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Beans Prevents Cancer

Discussion in 'Indian Diet & Nutrition' started by Jaya, Nov 30, 2005.

  1. Jaya

    Jaya New IL'ite

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    We have already heard that some of the vegetables we eat prevents cancer. The latest research in this area has been done by some studies in London.

    Green Beans has the potential to prevent cancer. Therefore, according to the London university, lots of beans are to be included in the diet. There is an important enzyme called as Phosphoinositide 3-kinase, which promotes the growth of tumor cells. Its action is inhibited by the chemical called as Inositol penta kisphosphate, present in the beans, the study states.

    As per the studies done in rats, it was concluded that lung cancers and ovarian cancers can be prevented by the consumption of beans. This was stated by Dr.Marco Falaska, who headed the research team.

    He states that Beans, cashewnuts, and legumes should be included in large amounts in the diet. It can really prevent the deadly cancer, he says, that is not a small thing, he adds.

  2. Jaya

    Jaya New IL'ite

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    Foods preventing cancer

    Hello friends,

    Various foods we eat helps us to prevent illnesses, at the same time various foods can also aggravate illnesses.

    Foods that prevent cancer:
    Vegetables that are green and yellow in color, garlic, cabbage, soyabean, onion, carrot, tomatoes, fruits, fish, tea, and milk.

    Foods that cause cancer:
    Fatty foods like meat, oils like corn oil, and excessive alcohol intake.

    Long before the diagnosis of cancer is made, there are already lots of changes taking places within the cells. The foods that we eat play an important role in either speeding the process of the abnormal and uncontrolled growth of cells or slowing down the same.

    Here is a list of foods that prevent cancer:

    Lung cancer and colon cancer-Carrot, leafy vegetables.
    Cancer in the digestive tract and mouth-fruits especially bananas
    Stomach cancer-Bananas, tomatoes, and onions.
    Pancreas cancer-all fruits and vegetables.
    Bladder cancer-Carrots and fruits.
    Thyroid cancer-most of the vegetables.

    The spread of breast cancer to other parts of the body can be prevented by the intake of lots of cabbage and fish oil. Garlic, oranges, and green vegetables also prevent cancer spreading from an organ to other parts of the body.


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