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Aware & Beware Websites Fraud

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Thyagarajan, Sep 17, 2020.

  1. maalti

    maalti Gold IL'ite

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    Thank God it is fake. However, we should be very careful. If we talk about some product over the phone to someone, immediately, advertisement or similar products keep appearing when we browse the net.
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  2. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    A friend of mine from USA arrived in Chennai city. He went to an ATM in a suburb. It was week end and hardly any activity around nor presence of men or women. Desolate hour. Inserted the card in the atm. Card got trapped. He dialled to bank but No response. He reached his home nearby.

    A call came asking whether his debit card trapped. Caller told him he was from bank’s head office and said he got message about that card trapped & asked for certain particulars to help him retrieve the card from machine. Believing the caller to be genuine bank executive, he furnished information. etc. next morning he went to branch only to find ₹ ten lacs siphoned out from his account in five transactions. Date of this online robbery 17th Feb 2023. This message also carried in the columns of english & tamil news paper chennai edition.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2023
  3. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    Alert & be Cautious
    Look what happened with the CEO of a big company in Hyderabad : 16 lakh rupees were stolen online from his account.

    There was no OTP, no call, no online link was sent or opened.

    The CEO himself is very tech friendly but there was no way to know how such an amount was stolen.
    CyberCrime elite officers were on the case but could not figure out or understand the modus operandi.
    Invisible hand ? Wireless crime?
    All the scanning was done from the mobile but no trace was found, only one clue was found from the CCTV footage in his office.

    It was found that the mobile charger of the CEO was replaced in the office and another USB charger (exactly identical make/model ) was put in its place.
    Such a sleek operation was done by a cleaning staff who work outside office hours.
    All his data was copied, his entire mobile banking was hacked and money was smoothly withdrawn from the account.
    In this modus operandi, the charger is first replaced and a micro-chip is already installed in that replaced charger and all the data is copied and hacked. And hence it was very difficult to detect the modus operandi.
    So from now on, keep a special eye on chargers and USB cords. Don't leave them behind in your office. And don't use someone else's or charge your mobile in an unknown place.
    Don't get ever enticed by the dangling chargers/free charging in airports/malls/clubs etc. And when you go abroad, never fall a prey to free wifi passwords in malls/restaurants/
    tourist coaches etc.
    Complete Access Control to your mobile is the only Firewall to hacking.

    Message Posted as received from local police official - a good samaritan.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2023
  4. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    OLA DRIVER cheats customers to Airport -

    When a friend booked OLA for airport from hotel , THE vehicle arrived soon. But driver demanded cash payment or else cancel the trip. No other way . Agreed. Driver took route other than OLA AND AVOIDED TOLL. AT AIRPORT PASSENGER PAID OLA RATE which includes cost of toll .
  5. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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  6. lavani

    lavani Platinum IL'ite

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    actually mom had this issue. poor woman. someone call her and made some random story about her account is audited. my brother was not there. then they asked for pin. she innocently. lost around 50k rs.

    it is easy to fool old people . it is not nice, i am ok to help . but for some people that is only thing they have to live on.
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  7. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    If this is of recent happenings she could lodge complaint with details of phone number from which call received the call to cyber crime and she might get back her money.

    I have read some recent cases where victims have got back their part of their lost money. Even my friend lost some tens of thousand could recovered a major share of amount lost with help of cyber crime staff.

    Google the number in India for lodging complaint to cyber crime. Separately she should write to bank CEO & MD. Chances are high if complaint correct in all respect including time of call and date lodged immediately. Even today it is not late for this.

  8. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    Subscription demanded for storing photos

    It was not clear to me whether it was from a company or person. A message said that i hv stored photos almost near the free limits and if i need storing beyond the free limit i need to pay a fee &th fee should be deposited on line into a particular account. I was storing huge collection of varieties of photos in my i pad gallery.
    I deleted the message forthwith.
    The person for almost a week repeating the same message again and again!

    Now it is seventh month since, i deleted last that message. I hv added another hundred + messages in the i pad. Not a single message now asking for fees for storing in excess of free. Good god i just continue to believe it was a cheat message .

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