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Are Beautiful Ladies More Successful?

Discussion in 'Friends & Neighbours' started by Needtobestrong, Nov 21, 2021.

  1. hrastro

    hrastro Platinum IL'ite

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    A Sanskrit SubhAShita (words of wisdom) answers your question perfectly - the backdrop or context is the Samudra-mathana (Incident of churning of the ocean) and says humorously that it was their dress that made the difference for the gods ViShNu and Shiva, the God of the Ocean gave the most terrible poison (Halahala) to Shiva but gave his own daughter (Lakshmi) to Vishnu !

    kiM vAsasA ityatra vichAraNIyaM
    vAsaH pradhAnaM khalu yogyatAyai |
    pItAmbaraM vIkShya dadau svakanyAM
    digambaraM vIkShya viShaM samudraH ||

    किं वाससा इत्यत्र विचारणीयं
    वासः प्रधानं खलु योग्यतायै ।
    पीताम्बरं वीक्ष्य ददौ स्वकन्यां
    दिगम्बरं वीक्ष्य विषं समुद्रः ॥

    "What's in one's dress"—-is a point for contemplation;
    apparel is indeed important for appropriateness;
    Looking at the one dressed in bright yellow clothes (Pitambara - MahAviShNu), the ocean gave him his daughter;
    seeing the one dressed in nothing (Digambara - Shiva) the same ocean gave him poison!

    That said, my personal opinion is - first appearances and first impressions will attract people to you, but after sometime it is your integrity and confidence and kindness that keep the people with you.

    Keep smiling!
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2021
    Needtobestrong and Mistt like this.
  2. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    +1 to the above. I feel like typing it up in my own words. Kind of like making or taking notes. : )

    - It is about how one carries themselves.
    - Confident people reflect their confidence in their personality. This visible confidence helps them get things done.
    - Beauty is about being well-groomed, doing the best with your natural looks and height, weight, skin color, hair texture and volume.
    - How we view ourselves and the image we project is what the world sees and responds to.

    (the last one is my own thought, jotted down in the left margin, next to the notes :smile: )
    - Being beautiful by the conventional meaning of beautiful helps only a little. For that matter, looking well-groomed or portraying confidence help only to a certain extent. Beyond that, one has to deliver.
  3. anika987

    anika987 IL Hall of Fame

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    - Being beautiful by the conventional meaning of beautiful helps only a little. For that matter, looking well-groomed or portraying confidence help only to a certain extent. Beyond that, one has to deliver.

    So true!
    nayidulhan, Needtobestrong and Rihana like this.
  4. anika987

    anika987 IL Hall of Fame

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    Just a random thought..

    Perception of success also differs from Person to person.You do not need to be anything which is defined by the society and still be very successful.It is all a mirage.
    nayidulhan and Needtobestrong like this.
  5. nayidulhan

    nayidulhan Silver IL'ite

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    Good insight, Desiindian. I agree. Beauty may help make the first impression but a lasting impression is made by skills, talent and the beauty of the heart.

    @Needtobestrong . from my personal experience, beautiful ladies get the initial advantage, but a lasting permanent advantage can be leveraged only through talent and attitude.

    Also there are other factors that play a role in this. The age and background of the "beautiful" and the "beholder", the purpose for which the beauty is evaluated, etc. :)
    Needtobestrong likes this.
  6. beautifullife30

    beautifullife30 Platinum IL'ite

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    Your post reminds me of an incident that happened when i was a fresher.

    I always used to and still wear chudidars for office. I was and am not really into power suits or business skirts. My then manager took me into the conference room one day and told me ... "Hey, do you know 'S'? She is not a great looker but she dresses smartly and carries herself better. So you should start dressing in skirts and business suits if you want to go places :eek:."

    That did it for me. I didn't talk back to him being the clumsy, scared fresher. But i decided that day that chudidars were my clothes.

    As a lot of them pointed it out earlier, dressing smartly and carrying yourself with confidence plays a major role. Your pretty looks might just attract the wrong sort of attention. But in the long run, your skill set and your attitude matter the most. And grooming definitely helps!
    Needtobestrong and Rihana like this.
  7. Needtobestrong

    Needtobestrong Platinum IL'ite

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    Thanks you ladies for sharing your thoughts.
    Very interesting discussion indeed.
    Though beautiful ladies get a lot of attention, sometimes desired and sometimes unwanted. Still I know a few ladies who , in spite of being extremely beautiful were not happy in married life as they were in a toxic relationship and lacked the self confidence to leave the relation, or weren’t so successful professionally as they lacked smartness and maybe the job related skills to move ahead.
    If the husband is a real jerk, he can have the most beautiful and nicest woman in the world as his wife and still not care about her, ignore her and treat her like a piece of ****.
    On the other hand I also have seen ladies who got many opportunities that they may or may not have deserved as they were exceptionally beautiful and charming and could win over anyone by their smile and sweet talks and dazzling appearance.
    It’s on a case to case basis I guess.
    Very interesting discussion.
    And this thread and all this talk about self grooming remind me...of the few kilos that I resolved to lose and my clothes which are gathering dust in my wardrobe since past 1.5 yrs due to staying indoors in T-shirt pyjamas due to pandemic...the DIY self grooming appliances like wax strips, eyebrow trimmers, which I bought for using now as I avoided salons, and the lip sticks and lip glosses that crossed their expiry date during the pandemic...haha.

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