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Discussion in 'Stories (Fiction)' started by jaishree9, Jun 16, 2008.

  1. jaishree9

    jaishree9 Silver IL'ite

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    I was sitting in my hotel room after full day of attending the seminar & was just in process of getting ready for the dinner when the phone rang, I was almost unknown in this beautiful small city.

    I was invited here by the organizers of seminar to give a lecture on medico legal aspects of child adoption, surrogate mothers & biological parents & their rights and all.
    I am a lawyer by profession & was practicing in Ahemadabad.

    The seminar was of doctors mostly related to gynae .They requested me to give a lecture on the medico legal aspects for such cases .I accepted & so was in this city but I had no relation or friends here.

    I picked up the phone hoping that it must be from the organizers to come down in the banquette hall for dinner.

    But I was surprised to here an unknown voice saying that he is sorry to disturb me but was requesting that he needs to meet me as it was very important for him .
    He was just pleading very earnestly & sounding very desperate and saying that there is no one but me who can help him & rescue his family” honor. I was still not able to comprehend what was the matter, how did he know me? Who was He ?.
    It must be a wrong no. & all that but he assured me in halting speech that no,
    He is approaching the right person please give him fifteen min only. At last feeling the genuineness in his voice I agreed to meet him and ask him to come in the morning by breakfast.

    After dinner before sleeping I was still thinking about this unknown phone call & was wondering who he is.
    In the morning as I got ready There came a knock on the door . I opened the door & found two persons one male & one female was standing. By appearance they both looked as decent respectable people approximately around 32 to 35 years age group.
    They both joined hands in namaskar & the man speak that he is the person who phoned in the evening .I asked them both inside& offered them seats.
    I looked enquiringly towards them the person was much agitated & spoke haltingly that his name is Rajesh the accompanying lady was his wife Archana.

    I asked them that I don’t remember meeting them a before are they some acquaint of me or my family.
    Rajesh replied – No sir You don’t know us We come to know about Your presence in the seminar by local paper & Also about your qualifications & good work u have done was in the paper.
    We need Your help in a matter of life & death related to us .
    Here he stopped , they both were looking quite nervous ,I said that I don’t know what’s the matter & how cud I help them ,So if they will tell me all about it than only I can say some thing ,And that I have my return ticket for today evening.
    The wife looked to her husband & said - go , Tell him.
    He was hesitant but than started his story.
    They were married for 12 years with no issue till 1 years back.
    He took wife to various doctors & got many investigations & all .
    All reports were normal. Than the doctor asked him to get him tested and it turned out that the fault was with him, He was Azospermic & so was unable to produce child
    They accepted this as fate but he was very much sad by the agony of the wife as his parents were always forcing him to leave her as she can’t bear the child, they used to curse her for she was unable to provide them with an heir.He was much hurt by this but didn’t have the courage to tell them truth.He knew that this was cowardness but still.

    Last year they saw an ad of a fertility centre which provide all recent techniques for fertility. They decides to go there once again .
    When they approached the centre the doctor after viewing their report advised them that they have two options either they can always adopt a child Or can think of fertilization of wife by “artificial insemination technique” by a donor‘s sperms .
    They were assured that neither donor nor they wud know the identify of each other. The donor wud be healthy person .They will never have to come in front of each other as the sperms wud be taken from sperm bank.
    Thinking long & hard they agreed to sperm donation technique and all things happened precisely as shud be & last year they were blessed with a son, whole family was very happy & both of them were enjoying the parenthood much.

    I asked that I don’t see any problem in all this what’s the problem than.

    Rajesh replied that problem started few days back when a phone call came in the middle of night – Person was not saying his name but said that He knows that their child was not his son It was conceived by artificial insemination & he claimed that he is the donor & They shud give him 5 mil rs. to keep him silence otherwise he will come & claim his son & that wud defame both of them & as well as his whole family.

    Rajesh & Archna were now openly weeping, saying they can’t do any thing, they can’t go to police as that wud also bring the matter in the open, they don’t have that much money & there is no guarantee that once paid he wud not demand money again & again
    Only way left out is for them is to commit suicide.
    I consoled them to my best ability .

    Than they saw in the paper my name & qualifications and as I was not from this city Archana encouraged him to talk with me & see if there are any way out .He pleaded not to discuss this matter with any one .

    I assured him and ask that how come this fellow knew that he is the donor?

    Rajesh replied that as this is the only fertility centre & as they run the sperm bank they take services of few known persons only & this fellow knew this fact some how from some of the nursing staff he befriended & after observing silently that We were there for treatment & after few months our son was bourn , he just put two & two together.

    Archna was weeping & saying that she can’t bear separation from her child neither can she withstand the mudslinging if this fellow really carry out his threats.
    As everybody thinks that Rajesh is the biological father

    They wanted me to help if possible in any way.
    I was much moved by whole scene but was unable to think how to help them.

    They couldn’t leave the town & settle any where else as the family business was in the city only.
    Suddenly I got an inspiration & I told Rajesh what to do, He become agitated that it wud mean same defamation But I assured that - no the scoundrel wud not have the courage to let u go to police or law.
    After much discussion they agreed to do as I advised them.
    This was a tit for tat.
    I advised Rajesh that when the phone comes back for money u speak very confidently to him & tell him that in the morning Iam going to lodge complaint to police against You for rape on my wife resulting in birth of the child And after much thinking I have decided to go to police & And if the court wud order DNA Test U would proved to be the father & accusation wud prove right . I assured that the fellow wud run for his life rather than blackmailing You if You wud tell him that maximum punishment for the act wud be rigorous ten years in jail.

    I told them that he wud not think of blackmailing them as the tables wud turn on him.

    Archna & Rajesh left me with promise to think on this line & act accordingly.

    I left for my destination & After a few days I received the phone call from Rajesh that He did as was advised & from than he has not heard any threats from the person.
    And thanking me again & again.I was thinking Just one line Tit For tat.

  2. Anandchitra

    Anandchitra IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Jaishree
    Very well told story.. wondering what was going to happen.. you managed to keep me on edge through out and a very fitting end!:bowdown

    keep writing.. you are so talented:)
  3. sharadha

    sharadha Bronze IL'ite

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    Hi Jayashree,

    Nice write up.

    Is this a real life incident or just a story?

    Hats off to the doctor's presence of mind. Nowadays we need to be extra careful, analyze from various angles before going in for a final decision.
  4. Geetha Iyer

    Geetha Iyer New IL'ite

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    Dear Jeyashree,

    Nice write-up. I am not telling this as story as it could have been a real incident. Hats off to the doctor who cleverly handled the blackmailer.


    Geetha Iyer
  5. Jithiks

    Jithiks Gold IL'ite

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    Hi jaishree,

    You have developed the plot skillfully...was nail biting till the end !

    The doctor had a very good presence of mind to handle this precarious situation !

    Excellent write up ! Keep posting more.....

  6. Lalitha Shivaguru

    Lalitha Shivaguru Platinum IL'ite

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    Dear Jaishree,

    A good story............. I was just waiting what will happen next. The lawyer has acted very beeautifully. His presence of mind is well appreciated.
  7. jaishree9

    jaishree9 Silver IL'ite

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    Hi Chitra
    Thanks for appreciating my efforts.Thnakyou dear very much for saying that I am talented ,Though I know that that ITs just your greatness for giving this compliment.
  8. jaishree9

    jaishree9 Silver IL'ite

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    Hi shardha
    This is a story but some of the facts are from a real life story .The person who advised the couple was a lawyer in the story dear was invited in doctors seminar for giving such medicolegal advises to doctors .
    Thankyou for appreciating .
  9. jaishree9

    jaishree9 Silver IL'ite

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    Dear Geeta
    Thankyou for appreciating the story. Yes this was very near actual life happening.
    This is true that one has to be very alert when going for such matters.
  10. jaishree9

    jaishree9 Silver IL'ite

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    Dear Krithika
    Thankyou dear for liking & appreciating it.
    Actually The narreeter was A lawyer invited in doctors seminar.

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