Are We Supposed To Provide Food Services? Also Opinions About Tips?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by anika987, Jan 5, 2023.

  1. anika987

    anika987 IL Hall of Fame

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    I had some Housework done at my place which took 4 days.I was at home and the workers demanded that I order pizza for all the six workers.

    I did that one day and they expected it everyday citing that the previous customer they worked with ordered food for them.

    I don’t mind it but I hate it when people demand things.

    I always buy food when cleaners come coz I value their work and they accept it with love.that is a beautiful feeling and no demands..

    Are food services for every work like above mandatory?

    Also the tips…

    I understand tipping people we all do…

    but am trying to understand where did this concept start of tipping and people getting offended if the tips are not enough?

    Tips are a way of encouragement and thank you but nowadays people demand it and mandatory or otherwise rude.

    We order food at home and pay delivery charges also.Apart from that tips.

    Again am not against tipping but the expectations of tips have become materialistic and demanding.

    Why can’t the employers pay a bit more to the employees?

    Am just citing the above examples.

    what are your opinions on tips and other extra charges like gratuity in general?
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2023
    Thyagarajan likes this.

  2. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    In the past, I've offered them cold drinks and bottled water, and snacks like a big bag of chips. If they are Indian or Pakistani, I offer them chai whenever I make it for myself. If they are working indoors or outside near my dining area widows : ) and we are getting food from outside, I ask them if they'd like to have some. Mostly, they bring their own lunches and they bring a huge igloo too. All sit in a group, and have lunch so happily, talking and music playing on their radio. It feels nice to listen to their chatter and I enjoy the peace as soon the noise of work resumes.

    Right now, the demand for workers is so high, I'd happily order pizza to ensure they finish the work, on time and do it properly. Where I draw the line is using bathrooms in my house. If they are working outdoors only, I say at the start itself that my bathroom are not available. If they are working indoors, I assign one bathroom and remind them daily that they are to use only that one. I do this communication myself as I do not trust my DH to be clear about it.

    Tipping -- when we restarted dining out after (?) the pandemic, I upped my tipping from the usual 15-20% to higher. I came to know a lot about the tipping and how in CA and other states, employers can use the tips to meet the minimum wage requirement. If I am eating out alone, often my tip is equal to the cost of the meal. When alone, I observe the tables around me, and I realize just how difficult a job it is to be a waiter/waitress.

    But what I have absolutely come to despise is when they bring the payment machine thingie to the table, and stand there while I am completing the payment. It feels so awkward to have the waiter standing right there as I enter the tip etc. As it is it takes me looong to figure out how the darned thing works.

    I also hate that print menus are gone from many restaurants, and we have to scan something and menu shows up on the phone. So hard to read and decide. And they keep returning to ask, "Do you need couple more minutes?"
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2023
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  3. anika987

    anika987 IL Hall of Fame

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    Also if I do a $150 service in a salon for example…how much tips to give?

    should I give $20 ?is that a lot or too
  4. anika987

    anika987 IL Hall of Fame

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    I had food in chili’s in India.I think I ate for 450 to 500 rs.

    I gave him card but due to some problem he asked for cash and I gave 1000 rs and asked him change in 100.. for the remaining.

    they gave me a 200rs note and three 100 rs..

    I think they expected me to give 200 rs as tips.. and we’re disappointed that I didn’t.

    200rs tips for 500rs lunch??

    He said “Madam u r from abroad and u can pay na”..
    they were upset.

    Another incident in India airport..for the luggage help they ask me to pay in dollars.I don’t mind and I usually do which is a solid amount but sometimes people need to be reasonable and Demand also.

    I don’t mind tipping but we do so much tipping more than what is needed sometimes I felt.
  5. anika987

    anika987 IL Hall of Fame

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    Can any of you generalize of etiquette everyone needs to know in India or abroad?How much to to act in certain places..
    Need to refresh..any pointers will help.I will change.
  6. curlytweethere

    curlytweethere Platinum IL'ite

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    I usually pay 15% as tips in restaurant or salon may be 20% if the service is really good. Most of the restaurants add a default tip of 18% or so if you are a bigger group so no additional tips required there
    Thyagarajan and anika987 like this.
  7. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    I tip 20% to the stylist and at least $5-10 to the shampoo person if she is different.
    Thyagarajan and anika987 like this.
  8. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    The current standard in my area is 20% tip for dine-in. I also leave a few dollars for takeout. I don’t tip at fast casual places or if I’m just getting a drip coffee.
    anika987 and chanchitra like this.
  9. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    We have had quite a bit of house and yard work done over the past year and no one has asked us to order food. I’d be annoyed if they demanded it. We provide a cooler stocked with water and Gatorade-type drinks. At the end of the job I give them money to buy lunch or ask what they want and order it. Most of the workers are eager to be done with the job as quickly as they can. They either bring their own lunch or dash out quickly to eat.
    We do let them use one designated bathroom in the basement.
    We have had a regular cleaning lady for the past several years. She comes with one assistant. I don’t offer food but we raise her wages every year and give her an excellent holiday bonus.
    A lot of employers are trying to pass on their costs to customers, which is why the tipping culture can seem out of control.
    Thyagarajan, shravs3 and anika987 like this.
  10. anika987

    anika987 IL Hall of Fame

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    It was very irritating when he told me..
    “ the previous customer ordered us food and you should do the same”..that previous customer was our friend and he had work only for two days..

    Now this fellow is going to do the same with other customers..what if people have work for 10 days??

    Sometime being nice seems to do more harm than good..

    Also do we also tip the shampoo person? Coz I assumed I tip the hair stylist…

    Oh god! I didn’t know this..

    How much should I tip ?

    sometimes I go in for haircut,hair coloring..
    Bill might go high..

    So for shampoo person how much should own give?

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