with cute pic :lol:
    :tonguecrazy: I also request for the same.
    GeetaKashyap and satchitananda like this.
  10. Adharv

    Adharv Gold IL'ite

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    Nah nah nah not due to allergy it's due to waste of time beating around the bust...
    Yes, Yes Yes, Yes....

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