bhagavat gita another view

Discussion in 'Queries on Religion & Spirituality' started by sunkan, May 24, 2007.

  1. sunkan

    sunkan Gold IL'ite

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    Acknowledgement: Analysis by different eminent Malayalam,Hindi and English writers.

    Bhagavat Geeta can be called as The Song of the Blessed One or the Divine One.The exact period when Geeta was written is not very clearly known.But eminent scholars have the consensus that Geeta was an independent poem or slokas which at a later date was inserted or incorporated as a part of the epic Mahabharata.
    In Kurukshetra, the venue of the battle between Pandavas and Kauravas,Arjuna became overwhelmed with dread and pity at the imminent death of many reknowned and valiant warriors and kinsmen and put down his arms and refused to fight thus giving an opportunity to Lord Krishna who was Arjuna's charioteer to advice or preach about life,deathlessness, duty,the Self,spiritual practice etc.

    The 18 chapters of Geetha can definitely be termed as a wondrous monologue which enthralls and makes one ask for more as Arjuna himself does.
    Vistharenaatmano Yogam Vibhootim Cha Janaardhana
    Bhooyaha Kadhaya Triptihi Srunvato Naasti mey Mrutam
    For, I never can tire of hearing your life giving honey sweet words.

    How should one live? Geeta is surely poems or verses of personal instructions or directives from a Divine source. Viewed sacredly one is left a bit confused and at the same time eager for further information. Over and above the aesthetic and intellectual satisfaction that Geetha provides the main purpose appears to be the transformation of life.
    Geetha possibly cannot be termed or considered as a systematic manual. But it presents the most important facts or truths of human existence in a crystal clear and memorable language and manner. The central point of Geetopadesa is relinquishing or letting go the fruits of action. In simpler words, not to expect anything in return for the actions. The least gifted human beings are led or guided to the path of freedom or may be renunciation.
    We human beings are essentially men or women of Yoga and Geeta essentially teaches this through the portrait of a sage or sanyasi who has entirely let go.

    Paths to self realisation are:
    Karma Yoga Path of Action Jnaana Yoga Path of Wisdom
    Dhyaana Yoga/ Path of Meditation Bakti Yoga Path of Devotion
    Raja Yoga
    Geeta does not appear to propagate one particular path but advises to choose or opt the path appropriate to one's own affinity and constitution.

    Spiritual practice is begun by confronting selfishness and obstinacy of the raw or immature mind. According to Arjuna the mind is
    Asamsayam Mahaabaaho Mano Durnigraham Jalam
    Abhyasena Tu Kounteya Vairagyena Cha Gruhyatey
    A true path with sincere and systematic practice will gradually lead to surrender of selfishness. Material cravings lead to many forms of misery and freedom results from foregoing the desires.
    Geeta in endless variation projects renunciation of fruits of action. The Alfa and Omega of spiritual practice would appear to be letting go and love your neighbor as yourself. As Lord Krishna says
    Karmanyevaadhika ara stey Ma Phaleshu Kadachana
    Ma Karmaphalaheturbhoo ma Sangostva Karmani
    Yogastaha Kurukaarmani Sangam Tyaktva Dhananjaya
    Sidhayasidhayoho Samo Bhootva Samatvam Yoga Uchyatey
    You have a right to your actions but never to your actions' fruits. Act for the action's sake and do not be attached to inaction, self possessed, resolute, act without any thoughts of results open to success or failure.

    Lord Krishna says that HE IS all that IS. But all that IS is in HIM though HE is not IT. Again HE is the best of all that IS and HE is beyond IS and IS NOT.
    Geeta can be treated as a philosophical poem and is also an instruction manual for spiritual practice and a guide to peace of heart and mind. Geeta is a hymn in praise of everything excellent, beautiful and brave.
    While speaking about HIMSELF Lord Krishna says:
    (there may be some mistakes in the following sloka. pl excuse)
    Rasohjamptsu Kountheya Prabhaasmi Sasi Sooryayoho
    Pranavaha Sarva Vedeshu Sabdaha Sthaai Pourusham Nrushu
    Punyo Gandaha Pridhivyaam Cha Tejaschasmi Vibhaavasou
    Jeevanam Sarva Bhooteshu Tapaschaasmi Tapasvishu
    Budhirbudhimataamsm i Tejastejasvinaamaha m
    "I am the taste in water,the light in moon and the sun, the sacred syllable OM in the vedas, the sound in air. I am the fragrance in the earth, the manliness in men. the brilliance in fire, the life in the living and the abstinence in ascetics. I am the primal seed within all beings, O! Arjuna the wisdom of those who know the splendor of the high and mighty."
    Even a very casual reader of Geeta will be impressed by the tolerance and inclusiveness of Lord Krishna.
    Ye Yadha Maam Prapadyantey Taam Tadhaiva Bhajaamyaham
    Mama Vartamanuvartantey Manushyaaha Paartha Saravasaha
    However men try to reach me I return their love with my love. Whatever path they may travel it leads to ME in the end.
    The eleventh chapter of Geeta is surely one of the greatest incidents in world literature.
    Probably, the healthiest way to begin reading and absorbing Geeta is to realise that ultimately it has nothing to teach as everything essential that Geeta brings forth is already present in us. Once meditation and sincerity is practiced we reach a place where dualities like sacred and profane, spiritual and unspiritual fall away.
    GOD is the ground we walk on, the food we eat and the gratitude we express to no one in particular as naturally as breathing.

    Brought to u by sunkan
    Last edited: May 24, 2007
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  2. Sriniketan

    Sriniketan IL Hall of Fame

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    You have shared a very good angle of Bhagavad Gita, Sunkan..

    Sure, if one, get to start reading it, changes are seen, within oneself.


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