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Award Winning Post Of Mine In August 2011

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by iyerviji, Feb 4, 2018.

  1. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    Food for thought

    I am posting this post again which I had posted in August 2011 and got an award for that.I am posting for the new comers to read. It is really a great thing to get award in IL because there are excellent writers here and getting award for my simple writing makes me feel very happy. August is my birth month and when I got the award in September I felt it is a birthday gift from IL. The ILites who gave feedback that time many are not active now.The feedbacks and my replies ran to six pages. I joined in 2007 and completed ten years in IL. Like in my office where I worked for 36 years I had so many breakfast friends but many left but I worked for 36 years. Same way here also many ILites have come and gone . Some were there only for a short time but most of them were great writers and have won many awards. Its so nice that from Viji I became Vijima to everyone . This year I will be completing 75 valuable years in my life which taught me so much, still I am learning and gave me so many loving and caring friends all over the world. through IL and facebook.

    We had many Moderators starting from Vidya, Soaring Spirit, Kamla, Cheeniya Sir , Viswa and now Satchi. All were very good in making awesome announcement of the monthly Finest post nominations and Finest post awards. Hope I have not missed anyone.

    Food for thought

    Kitchen is the place where I get ideas to write early in the morning. I come to cook after taking bath , so early in the morning by body is fresh and also my mind. God is everywhere but I have kept God's photos in the kitchen . So He also guides me.
    While I am cooking in front the open ground is there which I can see from the kitchen, I can hear the crows cawing and the birds making sounds. I can see the greenery out with so many plants . People coming out of their houses either to go out or to go to house. I can hear the pom pom of the cars going out. Its a nice scenery early in the morning.

    Today when I was mixing the chicori with coffee powder I thought I should mix it properly so that I will get a nice filter coffee. If it is not mixed properly then the coffee wont be so good. When the milk is fresh boiled at that time and the dicotion is also made at that time , then when I have the next round of coffee the taste will be good and also I get more energy to spend the rest of the day. Just as the chicory and coffee powder should be mixed properly our life also should have a mixture of good and bad so that we know the value of everything. If we have only happiness and no sorrows we wont be thinking of God , so God gives us both and especially to people who adore Him and pray Him he tests their patience.

    Today being Amavasya I made Rasam, Molagootal and Tomato Pachadi. Then later grinded for dosa after giving breakfast to my dh. Then in between only I remembered that I have to sweep and swab the floor for my husband to do tharpanam. If I keep everything ready for him then only it will be convenient for him to do tharpanam.

    I get many ideas at that time but by the time I come here to write half the things I forget and when someone gives fb , the thing swhich I thought I can read in the fb.

    In matters of style, swim with the current,in matters of principle stand like a rock.
    In life we require will power and strength to overcome the difficulties.

    Everyone looks out for an experienced person only in every walk of life . But after doing for the first time only we get experience. If we give a chance to the new people by experience they might become the best. Without giving them a chance how can they become expert. Encouragement should be given to people who are the beginners.

    I have experienced that those who have hurt our feelings, they come back to us for help. They dont understand that this is kaliyug and whatever bad we do will come back to us immediately, need not wait to experience it in the next birth.

    Today after cooking and saying the prayers when I came to change my saree to go to the temple I saw myself in the mirror and was surprised that I was not looking tired but looking fresh, do not know whether it was because of the thoughts or because of the red saree I wore.

    Then when we left for the temple, we got an auto before reaching the road and the auto fellow was saying good I came from inside otherwise you would not have got anauto on the road as many people are waiting. I also told him ya hamara naseeb achcha hai aaj (today our luck is good). While going it was raining but while coming back the rain stopped. While coming back I took an auto and just when the auto was moving I saw an old lady and her son waiting for auto. I asked them where they want to go and they were also going towards my house only. So asked the lady to come with me and she was very happy. I was also happy that I could bring a smile on her face by taking her in the auto.

    As soon as I got the first opportunity I came here to post.


    There are special people in our lives who stay in our hearts even after they have gone

    Felt so happy to read the winner announcement by Soaring spirit, who left IL long back

    'Shree Ganeshaya namaha'

    Dear Friends,

    In addition to celebrating the auspicious day of Ganesh chaturthi today, we, in the FP have yet another reason to celebrate - announcing the winners for this month!

    Our winner for the Finest Narration is someone who is an icon of affection and warmth. The has conquered the hearts of ILites with her simple and very endearing style of writing. Her writing certainly seems richer and more appealing with every post she makes. Her winning post unearths some marvelous life lessons from every day seemingly mundane events. Hats off to her in finding, during her simple act of coffee preparation, that the right mixture of good and bad is the key to a balanced life! Her winning post oozes, warmth, a feeling of comfort, a sense of serenity and positivity. She is one person who has been a guiding light to all the youngsters in IL for a long time.

    Do I need to say more?

    Of course, the winner for the Finest Narration of this month is none other than the much loved and one who has a huge fan following in IL- IyerViji for her post -

  2. Archanaanchan

    Archanaanchan IL Hall of Fame

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    This is a great write up Vijima. Thanks for reposting this for us. Your refreshing thoughts are always welcome on IL's .
  3. GeetaKashyap

    GeetaKashyap IL Hall of Fame

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    This has the seal of Brand Vijima: Everything served with love:cheer:
    kaniths, Sunburst, iyerviji and 3 others like this.
  4. nandinimithun

    nandinimithun IL Hall of Fame

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    Simple narration served with tons of love
  5. Sandycandy

    Sandycandy IL Hall of Fame

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    Nice viji aunty ! The analogy of chicory and coffee to good and bad experiences in life was beautiful !
  6. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    Thanks Archana dear for your first feedback. Glad you like my post
  7. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    Thanks dear
  8. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    Thanks dear
  9. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    Thanks dear , glad you liked it
  10. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan IL Hall of Fame

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    :hello:It was indeed nice to re-read your entire post.
    2. You are absolutely right Sister when you say Good and bad in suitable proportions mixed bestowed upon the beings so that they remember the omnipotent and of course to evaluate the values.
    3. It is indeed true,irrespective of gender, queer or wonderful ideas emerge when one is absorbed and focused in kitchen activities! But the ideas gets diluted as you dilute sambar and rasam.
    4. One offers lift to seemingly strangers, turns out eternal friends and paves way for new useful and productive connections. But in kaliyug....?
    5. In kaliyug, it is said whatever deed we do it comes back to us double though not immediately. The deed could be good or bad.
    6. Thanks for reposting your winning simple yet sweet and elegant “Food For Thought”.
    iyerviji likes this.

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