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Argumentative Indians

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by HariLakhera, Aug 2, 2017.

  1. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera Platinum IL'ite

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    Argumentative India.

    It was the killing heat of summer of Delhi. The temperature was touching 45 degreeC. He had was walking bare footed holding hew newly acquired shoes from a neighborhood store. The road was under repair. It had been under repair for a few weeks now. The Rikshaw puller will not ply on this rowdy road. His house rested at the end of the one mile road that was under repair.

    Unable to walk any further, he sat on a huge dump of debris. Passersby simply ignored him. But then arrived a middle aged, frail bodied, haggard man. He sat next to him. Another passerby advised to sit under some shade and moved on. He looked as far as he could see and found no shade. The middle aged man knew it already.

    The middle aged man enquired why he was sitting there to which he replied that his house stood at the end of the road and he cannot walk any further as his feet were hurting.

    "But you have shoes to wear" - reminded the middle aged man who himself was in Hawaii chappals.

    "I do but they are pinching" -he informed.

    "God only can save this country. In spite of having new shoes, you are not in a position to wear them and walk home because they are pinching" - the middle aged man said agitatedly in a loud voice.

    "What God or country has to do with my pinching shoes"- he objected little surprised.

    By this time a few more people had gathered around them. They were expecting some duel.

    "Everything! Everything! My friend! Here is a road which is under repairs for weeks. Here is Government which can not do any thing right. Here is a store that can not supply wearable shoes. Here is country that cannot choose a good government. And here is our God that is not punishing them. "- lamented the middle aged man.

    " Which make the shoe is? " enquired somebody in the crowd.

    "X and Y company"- he informed.

    "That's s good brand" - somebody from the crowd suggested.

    "From which store did you buy"- another voice.

    "A and Z store"- he confirmed.

    "That store owner is a cheat. He stocks faked brands. Last time I also purchased a pair from that bastard and it did not last even a
    month. I asked for a replacement and he refused saying I could contact the manufacturer. I approached the manufacturer and they said this damn store was not their Authorised dealer"- documented that voice.

    "But see this road is under repair for weeks now! What's the government doing"-a voice enquired.

    "Can't you see? They are laying under ground pipes and it takes time. You seem to be from opposition party"- opined another voice.

    " So what? I repeat this government is inefficient, anti people, corrupt! " - protested the previous voice.

    "Let us not blame everything on government . As citizens we have have our rights but we should be aware of our obligations too"- sermonized some sane voice.

    "That is okay but we live in a democracy and we have every right to protest. No body can take that right away from us"- another aggrieved soul solemnized.

    "We deserve the government we chose" - an intellectual butted in.

    "Democracy is the government of hundred fools"- a likely communist quoted.

    "Now you will even blame the government for this hot weather"- a realist said.

    "And why not, Sir ? There is no power in our area for three days. The water taps are dry. It happens in every summer. Why can't they plan in advance?"- another dissatisfied citizen complained.

    "Tomatoes are selling at 100 rupees a kilo"- a poor householder raised his voice.

    Crowd was gathering. Some were whispering, some were agitated and some were simply watching. No body seemed to be mindful of the heat. No body knew what motivated this gathering and for what purpose. But they were talking and throwing arguments at each other. No body noticed when the bare footed man holding his shoes in his hands and the middle aged man slipped away.
    teenulahari and shyamala1234 like this.

  2. Naari

    Naari Platinum IL'ite

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    Haha ! Good one, but not restricted to our nationality I promise! Just go to any twitter/ FB posts of any celebrities / news channels & you will find ppl arguing through the roof about persons looks, political opinions, rightness /wrongness of the actions of ppl involved in incident (if news) .. you don't even need to assemble on a real street , apparently, a social media gathering is enough!!!

    I was reading a news article recently about teenagers who rammed into a semi in the early wee hours & who died on the spot! Even for such a sad article, there were arguments about

    What were they doing driving so early before dawn?
    Parents not taking control of kids?
    Must have been intoxicated/ drugs?
    Semi wasn't parked legally ?

    Ppl just need some info to start the chatter apparently !!
  3. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera Platinum IL'ite

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    This title was given by Noble Lauterate Amrtya Sen. Yes they are found everywhere. Idle gossip is a another pass time. Sometimes we tend to argue for the sake of it.
  4. Balajee

    Balajee IL Hall of Fame

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    While we are sedated by the opium of pointless and useless arguments, those ruling us keep taking us for a merry ride.
  5. shyamala1234

    shyamala1234 Platinum IL'ite

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    Dear Hariji,
    True scenario what is happening around.
    Nobody tries to help the poor man....just argue among themselves endless.
    We see this tendency every where....social media especially. Nobody tries to find a solution...just argue, shout and shout all simultenously throwing mud at each other. Night 8 to 10 in the night. The more the negativity in the news it attracts more arguments.....nothing constructive comes. I was reading somewhere they are the most popular programmes which has a large viewership! So, people like those arguments? Survey proves so.
    In road accidents the silent man who is not arguing or making statements is the one who comes forward and help the victim....most of the cases. Even after the victim is take away to hospital the arguments continue.
  6. PushpavalliSrinivasan

    PushpavalliSrinivasan IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Hari,
    As long as arguments do not lead to fist fight it's ok. Some arguments do bring good result also.
    There are some who will never budge and never give in even when they know that their argument hold no water.
  7. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera Platinum IL'ite

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    T V debaters are expert in digressing form the issue. Thye are paid for that by the party cncerned. Day in day out the same faces keep on the same arguments. The real issues go in the back ground. No one is concerned what the bare footed man with new shoes in hands walking on a under repair road in the summer of Delhi is facing. And tragically they ignore him and do not even notice when he left.
  8. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera Platinum IL'ite

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    Very correct. If the arguments are to bring in positive results, welcome but if for winning browny points, just time pass and motivated, not done. Here the issue was could some one help the guy walking bare footed holding his new but pinching shoes in hand to reach his home. No they have all other subjects to discuss except his problem and that too without his intent. He had no choice but to slip.

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