Hello Gals, I live in Mountain View and I have a friend (husband and wife) visiting us for a 4-day weekend. They are flying into bay area on a Thursday night and will fly back on Monday afternoon. I am trying to come up with interesting places to visit and things to do during those 3 1/2 days along with them. Any ideas as to potential iteneries for them? Appreciate any suggestions you guys can provide. Thank you. Indira
Bay area attractions Hi Indira, Good to know you're making plans for your friends to hang out in the bay area. You may want to take a look at the thread where we (bay area gals) discussed the various attractions worth visiting. It is located at http://www.indusladies.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1620&page=2&pp=10 Locally, I like Santana row for just a two-three hour sneak-out. Have fun with friends! Love Shalini
places to visit Hi, Here are my suggestions: 1. Mystery spot and 17 mile drive in one day 2. SFO ( the usual places like golden gate, crooked street) and then continue on to John Muir redwood state park to see the Giant redwoods 3. Napa vineyards ? or even Villa Montalvo in Saratoga. 4. If you can get tickets to Alcatraz , it is worth the visit. Vandhana
Hi Indira! there's even a place called Winchester mystery house in San jose,but i havent been there yet so cant tell you how good it will be.You can check out this website and decide if you want to make it part of your itenery!have fun! www.winchestermysteryhouse.com
Hi Vidhu I've heard about this Winchester Mystery house,I saw some documentary somewhere on TV ,a long time back.I think some lady by this name built it after her husband's death,apparently someone told her she should not stop building or else ,she would die.So she continued building it.There are stairs which lead nowhere and there are a record number of doors and windows too.That is what I got to know. Should be an interesting place,I did not know it was in San Jose though,thanks for the info. Cheers
Thanks.. Thank you Shal/Vandhana/Vidhukumar/Sunitha... That is plenty recommendations for a long weekend. Indira