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Be smsrt, be smsrt, but be not too smart

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by jayasala42, Sep 13, 2015.

  1. jayasala42

    jayasala42 IL Hall of Fame

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    Be smart, be smart, be not too smart

    Does the title look strange?It is real experience or anubhavam,

    Many parents lament that their children are not very smart.But does smartness always pay?..Teachers may love or hate you for your smartness. Both can be uncomfortable.

    Many people,other than the parents of smart children have an innate desire and love to see smart children go down the topper list.You feel like nobody understands you.Everyone will have high expectations for you.You are in the habit of over*thinking, over*analyzing and over*estimating –that stall the happiness.

    Everybody is smarter than somebody else in some way. For all the hype that goes into how amazing it is to be smart, there are also some disadvantages which hit you on the way.You are informative. You are logical. You know what you are talking about. You can easily spot fallacies in debates and counter them effectively. That’s great! But people don’t like it.They don’t like their beliefs to be questioned, their reasoning to be invalidated, and their choices to be proven wrong.

    It can prove yourself as a ‘know *it all’,but can be embarassing for the one who is being corrected.On many occasions smartness creates an impression that one can do it all alone without any assistance.. On many occasions in the office, smart people are denied assistance..

    Smartness is not just IQ, or just wit, or just rote knowledge. It’s a combination of bits of intelligence, wisdom, good soft skills, and a pleasing personality..There is an Albert Einstein’s powerful statement which conveys that everybody is a genius and that one should not judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree

    There is a misconception that being smart is a superpower to conquer the world. It’s a myth largely promoted by smart people themselves. There is a lot more to think of other than smartness--*emotional intelligence, social aptitude, empathy, compassion, spirituality; all these things and many others can get downplayed in the presence of awesome smartness..

    But is being smart always to your benefit? Are there instances when stupidity works better? Stupidity can increase efficiency ,say the sociologists.. Critical reflection and shrewdness are sure positives, but when too many clever individuals in an organization start suggesting alternative courses of action or asking disquieting questions ,work slows down.Stupidity, on the other hand, seems to have a unifying effect. People content in an atmosphere,come to consensus more easily, and with that consensus emanates greater enthusiasm for concentrating on the job and achieving the goals.

    Many of the bosses prefer to have mediocre but sincere officers under them. Super intelligent ones are more likely to become depressed when a job doesn’t yield satisfaction .. In some job situations, being smarter, faster, might keep you stuck in your current role longer than your peers. When you have a lower* level job, being exceptionally good at it is usually a deterrent to getting promoted. The boss will keep you on as an assistant as long as possible and earn a good name out of your sweat.

    After all, there is a major difference between actually being slower on the uptake and acting as if you are a few cards short of a deck. The trick is not to play dumb, exactly, but rather to learn when to assert your superior intelligence and when to hide your light.

    Those of us who don’t feel the urge to be acknowledged at every available opportunity, as to just how smart we are ,might be a great success. If you’re not worried about being perceived as a bit slow, you can ask better questions to elicit more illuminating answers. This is particularly helpful during negotiations. Asking “dumb” questions draws out more information that the opposing party may not have shared otherwise,.Some innocent questions may extrat valuable information.

    There is a basic human psychology .If you just remain quiet, appearing ‘slow,’ the opposing party will take advantage of this situation and start revealing details that they shouldn’t.”Real smartness lies in knowing when to look smart and act smart. Stupidity works if you’re smart enough to know when not to be smart.

    This is a practical lesson learnt in life.Friends, don't worry if your children are not smart by your standards.Let them 'be smart, be smart but not too smart.

    Jayasala 42

  2. kcb

    kcb IL Hall of Fame

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    Excellent article....:clap
  3. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    Awesome post Jayakka, will give fb tomorrow . Good night, take care and have a nice day tomorrow
  4. Akanksha1982

    Akanksha1982 IL Hall of Fame

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    Nice one Jaya mam. I live in an area dominated by Chinese and Indians. Caucasians have been driven out because of the fierce competition. The whole city is filled with Math/Science/SAT/AP/Music/Karate/Dance/Chinese classes. Parents are shuttling children from school and to various classes. SAT preparation starts from 8th grade. The average SAT score in some of the high schools is 2300 out of 2400. So much for the "smart" ness.

    After being trained in such a competitive environment, they get into good colleges. But eventually, get depressed as they go to work in real environment. The real environment doesn't offer the challenge that can stimulate and motivate their minds. I had an IIT engineer worked for me, whom i had eventually to let go as he was not productive. Any problem given to him, he would make it so abstract and complex and never be able to complete it in time. While engineers from mediocre institutions are motivated and are highly productive.

    I think in addition to academics, "Emotional Intelligence" needs to be taught in school. There is a nice book, "Emotional Intelligence" by Daniel Goleman which every parent and student should read.
  5. jayasala42

    jayasala42 IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Akanksha,
    You have said it.Many people don't have common sense approach or worldly wisdom, as we call it.What is the use of getting IIT coaching from Std 8th and clearing entrance exam , if the engineers that come out don't fit in a business.As you said,
    emotional intelligence' and pragmatic outlook have to be in the main stream of education.

    Jayasala 42
  6. chocogal26

    chocogal26 Platinum IL'ite

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    Thanks Akansha...for this book name...I was searching something like that...i am going to buy it.
  7. surekhap

    surekhap Platinum IL'ite

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    thank u jayasala mam . now i got some confidence . when seeing other children mastering in all the arts like dancing, music, singing, scatting, swimming, i always felt that my children are not that smart enough to learn all this as they are slow in reading and spend more time in doing their daily home work and i cant find time to join them for any extra curricular activities.
  8. jayasala42

    jayasala42 IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Surekhap,
    Many parents have to be blamed.They unnecessarily compare their children with others and engage their children beyond their capacity and start setting up unrealistic expectations.Smartlness connotes so many things apart from academics and extra curriculars.Leave the child to itself with good encouragement.The child will blossom .

    Jayasala 42
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  9. PushpavalliSrinivasan

    PushpavalliSrinivasan IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Jaya,
    All those who are smart can't be successful in life. Even people with average intelligence do much better than those who are smart.

    is there any scale to measure one's smartness? Just by rote if a student comes first in a class it doesn't mean he/she is smart.

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  10. vaidehi71

    vaidehi71 IL Hall of Fame

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    Thanks for the excellent writing up. I should also ask my kids to read it.
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