Here is a contest for the smart ladies @ As you all know there is a great participation among the ladies here in discussing various topics, sharing ideas and tips that are useful in day-to-day life. To reward such great participation, this contest is to pick out the thread that has the maximum number of visits + replies and the thread starter will be awarded the "poster of the month" award. What is this award? Is this just an award by word? There is something more... As always, IndusLadies team would be rewarding the poster with a prize - it will be a S-U-R-P-R-I-S-E gift Contest date: June 1st - June 30th, 2005 The thread started during the above date range with the maximum views + replies as on June 30th will be considered for the award and the thread starter winning the award will be announced. Ladies - Have fun! Start an interesting thread. Who knows? Yours could be the winning one
Best poster of the (June) Month! Though we thought this award would be won by one of smart lady @ IndusLadies, suprisingly it goes to the ONLY male member of our site! I'm sure many of you would have guessed it right... Yeah - it is - Mr. Varalotti (Sridhar) The award goes to the thread "The Scar - A Short Story by Varalotti Rengaswamy" he posted on June 15, 2005. This thread had the maximum of 138 views and 4 replies (excluding Varalotti's own responses in the thread!) as on June 30th, 2005. C-O-N-G-R-A-T-U-L-A-T-I-O-N-S Mr. Varalotti, you will soon receive your S-U-R-P-R-I-S-E Gift via mail! Interesting facts we noticed while choosing the winning thread: 1. "Anniyan yeppo release" thread in the Cinema section started by Akila on 11th May has the maximum views so far in the site - 365 views as of July 12th, 2005. Note: This did not qualify for this contest because it was started prior to June 1st. 2. "Reduce weight around thighs" thread in the Keeping Fit and Maintaining Shape section was the second best thread with maximum views started in June - 121 views as of June 30th, 2005! Looks like lots of ladies are conscious about maintaing their shape
Congratulations! Hello Varalotti, "Congratulations" on being awarded as the best poster of June month. Do post about the surprise gift on receiving it I did read your story 'Scar'. It was a touching one. I also enjoyed some of the snippets you had posted. Thanks.
Congrats!!!!! Hi Varalotti Congrats on winning, you really deserve it.:clap Do tell us about the surprise gift when you get it. Kind regards, Sharika8)
Thanks A Ton, Dear Friends! Dear Induslady, Asirabanu, Sharika, Nirupama thanks for the congratulatory message. It was because you people were sensitive and all of you liked a good, old fashioned story packed with self-less love, that I got the prize. Your continuously reading my stories and replying my thread to me is a more precious gift which I shall always cherish. love, sridhar varalotti
Thanks A Lot, Indusladies, I received 2 surprise gifts! Dear Indusladies Team, Thanks a ton for sending me two surprise gifts - one more than what was promised. One was an exquisite ceramic diya set with Lord Ganesha's image printed on the inside (5 nos) The other was a penholder which resembles the face of a woman. My daughter loves these gifts. And the woman-form pen-holder seems to be the most appropriate gift from an all-women site to its only male member. As my mind is filled with feelings of gratitude let me wish Indusladies and all the smart ladies who are part of it, a great success in all their endeavours. My dream for Indusladies is that it should grow from just a website into a powerful women's movement. And when it so grows I will be happy, that like the squirrel which helped Rama build the bridge to Srilanka I too had a role to play in building a bridge of love across the Globe uniting all well-meaning women. All the best, sridhar varalotti
Gifts to the "Best poster of the June month!" Hi Ladies, This was the "woman form" pen stand sent as one of the gifts to 'The best poster of June month' - Varalotti.
Gifts to the "Best poster of the June month!" Hi Ladies, This "Ganesh diya set" was another gift to 'The best poster of June month' - Varalotti. Varalotti, We are happy you and your family liked the gifts. Thank you very much for those nice words about IndusLadies and look forward to your continued support.
Gifts are cute! IndusLaides team, The gifts are cute! Varalotti, Congrats! Your contributions deserve it!