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Back To Basics! No Soap No Shampoo! Practical?

Discussion in 'Health & Wellness' started by IniyaaSri, Mar 12, 2018.

Will you stop using body soaps & shampoos and go for natural alternatives?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. May be. I dont know.

  4. Yes only if it not time consuming

  5. Is that really possible?

  1. IniyaaSri

    IniyaaSri IL Hall of Fame

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    It was two years back when I heard that body soaps removes your natural oil (not sure whether its oil or fat) and got curious about it. So yeah! I stopped using body lotions and body soaps and all that I used was plain water! You are right! I didn’t use anything other than water for cleaning myself!

    Its more than two years now and I didn’t find any difference in my skin or body. And no! I didn’t stink! And no my skin was not getting dirtier. And there was nothing abnormal about not using a body soap for bath. When I told this to my mom, she was shocked and asked “Don’t you feel dirty?” When I told my friends, they raised their eyebrows!

    And now….the next phase… My hair was getting dry and rough slowly. I remember getting compliments even from a stranger for my shiny silky hair. Tried few shampoos to bring back the natural charm and nothing seemed to work.! And yeah! Again I did that! I started kicking away the shampoo bottles and started trying fenugreek and cumin seeds mask instead of shampoos. Its almost a month now! I could feel my hair getting softer….

    Now all that I wonder is…… This “No Soap! No Shampoo!” practical?!!!

    But later I wondered! Shampoos were just 25 years old in our country!!! Before that it was only soap nuts with other organic flowers and seeds....I still remember I was not allowed to use shampoo when I was a kid saying my hair will get spoiled. As I entered into teenage, found immense happiness in trying all sorts of shampoo for more than 15 years and now I realized the consequence.

    So is this “No Soap! No Shampoo!” practical?!!! In the sense…. practical for everyone?!!! Because mine is straight fine hair. But others will have curly, bushy, thick or dry or oily hair. Working women, house wives, trendy teenager. Will this work out everyone ? Really looking forward for everyone’s perspectives and would be happy if someone could suggest good shampoo alternator along with good hair mask : )

    And yeah! I forgot to mention! I stopped applying moisturizer as well! Its two months! Its winter here and terrible as well. I got fed up of emptying the moisturizer tubes. I kept applying twice or thrice in a day! But that wasn’t enough! There came a day when I looked at my coconut oil bottle. But wasn’t ready to spoil my clothes. So tried this one and it worked. Before bath, I melted the coconut oil and applied that warm coconut oil on my face, hands and legs. Took a warm water bath and that’s it! Skin was getting comfortable and there wasn’t any need to re apply any moisturizer every now and then!

    When I said about all these I got few weird glances as well. Am not this so organic person and stuff! All that I wonder is when we were happily using salt and neem for cleaning our teeth, we were asked to use foamy chemicals for brushing our teeth and now they end up asking us "Do you have salt in your tooth paste?" This made me think and so thought why not try things which my grandma used and eventually my skin and hair started thanking me for that...

    So yeah…. Your perspectives please.! : )

  2. creativemumma

    creativemumma Gold IL'ite

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    I second that!

    I feel No Soap is very much practical as we can have homemade bath powders instead which works for all..But not sure on how no shampoo works!
    I have very frizzy and unmanageable hair. I'm not saying shampoo but but just wondering how can we remove oils from hair. And I'm lazy to use any hair masks
    IniyaaSri likes this.
  3. Needtobestrong

    Needtobestrong Platinum IL'ite

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    I don't know how practical it is to bathe in plain water alone..I mean for example, if hands are dirty , just washing in plain water isn't enough to remove germs or dirt after using their restroom or before having food..we use soap. Similarly some cleaning substance has to be used..if not conventional soaps and body washes atleast organic and herbal and natural soaps can be used.
  4. IniyaaSri

    IniyaaSri IL Hall of Fame

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    Hey dear!

    Hope you are doing good! And thanks for writing your thoughts here: )
    When you are ready to prepare homemade bath powder, I suppose you can do something like that for your hair as well.
    And yeah am lazy too! But at times I keep thinking whether my laziness is more important than taking care of my hair....:rolleye: still feeling lazy anyway!
    But that Fenugreek cumin hair mask just needed 5 minutes of time! Soaked, Grinded, Applied. Thats it.
    Lets see whether someone throws light on anymore easy hair masks.

    Thanks once again for taking time and replying dear : )
    Stay blessed!
    Needtobestrong likes this.
  5. IniyaaSri

    IniyaaSri IL Hall of Fame

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    Thats right! If we come to know about any natural substitute for hand wash as well, that would be great!
    And personally I feel, there is no need to use hand wash every now and then! And again, everything came into use only for the past 25 to 30 years I suppose! Before that?.....Am thinking!

    And thank you so much for sharing your thoughts here : )
    Have a lovely day : )
    Shisha likes this.
  6. virtualkv2020

    virtualkv2020 Platinum IL'ite

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    Yes its practically possible to go organic! I stopped using shampoo and soap and its not time consuming.Just using plain green gram flour as soap and soap nuts or tamarind pulp for head bath.I use some olive oil as a moisturizer and it works! I have noticed that my skin is more softer, hair is more manageable with little to no hair loss and looks healthy when compared to my skin and hair conditions while using shampoos and soaps loaded with chemicals. A mix of white vinegar and baking soda in a spray bottle works great for washing dishes (since we have no domestic help in USA) and also as a hand soap.I had also installed a shower filter as we have no access to soft water.

    One could also purchase ayurvedic shampoos and soaps from any reputed ayurvedic stores and use.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2018
    Afresh and IniyaaSri like this.
  7. virtualkv2020

    virtualkv2020 Platinum IL'ite

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    Check these ayurvedic hair care remedies given by famous ayurvedic specialists.I follow these based on my need and availability of ingredients.

    Ayurvedic Hair Care

    Ayurvedic Hair Mask For Soft And Silky Hair Growth

    Herbal Hair Oil Recipe By Ayurveda Dr.jayakrishnan

    Ayurvedic Remedy For Lice & Nits By Dr Jaykrishnan

    Ayurvedic Home Remedy For Dandruff By Dr Jaykrishnan

    Ayurveda Hibiscus Hair Oil By Dr Jaykrishnan

    Also, check these skin care recipes
    Homemade natural face wash powder for glowiing , clean and beautiful skin.

    I am using basic green gram flour as soap and olive oil as a moisturizer.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2018
    lakshya2018, Anisu and IniyaaSri like this.
  8. IniyaaSri

    IniyaaSri IL Hall of Fame

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    Hi Kveena!

    Thats sound incredible!!! Awesome I would say!!! : )
    Thank you so much for sharing such useful tips!
    And a big thanks for taking time and sharing all the links!!!
    And a big hats off that you substituted everything with natural things....
    Stay blessed : )
    And thanks once again!
    virtualkv2020 likes this.
  9. virtualkv2020

    virtualkv2020 Platinum IL'ite

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    Welcome! Sharing the hair care links was easy as I had created these posts,we must actually thank the ayurvedic physicians for sharing the information :) Also, thanks to @Maddy2087 for skin care tips.I had reaped benefits, so do try the hair care tips.
    IniyaaSri likes this.
  10. IniyaaSri

    IniyaaSri IL Hall of Fame

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    Sure!!! Thank you so much once again! Let me go through and fix the one that suits me : ) : ) : )
    virtualkv2020 likes this.

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