Art of Living here!!

Discussion in 'Religious places & Spiritual people' started by raginiprakash, Sep 6, 2007.

  1. Grace3

    Grace3 Silver IL'ite

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    Q: Please talk something about the press.

    Sri Sri: Our press is good in degrading ourselves. They have a great degrading tendency. (laughter) You know in America, nearly 30 lakhs of people (about 1% of the total population) live on the streets and eat from garbage. They are beggars. But you never see them in any press.One third of the student population in Washington is jailed at some time or the other. Total crime of India is in New York alone. But the press doesn't say anything like that. Otherwise it'll scare people off. Here press blows up every instance. One senior European journalist told me that India is so hard on itself, I was shocked to see how much they can criticize themselves. This cannot happen in Germany. And this is true. This tendency of self-blame should go. With self-blame you'll start blaming others too. Self-blame culture will bring down talents, capacity, dynamism, responsibility -- all goes down.

    Q: What to do when you try to help someone and they take advantage of you?

    Sri Sri:You be intelligent and take notice of how people are. You need to be intelligent and compassionate both. You have to be sharp...

    Q:How do we react when friendliness is misunderstood?

    Sri Sri: Not everybody will understand your heart. That's the problem. Even if you smile with good intentions people may not understand.
    We should do whatever good we can. Be prasanna chith and meditate every day..

    Q: Some people mistake tolerance as weakness.

    Sri Sri: All this is there in the knowledge sheets. Read "Celebrating Silence" or "Intimate notes to the sincere seeker."

    Q: How do we get sleep and how does it go?

    Sri Sri: Eat well and lie down in bed and you'll find out. (Loud laughter) We'll talk about it then.

    Q:Why is it called Shivaratri and not Shivadin (din = day)?

    Si Sri: Haan. Ratri is rest. Day is effort. Resting in Shiva tatwa is Shiva ratri. Ratri is someone who puts us to sleep in her lap and removes all troubles.

    Q: Guruji, What is the best Seva?

    Sri Sri: Any seva is a good seva. Best is making people understand their responsibilities, make one feel strong and make them take responsibilities of their ownself, providing self confidence and knowledge of the self, Brahmagyan.

    Q: What are the benefits of meditation?

    Sri Sri: You don't get blood pressure, health problems stop, mind becomes clear, intuition develops, obstacles are removed, mental peace, happiness, negative influences due to planets will be removed, problem becomes small before coming to you, and plenty of other benefits are there.

    Q: Can you talk about Time and Space?

    Sri Sri: All that is, that will be, that was, is in space and that is Time. Got it? This is the time Now. Now is time, Here is space. (claps). If you don't know this that will be NOWHERE (laughter)

    Sri Sri:Why should we talk about anything. Can we all sit here and do nothing.

    Sri Sri: Yes. Now you are already in meditation. See the mind - what is going on. It is expecting. What next? Are you aware. That much is enough. Are you aware that you are saying yes or no - That is good enough. See thoughts come and go. Just watch - dont judge them as good or bad - ASsociated with every thought is a feeling.

    All problems in the world are because of love. But tell me. Would like to live in this world without - without anybody to love and without anybody loving you. NO. That is very drab. Yet if love was not there there would be no problems - Jealousy is because of love, greed is because of love of material things, anger is because you LOVE perfection and so you are angry at imperfection. You see?

    Q:please talk about problems in the middle east.

    Sri Sri : See there are mainly 10 religions in the world - 6 from the asian side and 4 from the middle. None of the 6 from the Asian area have ever had any conflict between themselves. We have to educate them and bring them in this knowledge. Because even if a small pocket of people are not in this knowledge and are fanatic then the world will not be a safe place to live in. Our job is to make this world better than what we inherited.

    Q:Who is in control of my life - me or God.

    Sri Sri : You are in partnership with God. So its 50-50. See during the day the sun is shining and at night it is dark. Now it is up to you to keep the curtains open in the day to let the light through. If you keep the curtains closed during the day you will be in the dark, and you can keep the curtains open all night long and its not going to make any difference to the light.

    Q:Is Art of Living necessary to gain knowledge?

    Sri Sri: Yes. See you should take a week off every year. Not even a week its 6 days two hours each day. Learn about the 7 layers of existence - Body, breath, mind, intellect, memory, ego and THE SELF. Every sensation in the body has a corresponding breath and every breath a corresponding emotion.

    Q: What is your question for us?

    Sri Sri:Hmmm. DO YOU GET ME???? And I will give you one more question - Ask yourself WHO AM I?

    Q: What is Guru? Why we need Guru in life?

    Sri Sri: Now you are stuck! If I answer the question, you have already taken the answer (laughs). In English Guide comes from the root Guru (teacher). In life you didn't learn ABCD when you were born, you learnt from father, mother, teacher at school. When I answer this question,what's happening, you listen to the answer, you have already taken the guidance. If you didn't need it, this question is not needed at all. Are you getting what I'm saying? When you ask someone directions, you are asking because you want to know an ans. Who ever answers is a Guru.J Krishnamurthy, philosopher says there is no need for a Guru, but he was giving advice all the time. Like saying "I'll give you Medicine but don't call me doctor". Guru simply means one who gives knowledge, guidance and one with whom you can talk and unload all your burdens.Guru is one who doesn't judge you at all. Relationship with Guru, don't worry about it at all, what is your relationship with yourself, same feeling of oneness, you feel with everyone in the world. There is a song in Hindi, let Love be Love don't give it a name "Pyar ko Pyar hi rehne do".

    Q: Do I need a Guru? Can I not progress on the path by myself?

    Sri Sri: Same Question. Why are you asking the question? The very fact you are asking means there is a need.

    Q: I'm like a soda machine. I know it, I understand it in my head but I'm still repeating the pattern. How can I change, really change?

    Sri Sri: Hmmm....You know before also you were a soda bottle, but you didn't realize or acknowledge it, now you realize that you are one, that is the 1st step, 2nd step is you really want to change. Know that you have already changed. Before the basic course you lost temper now also sometimes you lose temper, people say you do meditation, Bhastrika, pranayam, I don't see change in you, what is the use. You know it that you have changed. You are able to come right back. Before for months together you used to hold on to the anger, frustration within your heart, and now it doesn't happen. You are able to smile immediately. More you go into knowledge, deeper into yourself...changes come. Your smile was so fragile before, now it's much stronger, though it appears you are losing your smile it's not for long it comes right back. What is most important is to keep our smiles come what may. That is very important. The very little time we have spent in ourselves to de-stress, have a sense of belongingness to everyone has brought so much to us. So if you give little more time what wonders would happen you can't even imagine.

    Q: How to develop devotion?

    Sri Sri:Just be relaxed. Devotion is not something that you have to develop in you, it's your nature. Love is your nature, you are made up of a substance called love. Our body is made of carbohydrates, proteins, spirit is made up of love. Devotion is not an emotion it's your very being. So when you are at home, very relaxed, know that you are already in devotion. I have spoken a lot in Bhakti sutras, listen to them very precious.

    Q:Is there no God?

    Sri Sri: Now tell me what is the definition for God. Then I'll tell you if there is God or not, if I can tell you. Is God a person who created the universe and went into hiding because He made lot of mistakes, so that nobody catches Him? Up in the heaven trying to give you one little finger and dangling carrots in front of you or punish you when you do things or get angry at you all the time. Is He a person? What is God? Has anybody seen? Is God a person? Big confusion in the world. GOD (Generator, Operator, Destroyer). If GOD is love and love is all that is, He is everywhere. Lets looks at the qualifications of God, God is omnipresent, every where in every atom. No place where God is not. He is omnipotent, omniscient. Consciousness has this quality.

    In Upanishads there is a story. A boy asks his father tell me, How is God like, Father tells him, God is like the sky, space, everything exists in space, everything dissolves in space and everything is created in space. But space is dead, GOD is alive. Another example like fish in the water. Where is the life of the fish in the body or in the water? If life is in the body, if you take it out then also there should be life. There is life only as long as there is water in the fish. But where is the life? Like that where are we, we are in the space in the air. Where is the life, in the air. In the same way the space which is the basis of all existence is what God is. So God has no escape. If He is not in one place, He loses his qualification of being a God. God is that energy, that substratum of the universe in which everything is born, exists and dissolves, and that is what we all are. If love is God certainly that is what you are and I'm God. The Sufi saint said 'An al haq'. The Vendantin said 'Aham Brahmasmi'. We are made up of Love, that Divinity. When do we don't realize it, when we are veiled by stress, ignorance, small mindedness. When the lake is disturbed you can't see the reflection.The disturbance on the lake is the mind.In the Bible also it is said 'Be still and know I'm God' so being that stillness then you know hat I'm God. So if God is love, I'm definitely love, so are you. Don't excommunicate from your category. That is what the world does and then starts suffering. A saint in India Kabir said "what a stupid thing man is doing, it's like the musk deer, has musk in itself but searches for it all over the forest. Just bend yourself down, meditate, be still and that is where God is.

    Q: How does one explain the role of Divine in evolution of species?

    Sri Sri: What do you call Divine? All that is harmonious you call Divine. All that is natural you call Divine. That which is not natural like stress, tension, negative emotions are not Divine. Isn't that so? Reverence is the nature of evolved consciousness. The more happier you are, the more reverence you have for everything. More grateful you are more reverence you have to everyone. When you recognize everything is God, the more reverence you have for everything. You know what sacredness does to you? Suppose you consider, that this is just a cake, you just eat it, throw it. But if it is sacred you take it in both hands. 100% attention is there. Your consciousness (sleeping consciousness) is woken up. With sacredness, 100% attention you receive it, your heart is there, mind is there. In India, children are told, mother is Divine, father is Divine. Because child cant see Divine in space. so "Matru Devo Bhava" (mother is all love), 2nd expression of Divinity see father, 3rd is teacher, all that he wants is for you to blossom, be strong and successful and happy in love,
    4th place is Guest, Guest is God, Guest comes honor them. And honor everything in the world, honor the trees, honor the river, mountains, animals. A sense of honoring elevates you.When something belongs to someone you treat it with care. When you know planet belongs to God, you treat it with care. Otherwise we destroy the planet. We exploit the planet. Isn't it. Vanashree, wealth of forest has to be honored as gift to humanity. We have been asked to take care of it, our world. Our whole life is a wealth. So a sense of honoring is attached so that you feel a sense of responsibility to the society, planet. Hmmm.....

    Q: Miracles, do they happen for a reason, I know the answer is yes, then why?

    Sri Sri: If yes, then WHY? Got it? Did you get it? The purpose of miracles is to wake you up that the whole world is full of it. We take it for granted, take whole world for granted. We don't wonder in its phenomenon. Some how when we grew older, we lose all sense of wondering, inquisitiveness, everything dies out, I know it all and it brings dullness to life. Sign of life is enthusiasm, so here and there miracles happen just to wake you up.

    Q:Guruji, why in your so many tapes, discourses, there is very little mention on Lord Mahavira. Please let us know more about him.

    Sri Sri: I've spoken quite a bit on Mahavira, Recently we had Mahavira Jayanti also. Mahavir was contemporary of Buddha. Buddha spoke about emptiness, Mahavira spoke about Self. Buddha said there is no self, Mahavira said all that is, is Self. Mahavira never spoke, infact he sat in silence and in His presence people started getting knowledge. So when you are all in silence, know that that is Mahavira's speech and it is ridiculous to talk a lot about silence (laughter).

    In Jain temples, you have Mahavira, he was 24th tirthankara, last tirthankar and you would find his statue in meditative pose and as soon as you would sit in front of smiling serene figure, you would also become like that. He would tell you how you should sit and with what serenity and just know that you are the Atma the Self and it conveys the whole philosophy.One of the mainthings of Mahavira, main principle is 'Syathva' i.e. perhaps. He would always add perhaps in everyone of his expressions. There is room for exploration. If you say, this is like this, you are making it so definite. In this world nothing is definite there is always a possibility, perhaps, that is called 'syathva'. In Physics also the subject object relationship changes, whatever you know, you know in a particular level of consciousness. When your consciousness changes your understanding changes. You can never know 100% unless you become that thing.

    Its so amazing that Mahavira 2500-2600 years back he came up with 'perhaps' principle, when law of uncertainty, theory of relativity came up in this century, in the previous century perhaps (laughter). Mahavira's main principle is non-violence ('ahimsa'). You have no right to be violent on anything in the world. Second is 'Swadhyaya'. Study your emotions, your mind, your consciousness. 'Kayothsarga' Rise above your body, you are not the body. Body is changing. 'Tapas' Forbearance, opposites happen in the world, people love you, hate you, people compliment you, you get derogatory remarks. Tapah - forbearance, heat and cold, nature is all conflicting. it has full of opposites. Moving in life with Tapah. These are the principles of Jainism.And then is 'kShama' - whether knowingly or unknowingly if anything has happened to anyone by acting or not acting you ask for forgiveness. 'Dashlakshini' - 10 days of celebration and prayers in the last day is the 'kShama-achana' - whether with my intentions or unintentions, knowingly or unknowingly, if I have become the cause of any sadness, sorrow for you, please forgive me. Asking for forgiveness, highest principle. Isn't it? When everyone comes from that space of I'm the one responsible for all the experiences pleasant or unpleasant, but if I become the cause of any unpleasant experiences I have ask for forgiveness, ask myself for forgiveness. Its the pinnacle of humility. So the ritual is, every Jain is to ask everyone forgiveness. Please forgive me if I have done anything wrong knowingly or unknowingly. Not only by doing something wrong happens, but by not doing also something wrong happens. Do you see what I'm saying.

    Suppose you have to do a job and you don't do it, then also you are responsible, you ask for forgiveness. 'kShama-achana' - another principle of Jainism. Hmmm....To ask forgiveness from everyone, mind has to be in such a serene, humble, pleasant state, isn't it? When there is aggression in you, you start justifying yourself, you stop knowing yourself. So they did that space for you to justify yourself. Ask forgiveness. You know that immediately softens the other person's heart also. Someone does something wrong to you and they come and ask forgiveness, would you give them or not? What would you do? When you forgive someone, you become light, you start feeling lighter and all that anger and hatred and that chain of action and reaction drops and you become friendly again.

    Last edited: Jul 26, 2008
  2. Grace3

    Grace3 Silver IL'ite

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    Hi friends,

    Most AOL followers may be aware that Sri Sri had been asked by quite a few sceptics , why is JAI GURUDEV the phrase being used by the disciples.
    Does he want them to acknowledge his greatness everytime ?
    Does he want his students and believers to keep praising him and glorifying him ? Does he want them to be constantly singing his appreciation when people greet each other with these words rather than a 'Hi' or 'Good Morning' ?

    Below is our beloved Guruji's simple yet very deep reply :

    You know there is a Big Mind and a small mind. Sometimes the Big Mind wins over the small mind and sometimes it is the other way around.
    When the small mind wins over, it is misery and when the Big Mind wins, it is joy.
    Small mind promises joy and leaves your hand empty. Big Mind may bring resistance in the beginning but fills you with joy.

    The word GURU means great. JAYA means victory. DEVA means one who is fun-loving, playful, light. One who is playful is often not dignified and when one is dignified, he is often not playful.

    JAI GURU DEV is victory to the Big Mind in you that is both dignified and playful.
    That is what Jai Guru Dev means: 'Victory to the Greatness in YOU' .

    You do not say victory or hail to the Master as he has won over already. You say victory to your own Self, your own Mind, which is being veiled by the small mind.


  3. Grace3

    Grace3 Silver IL'ite

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    When Guruji was in Seattle a month back , he entered the hall and made the sound Shhhhhhh, the entire hall became silent , he then made the sound, Wahhhhhh !!
    He then explained any where in the world ‘Shhhh’ sound has the effect to silence and Wahhhhhhh or Wowww is the sound to show amazement.
    He futher continued to say: The ancient Rishi’s knew this - ‘Shhhhhhh’ when their mind became silent in Meditation it brought the amazement in them ‘Wahhhh ‘ .....

    THIS IS ‘SHIVA’ ( Shhhh Wahhhh)

    the Shiva Tattva ( principle) permeates the entire existence. Such wonderful knowledge.


    This is the photo of the Nandi outside the Vishalakshi Mantap, Bangalore Ashram. Guruji does Rudra Puja every Monday, in his absence one of our Swamijis do the puja.

    Nandi in Sanskrit means “The joyful” .
    Guruji has also said “The greatest form of Worship is to be HAPPY”.
    Nandi is the perfect devotee, kneeling humbly before His Master (Lord Siva), ever concentrated on Him. The ideal and goal of the bhakta is to behold the Master in everything.

    Last edited: Jul 30, 2008
  4. Grace3

    Grace3 Silver IL'ite

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    Q: How to deal with arguments?

    Sri Sri: By using praise and humor. You can meet accusations skillfully with praise and humor.

    Q: What do you say to someone who is suicidal?

    SriSri: Committing suicide is like a person who is cold, and tries to remedy the situation by taking off his coat. Committing suicide will make you even more miserable... Get them to do Kriya.

    Q: How do you stop from getting anxious in social circles?

    Sri Sri: 1. Think of everyone as fools;2. Think of yourself as a fool. or 3. Think of yourself as a student

    Q: About being important

    Sri Sri: The unimportant people make the important people important. So who is more powerful? The king or the king maker?

    Scientists recently discovered that children smile about 400 times a day.Adolescents only about 15. Adults smile even less than that. Laughter and smiling has great beneficial effects on your health. My job is to make you all children again.

    Q: Dearest One, I have never been impressed with anyone but You. Are you anyone's fan?

    Sri Sri: Your fan ! I am the fan of fans !

    Q. Dear Guruji, I love you very much but often I come in a complaining mood.. Please advise.

    Sri Sri: You are much more than your mind. It's the usual thing of the mind.. You have understood the mind. Never mind!

    Q: What is the fastest way to impress you? I want to become your favourite!

    Sri Sri: You can't do anything because you are already my favourite. Fastest way I will tell you that after 25 years!

    Q: Dear Guruji, what can we do to turn the negative tendencies in the mind?

    Sri Sri: We started a college to educate. Media always wants something negative, to blow it out of proportion.

    Q: Dear Guruji, please talk on parenting.

    SriSri: You know, your evolution is very fast when you are parent. You are so keen, your observation, you are immersed. Like the security guard of a VIP, is all the time on one's toes. You are only worried about external things. When you are calm, serene, chlidren also catch that.
    Sometimes children also talk like 50 year olds - 10 year old children are like parrots. It's better you don't fight with each other in front of children. Don't do things which are not nice. Give them the seed of spirituality. Develop a sense of giving.

    Q: Dear Guruji can you please speak about Jesus & his time in India? Did he die at the cross at all?

    SriSri: I don't want to get into controversies. Doesn't matter what happened 2,000 years ago. What he ate, what he wore. On Discovery Channel they showed that in Philippines they crucify themselves to please God. They put nails on their palms & for few minutes they stay. They take a vow to God that I want to crucify myself. A lot of people stand & watch. It doesn't make much sense. Where he lived? What he said- that is important.

    Be like a child. Unless you are a child you can't enter the Kingdom of my Father. In Philippines, they beat themselves with thorns. All their bodies are bleeding. To please God you are torturing yourself like that! There is lack of understanding. In Sri Lanka, Hindus pierce their tongues with nails.In the Jain tradition, Mahavira was so blissful. It is said that in his whole life he ate only 360 days. He walked naked because he didn't have body consciousness. While those who crucify themselves & do such practices don't look so blissful. It's imitation.

    Q: Dear Guruji, when we take responsibility. how can we tackle obstacles ?

    Sri Sri: The test of your peace is only when there are obstacles. Be thankful for obstacles.

    Q: How much time do you get for Saadhana? You are constantly working for us..

    Sri Sri: The whole time !

    Q: Please clarify the difference between dispassion & lack of enthusiasm. My husband does not share my enthusiasm.

    SriSri: Many times people don't know how to respond to enthusiasm. You almost feel like the dog who runs & overtakes the car & after overtaking the car, it has nothing to do. It has a foolish look on his face. Now what ? Many people don't know how to handle their enthusiasm. It's the same when someone praises you, loves you, you don't know how to respond.

    Q: How important is it not to eat meat & fish? When I am invited for dinner at someone else's place I am afraid to be impolite.

    Sri Sri: There is Mad Cow Disease & Bird Flu. The whole world is turning to Vegetarianism. Everyone is so scared about these. Health conscious people today all over the world are Veg. Don't feel embarassment. Just say I have changed my diet. It's up to you. Unless you have temptation! ( Laughter )

    Q: Being in AOL, is like walking around in a garden full of flowers.

    Sri Sri: My Garden ? It's your garden !

    Q: Would you please comment regarding Ali -the successor to Prophet Muhammed.

    SriSri: One who is closest to the Prophet, imbibes most of the Prophet's qualities. Because his faith is so strong, he sees the transformation,he sees the words of the Prophet, his life, his wisdom is all blended into one. A Prophet brings celebration to the world. Every excuse to celebrate is good. In celebration, you are not just making a party, you remind yourself of the wisdom.

    Graduation party, birthday party - there is no sacredness attached to it. If sacredness is attached to a celebration event, that celebration is total, complete. It's not just
    body & mind, but the spirit also celebrates.

    Sometimes you go to a party only out of obligation. The mind is elsewhere. Most of the people do such celebration. The second type is better celebration. It is involving
    you, concerning you, like your own daughter's marriage, your own birthday celebration where you are personally involved. In this case,body & mind are in celebration but the spirit is not in celebration .. In the first type you are going just because you are obliged to go there. The party is not really touching your mind. Only your physical
    presence is needed.

    When something is Divine in celebration,then body, mind & spirit are all in celebration. Some festivals have total celebration.

    The celebration that comes out of silence is real celebration. Because of social obligation, you go to parties. Because someone has asked. Your body, though present in the party, your mind is elsewhere. When you are hosting a party, both mind
    & body are involved. When it is sacred, the spirit is also celebrating. The celebration comes out of silence. Dynamic activity comes out of deep rest.

    Q: Beloved Guruji, this course is so wonderful. How can I keep this wonderful state at home?

    SriSri: Don't try to hold on to the state of mind. Integrate wisdom in day to day life. Sometimes up & sometimes down. They'll come &they'll go.

    Q: Don't you get tired of wearing white all the time?
    Sri Sri: No. Because I am colourful myself! Isn't it?

    Q: Dear Guruji, What to tell people at home who are very suspicious of what I am doing here?

    SriSri: When you go back give them gifts, show them all the nice pictures,give them a big smile.The depth of silence, the depth of meditation no one can know unless one has experienced himself. What beautiful wealth we all possess in our Self, that we have not explored. Every human being can go into that depth of meditation. That little experience,little skill to do that is missing. We are so fortunate to go into such
    stillness within ourselves.

    Q: How do I free myself of old & boring patterns in life?

    SriSri: The more whiter the cloth is, a small dot stands out. As you move into unconditional love, small imperfections in you become unbearable.The small moods of the mind can't touch the Self.

    Q: How many people are there in the world right now?

    SriSri: Tell me how many hairs you have on your head! There is no count.There may be few teachers. Knowledge is hidden in evryone like rice is hidden in paddy. Every child comes into the world with that innocence.We have to remove these outer veils, curtains that have been put on our mind.

    Q: Dear Guruji, How can I choose my partner?

    SriSri: I don't know! There are some who have chosen many times! You have to ask them! You know you can't choose someone by intellect; the heart is drawn.. First you have to see whether you are the correct person or not! A gentleman who was 63 years was looking for a perfect woman- a life partner. I told him to look for another 20 yaers. I said you can definitely find a perfect woman but she wants a perfect man too!

    Q: What happens if 2 people are praying for different things for the same person? My mother is praying for my marriage while I am praying that I don't want to get married.

    Sri Sri: Wait & see whose prayer is answered!

    Q: Why are wise men born in India?

    SriSri: Why are Alps only in Switzerland? Sun only in Norway? To see Northern Lights you have to go to Norway. There is no answer. If you want to have snow, skiing & lakes it is in Switzerland. Apples are grown only in cold climate- Kashmir, not in tropical climate. India also needed something , so we have spirituality. here. Global karma from time to time.

    One upon a time the fame of India was so much that Christopher Columbus went to find India & found America. There was no phone. But people knew about silk etc. & then the time came for England who ruled the whole world for several 100 years. The sun never sank in the British Kingdom. Then Soviet Union, at one time, just took the globe & then that disappointed America. Global phenomenon. You can just wonder about it. Earth has its own Maths,Geography, History. So perhaps this part of the world was chosen for sprituality or India would have been left behind.

    Q:Ever since I was little I was told that God would not come in physical form as this is Kalyug. Then how come You are here?

    SriSri: Theses things are just said as a way to wake people up. To take you out of lethargy, laziness, dullness. Come on! Quickly do something.Yukti, skill in waking one up. Kalyuga is very good, there's nothing wrong. You are all here. Even in ancient days there have been problems.Demons would not allow people to meditate.

    Q:please talk on generosity in real life. Here someone steals mybiscuits, someone takes my chair, someone breaks the line & I feelangry.

    Sri Sri: We always live in our comfort zones. Sometimes we have to step out of our comfort zones. You are so much bigger than what you had thought. Wake up & see. This is the time when your knowledge points come to test. Look at the mind.My God! There are 2 things you can do. One is work on your own mind.Have courage that come what may, nobody will upset me. Secondly,educate them. Pull their shirt or skirt & say, "Come back!" Don't be upset over it.

    Yoga is maintaining the equanimity & skill in action on the outside. The purpose of meditation is keeping the equanimity- a pleasnt, light feeling you have within you. Like a flower, feather, you are at home, happy. Outside, in every action you do there is some skill.

    Q: What is right action?

    Sri Sri: Something that gives long term benefit but short term pain. An action is known from the result ..and vice versa

    Q: How to handle criticisms?

    SriSri: Don't be afraid of criticisms.Why are you all afraid of criticisms?Put up with Criticisms. Constructive criticisms helps you to grow and if the criticisms is unjustfied deal with it compassionately.

    Q: Does Karma have effect on our lives?

    SriSri: As one reaps the fruits of the seed one sows, the effect of our actions may show it's fruit immediately or sometime later.

    Q: What is the difference between animals and human beings?

    Sri Sri: Animals do not ask questions and they do not laugh. Animals have no idea about caste, creed or religion either.

    Q: Why is there misery in the world?

    SriSri: 3 reasons - Violating laws of nature, Ignorance, and Overdoing like the first reason mentioned(like over eating) Having no balance -causes misery.


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  5. Grace3

    Grace3 Silver IL'ite

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    Amazing Words of our Dear Guruji.

    Make your Home Gods home and there will be light, love and abundance.

    Make your body God’s abode and there will be peace and bliss.

    Feel your mind is a toy and God and you will watch and enjoy all its games

    See this world as a play and as a display of God himself and you will repose in the non-dual self

    If your generous, blessing comes to you as abundance

    If you are lazy blessing comes to you as hard work

    If you are hard working, blessing comes to you as happiness

    If you are pleasure loving blessing comes to you as dispassion

    If you are dispassionate blessing comes to you as knowledge of the self.

  6. Grace3

    Grace3 Silver IL'ite

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    Bangalore Ashram 2000.

    Fights can only happen among equals. When you fight with someone, you make
    them equal. But in reality there is no one at par with you. When you keep people either above or below you, then there is no fight.

    When they are above you, you respect them.

    When they are below you, you love them and you feel compassionate.

    Either submission or compassion can take you out of a fight in no time. This
    is one way to look at it when you are tired of fighting. When you are well
    rested, just fight and have fun.

    The same is true of the mind. As long as the mind thinks it is equal to the
    senses, there is conflict. When it realizes that it is bigger than the
    senses, there is no conflict. And when the mind is smaller than the senses,
    like in animals, there is no conflict.

    When the mind is caught up in the senses, there is constant conflict. When it transcends the senses, it comes back to its true nature, which is innocence - in no sense.

    Does this make sense? (Laughter)......

    Jai Gurudev !
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2008
  7. Grace3

    Grace3 Silver IL'ite

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    About Eclipse .

    Many scientists claim that eclipse is just like sunrise/sunset and that it doesn't affect us in any way. We can go out as usual, eat, shop and go about our work , as our system will not be influenced at all.
    What does our Guruji say about this ?

    Guruji : When that eclipse happens, sun/moon and earth aligns, a huge energy field is created. We should meditate, chant or do satsang because the effect is at least 100 times more. Also we should not eat 3-4 hours before and after to intensify the effect even more. When we eat our body uses up lot of energy to digest the food so instead of energy going to the mind it goes in digesting the food. So if we don’t eat all the energy goes to the mind and then we should do chanting of slokas or satsang.

    Our body is made up of 60% water and so during full/new moon we are affected also. That is why in olden days people use to fast on Ekadasi, few days before to balance out the effect! The fasting should be done eating fruits and vegetables. Also when we overeat or eat heavy meal during lunch, we are sleepy after food because our body is using up all the energy on digesting food and can’t do anything else.

    Jai Gurudev !
  8. Grace3

    Grace3 Silver IL'ite

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    Our Guruji Speaks :

    Q: I need to believe in a God. But I need some miracles as proof in order to believe.

    Guruji: Just look around! Everything is a miracle! A seed sprouts and grows into a huge tree. Is that not a miracle? When I was visiting Chennai last year, they brought a little boy who was born deaf and dumb. I just tapped him on his head and he started making noises. The next day, they brought 20 boys!
    Now, miracles happen naturally, and spontaneously. It cannot be forced. When everything falls in place, miracles happen on their own.

    Q.Can u please give me advice to avoid negative thoughts and tension??

    Guruji: Just stop this effort. Don't try to control; just surrender. You cannot control negative thoughts. I tell you its impossible! Certain things, you cannot do them, in direct way. You have to adopt indirect means. Then without your own knowledge, you will see no negative thoughts even appears in front of you!
    You know, in India, we used to have this mango groves -and as children, we all used to go and we used to throw stones, so that the mango will fall. Yeah? But you don't throw the stone on the mango exactly, you'll just throw the stone on the branch and it hits the branch at such a particular point, then the mango will fall. So you don't directly aim at the mango, otherwise you'll have all juice coming down, not the mango! So, that same trick you have to use with the negative thoughts - don't directly try to deal with negative emotions or thoughts. Do your practice, meditation, breathing technique, exercise, good food, reading. You know, Yoga Vashishta is one book - it's wonderful knowledge about consciousness. You can read through that. Just a gentle reading. All these will help. Also, accepting those thoughts. 'Negative thoughts are coming. Okay! Come! Please come and conquer me! Be there ready to be conquered. and you'll see then negative thoughts will fly away !

    Q:All human beings are children of God. Then why God show partiality to them. Some are blessed with every thing, where are some are with nothing. All those who have every thing are being more and more cruel, but God, the father of all, again shower money, pleasure, and every thing.Why such a partiality among his children.

    Guruji : This is a wrong notion that good people are always suffering and bad people are always prospering. The way the Divine works, functions, is impossible to understand. It's so deep, so mysterious; and yet, it is very new !

    Q:Can you please tell me the difference between Meditationand Prayer and how can we implement this in our daily life.

    Guruji: Supreme kind of prayer is meditation. Meditation is the food for your soul.
    For your body, you eat 3 or 4 times a day, but, the poor soul in you is under nourished ! So, make meditation part of your daily life.

    Last edited: Aug 16, 2008
  9. Grace3

    Grace3 Silver IL'ite

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    Please comment on the Varalakshmi puja?

    Sri Sri: It is whatever you honour. Vara means gift. The gift of wealth that you have received in your life. Often children of rich people don't value to what they have! You know because it has come so easy to them. But there are some people who have under gone all the toil, struggles. They believed in something, hard earned and they valued it when they got it.
    Similarly for all the gifts that you received in your life, you need to honor! When you honor then you don't misuse it. Money can be earned, money can be misused as well. Just to get some name... so much of showoff people get into! Just to get some popularity!
    You know popularity should be used for good cause. You should not misuse popularity. You know there are some movie actors who are really popular. The youth is very fond of them! Now if they project themselves smoking a cigar and all that you know then the youth follow the movie actor! Children starts thinking, "I'll smoke like my here!"
    And if the hero is using abusive words and violence then the child starts thinking like that. And then video game video game is again such a waste of money and energy!! The whole day they play the games where they have shoot their so-called enemies!!
    You know recently in the US there was this case where a small child of only four years old stabbed his parents!! Can you believe this? This is unimaginable, unthinkable!! This is nothing but the misuse of the media! Misuse of technology!!

    Why does an act when performed repeatedly lose it sacredness?

    Sri Sri: This happens when your memory overpowers your consciousness and you lose your sensitivity. For example, people living in Benares do not feel that it is a sacred place. That sensitivity is just not there.

    How can we preserve that feeling of sacredness in our acts?

    Sri Sri: Through living in the present moment and through Sadhana. Your Sadhana will not allow your memory to overpower consciousness. Repetition is not a hindrance then.
    The Native American Indians and the tribals consider the earth, sun, moon and all the directions as sacred. In the ancient tradition, the Rishis considered all the rivers, mountains and even animals, trees and herbs as sacred. What to say of people? They are definitely sacred!
    In different parts of the world, certain symbols, certain places and different times of the year are considered sacred. Various cultures honor certain people and consider them as sacred. For example, Christians consider the Cross, Jerusalem, Christmas and the Pope as sacred. For Muslims, the Crescent Moon, Mecca and the month of Ramadan are sacred. The Hindus consider the river Ganges, the Himalayas and the Swamis as sacred.
    Throughout the ages, in all cultures, place, time, persons and symbols were all considered sacred. Whenever you consider a symbol, place, time, person or act sacred, your attention is undivided and whole. When things are ordinary and same, you tend to slip into unawareness and inertia. The moment you consider something sacred, your inertia disappears and you become more alive. There is nothing as fulfilling as a sacred act. You put your heart and soul in a sacred act. When every action of yours becomes sacred, you have become one with the Divine. Then every minute of your life is sacred, every place you go to becomes sacred, every person you meet is only your reflection, and every act of yours is sacred.

    It is good to begin feeling that some symbols, places, time and people are sacred so that you can be awake and alive. But eventually you need to transcend and feel that the entire creation and your whole life is sacred. For the man of God, the whole world, with all its symbols, places and people are sacred at all times. BE A MAN OF GOD!

    Please explain the difference between Guru & God?

    Sri Sri: In India God was not a concept that was somewhere else above in the sky or in the seventh heaven. Here God permeates the whole of creation. God is present in every atom of the Universe. That is why we have the concept of "Nataraja". The dance and the dancer are not separate. You cannot have a dance without a dancer. Similarly there can be no creation without God. God is the basis of all creations. The three qualifications of God are , God is Sath (Truth), God is Chit (conscious) and God is Ananada (bliss). This is the most scientific definition of God. He is present in every atom everywhere. God is nothing but love.
    Where do you see love in life first? In the mother that is why we say "Mathrudevobhava" (Mother is your God) and mother is the first Guru, second comes the father, third the teacher and fourth the guest who comes to your house. The guest is god. Even today in Karnataka, they address the guest as god. They call them " Devarae" and they treat the guests with honor and respect.
    Guru is the manifestation of love. Guru is absolute love. He does not want anything other than happiness for everybody in the world. Love is God. We are all made up of a substance called love. Don't think God is somewhere else. That is why here we say, see god in the rivers, mountains, Sun, Moon, stones, trees, animals and in people around us. God is in everything and seeing God within you is meditation and seeing God in the person next to you is service. We need both.

    What is the way to keep the mind focused on God?

    Sri Sri: Where there is love no concentration is required. Suppose you love astronomy, you don't have to make an effort to study astronomy. If you are interested in History, You need not make an effort to concentrate in History. Concentration is necessary only when you don't love something. You don't require concentration to watch a T.V. serial because you like it or you are interested in it. Meditation, breathing exercises and bajans all these automatically lead to single-mindedness or focused on God.

    What is the difference in meditating in the morning Vs meditating in the evening ?

    Sri Sri : Never mind, when you meditate, just meditate! We should make your
    smile cheap and anger expensive. We do the opposite. Smile more and more that is what is the meaning of prasad, when you go to a temple, they will give you Prasad so that you leave the temple with a pleasant feeling, that is what a prasad is supposed to do!

    Meditation calms the mind. It feels good. But in our daily life we have to handle paying bills, parking tickets and other mundane things. How can we do this with the same calm mind without getting irritated or perturbed?

    Sri Sri : You take a shower in the morning to clean your body. After that you do all the daily activities. You don't have to keep on taking a shower throughout the day. It is like that. You meditate and calm your mind, then go on with other activities. It is not easy to keep yourself undisturbed but it will happen as you keep doing the practices regularly. Then it will become easy.


  10. Grace3

    Grace3 Silver IL'ite

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    "To love someone whom you like is insignificant

    To love someone because they love you is of no consequence

    To love someone whom you do not like means you have learned a lesson in life

    To love someone who blames you for no reason shows that you have learned the art of living..."

    ----- His Holiness Sri Sri Ravishankar.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2008

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